Thursday, May 29, 2014

AGT relations for abelian quiver gauge theories on ALE spaces

We construct level one dominant representations of the affine Kac-Moody algebra $\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}}_k$ on the equivariant cohomology groups of moduli spaces of rank one framed sheaves on the orbifold compactification of the minimal resolution $X_k$ of the $A_{k-1}$ toric singularity $\mathbb{C}^2/\mathbb{Z}_k$. We show that the direct sum of the fundamental classes of these moduli spaces is a Whittaker vector for $\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}}_k$, which proves the AGT correspondence for pure $\mathcal{N}=2$ $U(1)$ gauge theory on $X_k$. We consider Carlsson-Okounkov type Ext-bundles over products of the moduli spaces and use their Euler classes to define vertex operators. Under the decomposition $\widehat{\mathfrak{gl}}_k\simeq \mathfrak{h}\oplus \widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_k$, these vertex operators decompose as products of bosonic exponentials associated to the Heisenberg algebra $\mathfrak{h}$ and primary fields of $\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_k$. We use these operators to prove the AGT correspondence for $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal abelian quiver gauge theories on $X_k$.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

M-theory interpretation of the real topological string

We describe the type IIA physical realization of the unoriented topological string introduced by Walcher, describe its M-theory lift, and show that it allows to compute the open and unoriented topological amplitude in terms of one-loop diagram of BPS M2-brane states. This confirms and allows to generalize the conjectured BPS integer expansion of the topological amplitude. The M-theory lift of the orientifold is freely acting on the M-theory circle, so that integer multiplicities are a weighted version of the (equivariant subsector of the) original closed oriented Gopakumar-Vafa invariants. The M-theory lift also provides new perspective on the topological tadpole cancellation conditions. We finally comment on the M-theory version of other unoriented topological strings, and clarify certain misidentifications in earlier discussions in the literature.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Computing topological zeta functions of groups, algebras, and modules, I

We develop techniques for computing zeta functions associated with nilpotent groups, not necessarily associative algebras, and modules, as well as Igusa-type zeta functions. At the heart of our method lies an explicit convex-geometric formula for a class of $p$-adic integrals under non-degeneracy conditions with respect to associated Newton polytopes. Our techniques prove to be especially useful for the computation of topological zeta functions associated with algebras, resulting in the first systematic investigation of their properties.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Spherical T-Duality

We introduce spherical T-duality, which relates pairs of the form $(P,H)$ consisting of a principal $SU(2)$-bundle $P\rightarrow M$ and a 7-cocycle $H$ on $P$. Intuitively spherical T-duality exchanges $H$ with the second Chern class $c_2(P)$. Unless $dim(M)\leq 4$, not all pairs admit spherical T-duals and the spherical T-duals are not always unique. Nonetheless, we prove that all spherical T-dualities induce a degree-shifting isomorphism on the 7-twisted cohomologies of the bundles and, when $dim(M)\leq 7$, also their integral twisted cohomologies and, when $dim(M)\leq 4$, even their 7-twisted K-theories. While spherical T-duality does not appear to relate equivalent string theories, it does provide an identification between conserved charges in certain distinct IIB supergravity and string compactifications.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Rigidity in automorphic representations and local systems

We introduce the notion of rigidity for automorphic representations of groups over global function fields. We construct the Langlands parameters of rigid automorphic representations explicitly as local systems over open curves. We expect these local systems to be rigid. Examples of rigid automorphic representations from previous work are reviewed and more examples for $GL_{2}$ are discussed in details.

Improper Intersections of Kudla-Rapoport divisors and Eisenstein series

We consider a certain family of Kudla-Rapoport cycles on an integral model of a Shimura variety attached to a unitary group of signature (1,1), and prove that the arithmetic degrees of these cycles can be identified with the Fourier coefficients of the central derivative of an Eisenstein series of genus 2. The integral model in question parametrizes abelian surfaces equipped with a non-principal polarization and an action of an imaginary quadratic number ring, and in this setting the cycles are degenerate: they may contain components of positive dimension. This result can be viewed as confirmation, in the degenerate setting and for dimension 2, of conjectures of Kudla and Kudla-Rapoport that predict relations between the intersection numbers of special cycles and the Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Exact results on ABJ theory and the refined topological string

We study the partition function of the ABJ theory, which is the N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons matter theory with gauge group U(N)xU(N+M) and Chern-Simons levels (k,-k). We exactly compute the ABJ partition function on a three sphere for various k, M and N via the Fermi gas approach. By using these exact data, we show that the ABJ partition function is completely determined by the refined topological string on local P^1 x P^1, including membrane instanton effects in the M-theory dual.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hurwitz-Lerch zeta and Hurwitz-Lerch type of Euler-Zagier double zeta distributions

In this paper, we give Hurwitz-Lerch zeta distributions with $0 < \sigma \ne 1$ by using the Gamma function. Moreover, we define Hurwitz-Lerch type of Euler-Zagier double zeta distributions not only in the region of absolute convergence but also the outside of the region of absolute convergence.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

On KP-integrable Hurwitz functions

There is now a renewed interest to the Hurwitz tau-function, counting the isomorphism classes of Belyi pairs, arising in the study of equilateral triangulations and Grothiendicks's dessins d'enfant. It is distinguished by belonging to a particular family of Hurwitz tau-functions, possessing conventional Toda/KP integrability properties. We explain how the variety of recent observations about this function fits into the general theory of matrix model tau-functions. All such quantities possess a number of different descriptions, related in a standard way: these include Toda/KP integrability, several kinds of W-representations (we describe four), two kinds of integral (multi-matrix model) descriptions (of Hermitian and Kontsevich types), Virasoro constraints, character expansion, embedding into generic set of Hurwitz tau-functions and relation to knot theory. When approached in this way, the family of models in the literature has a natural extension, and additional integrability with respect to associated new time-variables. Another member of this extended family is the Itsykson-Zuber integral.

Level Two String Functions and Rogers Ramanujan Type Identities

The level two string functions are calculated exactly for all simply laced Lie algebras, using a ladder coset construction. These are the characters of cosets of the type $G/U(1)^r$, where $G$ is the algebra at level two and $r$ is its rank. This coset is a theory of generalized parafermions. A conjectured Rogers Ramanujan type identity is described for these characters. Using the exact string functions, we verify the Rogers Ramanujan type expressions, that are the main focus of this work.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Katz-Klemm-Vafa conjecture for K3 surfaces

We prove the KKV conjecture expressing Gromov-Witten invariants of K3 surfaces in terms of modular forms. Our results apply in every genus and for every curve class. The proof uses the Gromov-Witten/Pairs correspondence for K3-fibered hypersurfaces of dimension 3 to reduce the KKV conjecture to statements about stable pairs on (thickenings of) K3 surfaces. Using degeneration arguments and new multiple cover results for stable pairs, we reduce the KKV conjecture further to the known primitive cases. Our results yield a new proof of the full Yau-Zaslow formula, establish new Gromov-Witten multiple cover formulas, and express the fiberwise Gromov-Witten partition functions of K3-fibered 3-folds in terms of explicit modular forms.