Friday, July 23, 2021

Harmonic analysis of 2d CFT partition functions

arXiv:2107.10744 Nathan Benjamin, Scott Collier, A. Liam Fitzpatrick, Alexander Maloney, Eric Perlmutter We apply the theory of harmonic analysis on the fundamental domain of SL(2,Z) to partition functions of two-dimensional conformal field theories. We decompose the partition function of c free bosons on a Narain lattice into eigenfunctions of the Laplacian of worldsheet moduli space H/SL(2,Z), and of target space moduli space O(c,c;Z)∖O(c,c;R)/O(c)×O(c). This decomposition manifests certain properties of Narain theories and ensemble averages thereof. We extend the application of spectral theory to partition functions of general two-dimensional conformal field theories, and explore its meaning in connection to AdS3 gravity. An implication of harmonic analysis is that the local operator spectrum is fully determined by a certain subset of degeneracies.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

On refined Chern-Simons and refined ABJ matrix models

arXiv:2107.07525 Luca Cassia, Maxim Zabzine We consider the matrix model of U(N) refined Chern-Simons theory on S3 for the unknot. We derive a q-difference operator whose insertion in the matrix integral reproduces an infinite set of Ward identities which we interpret as q-Virasoro constraints. The constraints are rewritten as difference equations for the generating function of Wilson loop expectation values which we solve as a recursion for the correlators of the model. The solution is repackaged in the form of superintegrability formulas for Macdonald polynomials. Additionally, we derive an equivalent q-difference operator for a similar refinement of ABJ theory and show that the corresponding q-Virasoro constraints are equal to those of refined Chern-Simons for a gauge super-group U(N|M). Our equations and solutions are manifestly symmetric under Langlands duality q↔t−1 which correctly reproduces 3d Seiberg duality when q is a specific root of unity.