Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Symmetric Spaces in Supergravity

S. Ferrara, A. Marrani
We exploit the relation among irreducible Riemannian globally symmetric spaces (IRGS) and supergravity theories in 3, 4 and 5 space-time dimensions. IRGS appear as scalar manifolds of the theories, as well as moduli spaces of the various classes of solutions to the classical extremal black hole Attractor Equations. Relations with Jordan algebras of degree three and four are also outlined.

Instanton Counting and Dielectric Branes

S. Matsuura
We consider the Hanany-Witten type brane configuration in a background of RR 4-form field strength and examine the behavior of Euclidean D0-branes propagating between two NS5-branes. We evaluate the partition function of the D0-branes and show that it coincides with the Nekrasov partition function of instantons for four-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. In this analysis, the Myers effect plays a crucial role. We apply the same method to the brane configuration realizing four-dimensional N=2 theory with hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation and reproduce the corresponding Nekrasov partition function.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Coset Space Dimensional Reduction and Wilson Flux Breaking of Ten-Dimensional N=1, E(8) Gauge Theory

G. Douzas, T. Grammatikopoulos, G. Zoupanos
We consider a N=1 supersymmetric E(8) gauge theory, defined in ten dimensions and we determine all four-dimensional gauge theories resulting from the generalized dimensional reduction a la Forgacs-Manton over coset spaces, followed by a subsequent application of the Wilson flux spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism. Our investigation is constrained only by the requirements that (i) the dimensional reduction leads to the potentially phenomenologically interesting, anomaly free, four-dimensional E(6), SO(10) and SU(5) GUTs and (ii) the Wilson flux mechanism makes use only of the freely acting discrete symmetries of all possible six-dimensional coset spaces.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Quantum groups and quantization of Weyl group symmetries of Painleve systems

G. Kuroki
We shall construct the quantized q-analogues of the birational Weyl group actions arising from nilpotent Poisson algebras, which are conceptual generalizations, proposed by Noumi and Yamada, of the Backlund transformations for Painleve equations. Consider a quotient Ore domain of the lower nilpotent part of a quantized universal enveloping algebra of arbitrary symmetrizable Kac-Moody type. Then non-integral powers of the image of the Chevalley generators generate the quantized q-analogue of the birational Weyl group action. Using the same method, we shall reconstruct the quantized Backlund transformations of q-Painleve equations constructed by Hasegawa. As a byproduct, we shall prove that any subquotient integral domain of a quantized universal enveloping algebra of finite or affine type is an Ore domain.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Deformed boson-fermion correspondence, Q-bosons, and topological strings on the conifold

P. Sułkowski
We consider two different physical systems for which the basis of the Hilbert space can be parametrized by Young diagrams: free complex fermions and the phase model of strongly correlated bosons. Both systems have natural deformations parametrized by a parameter Q: the former one is related to the deformed boson-fermion correspondence introduced by N. Jing, while the latter is the so-called Q-boson, arising also in the context of quantum groups. We show that both deformations are equivalent and can be realized in the same way in the algebra of Hall-Littlewood symmetric functions. Without a deformation, these reduce to Schur functions, which can be used to construct a generating function of plane partitions, reproducing a topological string partition function on $C^3$. A deformation of both systems leads then to a deformed generating function, which reproduces topological string partition function of the conifold, with the deformation parameter Q identified with the size of $P^1$.

An Instanton Toolbox for F-Theory Model Building

J. Marsano, N. Saulina, S. Schafer-Nameki
Several dimensionful parameters needed for model building can be engineered in a certain class of SU(5) F-theory GUTs by adding extra singlet fields which are localized along pairwise intersections of D7-branes. The values of these parameters, however, depend on dynamics external to the GUT which causes the singlets to acquire suitable masses or expectation values. In this note, we demonstrate that D3-instantons which wrap the same 4-cycle as one of the intersecting D7's can provide precisely the needed dynamics to generate several important scales, including the supersymmetry-breaking scale and the right-handed neutrino mass. Furthermore, these instantons seem unable to directly generate the \mu term suggesting that, at least in this class of models, it should perhaps be tied to one of the other scales in the problem. More specifically, we study the simple system consisting of a pair of D7-branes wrapping del Pezzo surfaces which intersect along a curve $\Sigma$ of genus 0 or 1 and classify all instanton configurations which can potentially contribute to the superpotential. This allows one to formulate topological conditions which must be imposed on \Sigma for various model-building applications. Along the way, we also observe that the construction of arXiv:0808.1286 which engineers a linear superpotential in fact realizes an O'Raifeartaigh model at the KK scale whose 1-loop Coleman-Weinberg potential generically leads to a metastable, long-lived SUSY-breaking vacuum.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Vertex Operator Algebra Analogue of Embedding $D_8$ into $E_8$

Y.-J. Chu, Z.-J. Zheng
Let $L_{D_8}(1, 0)$ and $L_{E_8}(1, 0)$ be the simple vertex operator algebras associated to untwisted affine Lie algebra $\widehat{{\mathbf g}}_{D_{8}}$ and $\widehat{{\mathbf g}}_{E_8}$ with level 1 respectively. We show that $L_{D_8}(1, 0)$ can embed into $L_{E_8}(1, 0)$ as a vertex operator subalgebra. As an $L_{D_8}(1, 0)$-module, $L_{E_8}(1, 0)$ is isomorphic to the extension of $L_{D_8}(1, 0)$ by its simple module $L_{D_8}(1, \overline{\omega}_8)$.

Genus Two Surface and Quarter BPS Dyons: The Contour Prescription

S. Banerjee, A. Sen, Y.K. Srivastava
Following the suggestion of hep-th/0506249 and hep-th/0612011, we represent quarter BPS dyons in N=4 supersymmetric string theories as string network configuration and explore the role of genus two surfaces in determining the spectrum of such dyons. Our analysis leads to the correct contour prescription for integrating the partition function to determine the spectrum in different domains of the moduli space separated by the walls of marginal stability.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

SO(3)-Donaldson invariants of CP^2 and Mock Theta Functions

A. Malmendier, K. Ono
We compute the Moore-Witten regularized u-plane integral on $CP^2$, and we confirm their conjecture that it is the generating function for the SO(3)-Donaldson invariants of $CP^2$. We prove this conjecture using the theory of mock theta functions and harmonic Maass forms. We also derive further such generating functions for the SO(3)-Donaldson invariants with $2 N_f$ massless monopoles using the geometry of certain rational elliptic surfaces ($N_f \in \{0,2,3,4\}$). We show that the partition function for $N_f=4$ is nearly modular. When combined with one of Ramanujan's mock theta functions, we obtain a weight 1/2 modular form. This fact is central to the proof of the conjecture.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Resolution of Hagedorn singularity in superstrings with gravito-magnetic fluxes

C. Angelantonj, C. Kounnas, H. Partouche, N. Toumbas
We consider closed type II and orientofold backgrounds where supersymmetry is spontaneously broken by asymmetric geometrical fluxes. We show that these can be used to describe thermal ensembles with chemical potentials associated to ``gravito-magnetic'' fluxes. The thermal free energy is computed at the one-loop string level, and it is shown to be free of the usual Hagedorn-like instabilities for a certain choice of the chemical potentials. In the closed string gravitational sector, as well as in the open string matter sector of the proposed orientifold construction, the free energy turns out to have ``Temperature duality'' symmetry, ${\cal F}(T/T_H)={\cal F}(T_H/T)$, which requires interchanging the space-time spinor representations $S\leftrightarrow C$. For small temperatures, $T\to 0$, the anti-spinor $C$ decouples from the spectrum while for large temperatures, $T\to \infty$, the spinor $S$ decouples. In both limits the free energy vanishes, as we recover a conventional type II superstring theory. At the self dual point $T=T_H$, the thermal spectra of $S$ and $C$ are identical. At this point there are extra massless scalars in the adjoint representation of an SO(4) non-abelian gauge symmetry group arising from the closed-string sector.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Instantons and SUSY breaking in F-theory

J.J. Heckman, J. Marsano, N. Saulina, S. Schafer-Nameki, C. Vafa
We study instanton contributions to the superpotential of local F-theory compactifications which could potentially be used to engineer models of dynamical supersymmetry breaking. These instantons correspond to Euclidean 3-branes which form a threshold bound state with spacetime filling 7-branes. In certain cases, their contributions to the effective 4-dimensional superpotential can be determined in both perturbative string theory as well as directly via the topologically twisted theory on the 3-brane worldvolume and in all cases we observe an exact match between these results. We further present an instanton generated Polonyi-like model, and characterize subleading corrections to the superpotential which arise from multi-instantons. We also study instanton contributions to 4d pure N=1 SU(N) gauge theory realized by a stack of 7-branes wrapping a rigid 4-cycle and find that there is a non-trivial contribution to the glueball superpotential from the single instanton sector. This correction is absent in the purely 4d theory and could conceivably be used either to stabilize moduli or to break supersymmetry.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Nekrasov Conjecture for Toric Surfaces

E. Gasparim, Ch.-Ch. M. Liu
The Nekrasov conjecture predicts a relation between the partition function for N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and the Seiberg-Witten prepotential. For instantons on R^4, the conjecture was proved, independently and using different methods, by Nekrasov-Okounkov, Nakajima-Yoshioka, and Braverman-Etingof. We prove a generalized version of the conjecture for instantons on noncompact toric surfaces.

Chern-Simons theory, exactly solvable models and free fermions at finite temperature

M. Tierz
We show that matrix models in Chern-Simons theory admit an interpretation as 1D exactly solvable models, paralleling the relationship between the Gaussian model and Calogero model. We compute the corresponding Hamiltonians, ground-state wavefunctions and ground-state energies and point out that the models can be interpreted as quasi-1D Coulomb plasmas. We also study the relationship between Chern-Simons theory on $S^3$ and a system of N one-dimensional fermions at finite temperature with harmonic confinement. In particular we show that the Chern-Simons partition function can be described by the density matrix of the free fermions in a very particular, crystalline, configuration. For this, we both use the Brownian motion and the matrix model description of Chern-Simons theory and find several common features with c=1 theory at finite temperature. Finally, using the exactly solvable model result, we show that the finite temperature effect can be described with a specific two-body interaction term in the Hamiltonian, with 1D Coulombic behavior at large separations.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Class of Nonperturbative Configurations in Abelian-Higgs Models: Complexity from Dynamical Symmetry Breaking

M. Gleiser, J. Thorarinson
We present a numerical investigation of the dynamics of symmetry breaking in both Abelian and non-Abelian $[S U (2)]$ Higgs models in three spatial dimensions. We find a class of time-dependent, long-lived nonperturbative field configurations within the range of parameters corresponding to type-1 superconductors, that is, with vector masses ($m_v$) larger than scalar masses ($m_s$). We argue that these emergent nontopological configurations are related to oscillons found previously in other contexts. For the Abelian-Higgs model, our lattice implementation allows us to map the range of parameter space -- the values of $\beta = (m_s /m_v)^2$ -- where such configurations exist and to follow them for times $t \sim \O(10^5) m^{-1}$. An investigation of their properties for $\hat z$-symmetric models reveals an enormously rich structure of resonances and mode-mode oscillations reminiscent of excited atomic states. For the SU(2) case, we present preliminary results indicating the presence of similar oscillonic configurations.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Integrable structure of melting crystal model with external potentials

T. Nakatsu, K. Takasaki
This is a review of the authors' recent results on an integrable structure of the melting crystal model with external potentials. The partition function of this model is a sum over all plane partitions (3D Young diagrams). By the method of transfer matrices, this sum turns into a sum over ordinary partitions (Young diagrams), which may be thought of as a model of q -deformed random partitions. This model can be further translated to the language of a complex fermion system. A fermionic realization of the quantum torus Lie algebra is shown to underlie therein. With the aid of hidden symmetry of this Lie algebra, the partition function of the melting crystal model turns out to coincide, up to a simple factor, with a tau function of the 1D Toda hierarchy. Some related issues on 4D and 5D supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories, topological strings and the 2D Toda hierarchy are briefly discussed.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Representation theory of Yang-Mills algebras

E. Herscovich, A. Solotar
The aim of this article is to describe families or representations of the Yang-Mills algebras YM(n) (where n>1) defined by Connes and Dubois-Violette. We first describe irreducible finite dimensional representations. Next, we provide families of infinite dimensional representations of YM(n), big enough to separate points of the algebra. In order to prove this result, we use that all Weyl algebras Ar(k) are epimorphic images of YM(n).