Monday, December 31, 2007

M-branes on U-folds

M. Cederwall
We give a preliminary discussion of how the addition of extra coordinates in M-theory, which together with the original ones parametrise a U-fold, can serve as a tool for formulating brane dynamics with manifest U-duality. The redundant degrees of freedom are removed by generalised self-duality constraints or calibration conditions made possible by the algebraic structure of U-duality. This is the written version of an invited talk at the 7th International Workshop "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries", Dubna, July 30-August 4, 2007.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Orthogonal involution on algebras of degree 16 and the Killing form of E8

S. Garibaldi
We exploit various inclusions of algebraic groups to give a new construction of groups of type E8, determine the Killing forms of the resulting E8's, and define an invariant of central simple algebras of degree 16 with orthogonal involution "in I^3", equivalently, groups of type D8 with a half-spin representation defined over the base field. The determination of the Killing form is done by restricting the adjoint representation to various twisted forms of PGL2 and requires very little computation.
An appendix by Kirill Zainoulline contains a type of "index reduction" result for groups of type D.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Topological Strings on Local Elliptic Curve and Non Planar 3-Vertex Formalism

L.B. Drissi, H. Jehjouh, E.H. Saidi
Thinking about the local 2-torus as a \emph{toric Calabi-Yau hypersurface} in $\mathcal{O}(-3-m) \to W\mathbb{P}_{1,1,1,m}^{3}$, we study topological strings on local elliptic curve. We develop a non planar topological 3-vertex formalism and give first results regarding A-model topological string amplitudes on the local 2-torus. Then using gauge invariant F-terms, we develop the 2D $U(1) $ gauged $\mathcal{N%}=2$ supersymmetric field set up of the elliptic curve $E$ and the local 2-torus $\mathcal{O}(m)\oplus \mathcal{O}(-m)\to E$ with $m$ an integer.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Evidence for Tadpole Cancellation in the Topological String

J. Walcher
We study the topological string on compact Calabi-Yau threefolds in the presence of orientifolds and D-branes. In examples, we find that the total topological string amplitude admits a BPS expansion only if the topological charge of the D-brane is equal to that of the orientifold plane. We interpret this as a manifestation of a general tadpole cancellation condition in the topological string that is necessary for decoupling of A- and B-model in loop amplitudes. Our calculations in the A-model involve an adapted version of existing localization techniques, and give predictions for the real enumerative geometry of higher genus curves in Calabi-Yau manifolds. In the B-model, we introduce an extension of the holomorphic anomaly equation to unoriented strings.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Calabi-Yau crystals in topological string theory

P. Sułkowski
This thesis is concerned with a realisation of topological theories in terms of statistical models known as Calabi-Yau crystals. The thesis starts with an introduction and review of topological field and string theories. Subsequently several new results are presented. The main focus of the thesis is on the topological string theory. In this case crystal models correspond to three-dimensional partitions and their relations with the topological vertex theory and knot invariants are studied. Two-dimensional crystal models corresponding to topological gauge theories on ALE spaces are also introduced and analysed. Essential mathematical tools are summarised in appendices.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Unoriented D-brane Instantons vs Heterotic worldsheet Instantons

M. Bianchi, J.F. Morales
We discuss Fermi interactions of four hyperini generated by ``stringy'' instantons in a Type I / Heterotic dual pair on T^4/Z_2.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

E(11)-extended spacetime and gauged supergravities

F. Riccioni, P. West
We formulate all the five dimensional gauged maximal supergravity theories as non-linear realisations of the semi-direct product of E_{11} and a set of generators which transform according to the first fundamental representation l of E_{11}. The latter introduces a generalised space-time which plays a crucial role for these theories. We derive the E_{11} and l transformations of all the form fields and their dynamics. We also formulate the five dimensional gauged supergravity theories using the closure of the supersymmetry algebra. We show that this closes on the bosonic field content predicted by E_{11} and we derive the field transformations and the dynamics of this theory. The results are in precise agreement with those found from the E_{11} formulation. This provides a very detailed check of E_{11} and also the first substantial evidence for the generalised space-time. The results can be generalised to all gauged maximal supergravities, thus providing a unified framework of all these theories as part of E_{11}.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Instantons on ALE spaces and orbifold partitions

R. Dijkgraaf, P. Sułkowski
We consider N=4 theories on ALE spaces of $A_{k-1}$ type. As is well known, their partition functions coincide with $A_{k-1}$ affine characters. We show that these partition functions are equal to the generating functions of some peculiar classes of partitions which we introduce under the name 'orbifold partitions'. These orbifold partitions turn out to be related to the generalized Frobenius partitions introduced by G. E. Andrews some years ago. We relate the orbifold partitions to the blended partitions and interpret explicitly in terms of a free fermion system.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

A formula for the R-matrix using a system of weight preserving endomorphisms

P. Tingley
We give a formula for the universal R-matrix. This is similar to a previous formula due to Kirillov-Reshetikhn and Levendorskii-Soibelman, except that where they use the action of the braid group element T_{w_0} acting on each representation V, we show that one can instead use a system of weight preserving endomorphisms. One advantage to our construction is that it is well defined for all symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras, not just those of finite type. However, we do not know a direct proof that the result is a solution to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation, so this has only been established in finite type.

Conformal Field Theory In Four And Six Dimensions

E. Witten
The goal of these notes is to give a brief explanation of how electric-magnetic duality in four dimensions is related to the existence of an unusual conformal field theory in six dimensions.

On the automorphism groups of q-enveloping algebras of nilpotent Lie algebras

S. Launois
We investigate the automorphism group of the quantised enveloping algebra U of the positive nilpotent part of certain simple complex Lie algebras g in the case where the deformation parameter q \in \mathbb{C}^* is not a root of unity. Studying its action on the set of minimal primitive ideals of U we compute this group in the cases where g=sl_3 and g=so_5 confirming a Conjecture of Andruskiewitsch and Dumas regarding the automorphism group of U. In the case where g=sl_3, we retrieve the description of the automorphism group of the quantum Heisenberg algebra that was obtained independently by Alev and Dumas, and Caldero. In the case where g=so_5, the automorphism group of U was computed in [16] by using previous results of Andruskiewitsch and Dumas. In this paper, we give a new (simpler) proof of the Conjecture of Andruskiewitsch and Dumas in the case where g=so_5 based both on the original proof and on graded arguments developed in [17] and [18].

Friday, December 7, 2007

Gauged Supergravities from Twisted Doubled Tori and Non-Geometric String Backgrounds

G. Dall'Agata, N. Prezas, H. Samtleben, M. Trigiante
We propose a universal geometric formulation of gauged supergravity in terms of a twisted doubled torus. We focus on string theory/M-theory reductions with generalized Scherk-Schwarz twists residing in the O(n,n)/E_{7(7)} duality group. The set of doubled geometric fluxes, associated with the duality twists and identified naturally with the embedding tensor of gauged supergravity, captures all known fluxes, i.e. physical form fluxes, ordinary geometric fluxes, as well as their non-geometric counterparts. Furthermore, we provide a prescription for obtaining the effective geometry embedded in the string theory twisted doubled torus or in the M-theory megatorus and apply it for several models of geometric and non-geometrix flux compactifications.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Duality Orbits, Dyon Spectrum and Gauge Theory Limit of Heterotic String Theory on T^6

S. Banerjee, A. Sen
For heterotic string theory compactified on T^6, we derive the complete set of T-duality invariants which characterize a pair of charge vectors (Q,P) labelling the electric and magnetic charges of the dyon. Using this we can identify the complete set of dyons to which the previously derived degeneracy formula can be extended. By going near special points in the moduli space of the theory we derive the spectrum of quarter BPS dyons in N=4 supersymmetric gauge theory with simply laced gauge groups. The results are in agreement with those derived from field theory analysis.