Sunday, July 29, 2012

Quantum symmetric Kac-Moody pairs

S. Kolb

The present paper develops a general theory of quantum group analogs of symmetric pairs for involutive automorphism of the second kind of symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras. The resulting quantum symmetric pairs are right coideal subalgebras of quantized enveloping algebras. They give rise to triangular decompositions, including a quantum analog of the Iwasawa decomposition, and they can be written explicitly in terms of generators and relations. Moreover, their centers and their specializations are determined. The constructions follow G. Letzter's theory of quantum symmetric pairs for semisimple Lie algebras. The main additional ingredient is the classification of involutive automorphisms of the second kind of symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebras due to Kac and Wang. The resulting theory comprises various classes of examples which have previously appeared in the literature, such as q-Onsager algebras and the twisted q-Yangians introduced by Molev, Ragoucy, and Sorba.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Quantum extremal loop weight modules and monomial crystals

M. Mathieu

In this paper we construct a new family of representations for the quantum toroidal algebras of type $A_n$. The definition of extremal loop weight modules of quantum toroidal algebras was proposed by Hernandez in [23]. We construct extremal loop weight modules associated to analogues of level 0 fundamental weights $\varpi_\ell$ for $\mathcal{U}_q(sl_{n+1}^{tor})$ when $n= 2r+1$ is odd and $\ell = 1$ or $\ell = r+1$, called level 0 extremal fundamental loop weight modules. To do it, we relate monomial realizations of level 0 extremal fundamental weight crystals with integrable representations of $\mathcal{U}_q(sl_{n+1}^{tor})$. The construction is based on the combinatorial study of these crystals: we introduce promotion operators for the level 0 extremal fundamental weight crystals, corresponding to the cyclic symmetry of the Dynkin diagram of type $A_n^{(1)}$. They are used to define an action of the quantum toroidal algebras at the level of representations. By specializing $q$ at roots of unity $\epsilon$, we get finite-dimensional modules of $\mathcal{U}_\epsilon(sl_{n+1}^{tor})$. In general, we give a conjectural process to construct extremal loop weight modules from monomial realizations of crystals.

Exact Results on the ABJM Fermi Gas

Y. Hatsuda, S. Moriyama, K. Okuyama

We study the Fermi gas quantum mechanics associated to the ABJM matrix model. We develop the method to compute the grand partition function of the ABJM theory, and compute exactly the partition function Z(N) up to N=9 when the Chern-Simons level k=1. We find that the eigenvalue problem of this quantum mechanical system is reduced to the diagonalization of a certain Hankel matrix. In reducing the number of integrations by commuting coordinates and momenta, we find an exact relation concerning the grand partition function, which is interesting on its own right and very helpful for determining the partition function. We also study the TBA-type integral equations that allow us to compute the grand partition function numerically. Surprisingly, all of our exact results of the partition functions are written in terms of polynomials of 1/pi with rational coefficients.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

ABJM Wilson loops in the Fermi gas approach

A. Klemm, M. Marino, M. Schiereck, M. Soroush

The matrix model of ABJM theory can be formulated in terms of a Fermi gas in an external potential. We show that, in this formalism, vevs of Wilson loops correspond to averages of operators in the statistical-mechanical problem. This makes it possible to calculate these vevs at all orders in 1/N, up to exponentially small corrections, and for arbitrary Chern-Simons coupling, by using the WKB expansion. We present explicit results for the vevs of 1/6 and the 1/2 BPS Wilson loops, at any winding number, in terms of Airy functions. Our expressions are shown to reproduce the low genus results obtained previously in the 't Hooft expansion.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lectures on non-perturbative effects in large N gauge theories, matrix models and strings

M. Marino

In these lectures I present a review of non-perturbative instanton effects in quantum theories, with a focus on large N gauge theories and matrix models. I first consider the structure of these effects in the case of ordinary differential equations, which provide a model for more complicated theories, and I introduce in a pedagogical way some technology from resurgent analysis, like trans-series and the resurgent version of the Stokes phenomenon. After reviewing instanton effects in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, I address general aspects of large N instantons and then present a detailed review of non-perturbative effects in matrix models. Finally, I also consider two applications of these techniques in string theory.

Supercategorification of quantum Kac-Moody Algebras

S.-J. Kang, M. Kashiwara, S.-j. Oh

We show that the quiver Hecke superalgebras and their cyclotomic quotients provide a supercategorification of quantum Kac-Moody algebras and their integrable highest weight modules.

M5-branes from gauge theories on the 5-sphere

H.-C. Kim, S. Kim

We use the 5-sphere partition functions of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories to explore the (2,0) superconformal theory on S^5 x S^1. The 5d theories can be regarded as Scherk-Schwarz reductions of the 6d theory along a circle. In a special limit, the perturbative partition function takes the form of the Chern-Simons partition function on S^3. With a simple non-perturbative completion, it becomes a 6d index which captures the degeneracy of a sector of BPS states as well as the index version of the vacuum Casimir energy. The Casimir energy exhibits the N^3 scaling at large N. The large N index for U(N) gauge group also completely agrees with the supergravity index on AdS_7 x S^4.

Interacting fermions and N=2 Chern-Simons-matter theories

M. Marino, P. Putrov

The partition function on the three-sphere of N=3 Chern-Simons-matter theories can be formulated in terms of an ideal Fermi gas. In this paper we show that, in theories with N=2 supersymmetry, the partition function corresponds to a gas of interacting fermions in one dimension. The large N limit is the thermodynamic limit of the gas and it can be analyzed with the Hartree and Thomas-Fermi approximations, which lead to the known large N solutions of these models. We use this interacting fermion picture to analyze in detail N=2 theories with one single node. In the case of theories with no long-range forces we incorporate exchange effects and argue that the partition function is given by an Airy function, as in N=3 theories. For the theory with g adjoint superfields and long-range forces, the Thomas-Fermi approximation leads to an integral equation which determines the large N, strongly coupled R-charge.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Colored HOMFLY polynomial via skein theory


In this paper, we study the properties of the colored HOMFLY polynomials via HOMFLY skein theory. We prove some limit behaviors and symmetries of the colored HOMFLY polynomial predicted in some physicists' recent works.