Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Towards a Classification of Two-Character Rational Conformal Field Theories


A. Ramesh ChandraSunil Mukhi

We provide a simple and general construction of infinite families of consistent, modular-covariant pairs of characters satisfying the basic requirements to describe two-character RCFT. These correspond to solutions of generic second-order modular linear differential equations. To find these solutions, we first construct "quasi-characters" from the Kaneko-Zagier equation and subsequent works by Kaneko and collaborators, together with coset dual generalisations that we provide in this paper. We relate our construction to the Hecke images recently discussed by Harvey and Wu.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Computing the elliptic genus of higher rank E-strings from genus 0 GW invariants


Zhihao DuanJie GuAmir-Kian Kashani-Poor

We show that the elliptic genus of the higher rank E-strings can be computed based solely on the genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of the corresponding elliptic geometry. To set up our computation, we study the structure of the topological string free energy on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau manifolds both in the unrefined and the refined case, determining the maximal amount of the modular structure of the partition function that can be salvaged. In the case of fibrations exhibiting only isolated fibral curves, we show that the principal parts of the topological string partition function at given base-wrapping can be computed from the knowledge of the genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants at this base-wrapping, and the partition function at lower base-wrappings. For the class of geometries leading to the higher rank E-strings, this leads to the result stated in the opening sentence.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

3d Modularity


Miranda C. N. ChengSungbong ChunFrancesca FerrariSergei GukovSarah M. Harrison

We find and propose an explanation for a large variety of modularity-related symmetries in problems of 3-manifold topology and physics of 3d N=2 theories where such structures a priori are not manifest. These modular structures include: mock modular forms, SL(2,Z) Weil representations, quantum modular forms, non-semisimple modular tensor categories, and chiral algebras of logarithmic CFTs.