Sunday, November 22, 2020

Mathieu Moonshine and Siegel Modular Forms

arXiv:2011.07922 Suresh Govindarajan, Sutapa Samanta A second-quantized version of Mathieu moonshine leads to product formulae for functions that are potentially genus-two Siegel Modular Forms analogous to the Igusa Cusp Form. The modularity of these functions do not follow in an obvious manner. For some conjugacy classes, but not all, they match known modular forms. In this paper,we prove that the product formulae for all conjugacy classes of M24 are indeed Siegel Modular Forms.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Fun with F24

arXiv:2009.14710 Sarah M. Harrison, Natalie M. Paquette, Daniel Persson, Roberto Volpato We study some special features of F24, the holomorphic c=12 superconformal field theory (SCFT) given by 24 chiral free fermions. We construct eight different Lie superalgebras of "physical" states of a chiral superstring compactified on F24, and we prove that they all have the structure of Borcherds-Kac-Moody superalgebras. This produces a family of new examples of such superalgebras. The models depend on the choice of an N=1 supercurrent on F24, with the admissible choices labeled by the semisimple Lie algebras of dimension 24. We also discuss how F24, with any such choice of supercurrent, can be obtained via orbifolding from another distinguished c=12 holomorphic SCFT, the N=1 supersymmetric version of the chiral CFT based on the E8 lattice.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Eichler integrals of Eisenstein series as q-brackets of weighted t-hook functions on partitions

arXiv:2009.07236 Kathrin Bringmann, Ken Ono, Ian Wagner We consider the t-hook functions on partitions fa,t:P→C defined by fa,t(λ):=ta−1∑h∈Ht(λ)1ha, where Ht(λ) is the multiset of partition hook numbers that are multiples of t. The Bloch-Okounkov q-brackets ⟨fa,t⟩q include Eichler integrals of the classical Eisenstein series. For even a≥2, we show that these q-brackets are natural pieces of weight 2−a sesquiharmonic and harmonic Maass forms, while for odd a≤−1, we show that they are holomorphic quantum modular forms. We use these results to obtain new formulas of Chowla-Selberg type, and asymptotic expansions involving values of the Riemann zeta-function and Bernoulli numbers. We make use of work of Berndt, Han and Ji, and Zagier.

Topological Strings on XN,M: Conifold Singularities and Degeneration of Mirror Curves

arXiv:2009.07374 Ambreen Ahmed, M.Nouman Muteeb In this paper we study certain degenerations of the mirror curves, associated with Calabi-Yau threefolds XN,M, and the effect of these degenerations on the topological string partition function of XN,M. We show that when the mirror curve degenerates and become the union of the lower genus curves the corresponding partition function factorizes into pieces corresponding to the components of the degenerate mirror curve. Moreoever we show that using degeneration of a generalised mirror curve it is possible to obtain the partition function corresponding to XN,M−1 from XN,M.

Friday, August 28, 2020

q-Version of Harer-Zagier formula

arXiv:2008.09577 Alexei Morozov, Aleksandr Popolitov, Shamil Shakirov We derive an analogue of the famous Harer-Zagier formula in the q-deformed Hermitian Gaussian matrix model. This fully describes single-trace correlators and opens a road to q-deformations of important matrix models properties, such as genus expansion and Wick theorem.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Surface defects on E-string from 5-brane webs

arXiv:2008.06428 Sung-Soo Kim, Yuji Sugimoto, Futoshi Yagi We study 6d E-string theory with defects on a circle. Our basic strategy is to apply the geometric transition to the supersymmetric gauge theories. First, we calculate the partition functions of the 5d SU(3)0 gauge theory with 10 flavors, which is UV-dual to the 5d Sp(2) gauge theory with 10 flavors, based on two different 5-brane web diagrams, and check that two partition functions agree with each other. Then, by utilizing the geometric transition, we find the surface defect partition function for E-string on R4×T2. We also discuss that our result is consistent with the elliptic genus. Based on the result, we show how the global symmetry is broken by the defects, and discuss that the breaking pattern depends on where/how we insert the defects.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Exact results and Schur expansions in quiver Chern-Simons-matter theories

arXiv:2008.00465 Leonardo Santilli, Miguel Tierz We study several quiver Chern-Simons-matter theories on the three-sphere, combining the matrix model formulation with a systematic use of Mordell's integral, computing partition functions and checking dualities. We also consider Wilson loops in ABJ(M) theories, distinguishing between typical (long) and atypical (short) representations and focusing on the former. Using the Berele-Regev factorization of supersymmetric Schur polynomials, we express the expectation value of the Wilson loops in terms of sums of observables of two factorized copies of U(N) pure Chern-Simons theory on the sphere. Then, we use the Cauchy identity to study the partition functions of a number of quiver Chern-Simons-matter models and the result is interpreted as a perturbative expansion in the parameters tj=−e2πmj, where mj are the masses. Through the paper, we incorporate different generalizations, such as deformations by real masses and/or Fayet-Iliopoulos parameters, the consideration of a Romans mass in the gravity dual, and adjoint matter.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

On matrix models and their q-deformations


Luca CassiaRebecca LodinMaxim Zabzine

Motivated by the BPS/CFT correspondence, we explore the similarities between the classical β-deformed Hermitean matrix model and the q-deformed matrix models associated to 3d N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories on D2×qS1 and S3b by matching parameters of the theories. The novel results that we obtain are the correlators for the models, together with an additional result in the classical case consisting of the W-algebra representation of the generating function. Furthermore, we also obtain surprisingly simple expressions for the expectation values of characters which generalize previously known results.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Fermi gas approach to general rank theories and quantum curves


Naotaka Kubo

It is known that matrix models computing the partition functions of three-dimensional N=4 superconformal Chern-Simons theories described by circular quiver diagrams can be written as the partition functions of ideal Fermi gases when all the nodes have equal ranks. We extend this approach to rank deformed theories. The resulting matrix models factorize into factors depending only on the relative ranks in addition to the Fermi gas factors. We find that this factorization plays a critical role in showing the equality of the partition functions of dual theories related by the Hanany-Witten transition. Furthermore, we show that the inverses of the density matrices of the ideal Fermi gases can be simplified and regarded as quantum curves as in the case without rank deformations. We also comment on four nodes theories using our results.

Qubit Construction in 6D SCFTs


Jonathan J. Heckman

We consider a class of 6D superconformal field theories (SCFTs) which have a large N limit and a semi-classical gravity dual description. Using the quiver-like structure of 6D SCFTs we study a subsector of operators protected from large operator mixing. These operators are characterized by degrees of freedom in a one-dimensional spin chain, and the associated states are generically highly entangled. This provides a concrete realization of qubit-like states in a strongly coupled quantum field theory. Renormalization group flows triggered by deformations of 6D UV fixed points translate to specific deformations of these one-dimensional spin chains. We also present a conjectural spin chain Hamiltonian which tracks the evolution of these states as a function of renormalization group flow, and study qubit manipulation in this setting. Similar considerations hold for theories without AdS duals, such as 6D little string theories and 4D SCFTs obtained from compactification of the partial tensor branch theory on aT2.

Inversion formula for the hypergeometric Fourier transform associated with a root system of type BC


Tatsuo HondaHiroshi OdaNobukazu Shimeno

We give the inversion formula and the Plancherel formula for the hypergeometric Fourier transform associated with a root system of type BC, when the multiplicity parameters are not necessarily nonnegative.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Theta blocks related to root systems


Moritz DittmannHaowu Wang

Gritsenko, Skoruppa and Zagier associated to a root system R a theta block ϑR, which is a Jacobi form of lattice index. We classify the theta blocks ϑR of q-order 1 and show that their Gritsenko lift is a strongly-reflective Borcherds product of singular weight, which is related to Conway's group Co0. As a corollary we obtain a proof of the theta block conjecture by Gritsenko, Poor and Yuen for the pure theta blocks obtained as specializations of the functions ϑR.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Zeta functions of integral nilpotent quiver representations


Seungjai LeeChristopher Voll

We introduce and study zeta functions enumerating subrepresentations of integral quiver representations. For nilpotent such representations defined over number fields, we exhibit a homogeneity condition that we prove to be sufficient for local functional quations of the generic Euler factors of these zeta functions. This generalizes and unifies previous work on submodule zeta functions including, specifically, ideal zeta functions of nilpotent (Lie) rings and their graded analogues.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Zˆ at large N: from curve counts to quantum modularity


Tobias EkholmAngus GruenSergei GukovPiotr KucharskiSunghyuk ParkPiotr Sułkowski

Reducing a 6d fivebrane theory on a 3-manifold Y gives a q-series 3-manifold invariant Zˆ(Y). We analyse the large-Nbehaviour of FK=Zˆ(MK), where MK is the complement of a knot K in the 3-sphere, and explore the relationship between an a-deformed (a=qN) version of FK and HOMFLY-PT polynomials. On the one hand, in combination with counts of holomorphic annuli on knot complements, this gives an enumerative interpretation of FK in terms of counts of open holomorphic curves. On the other, it leads to closed form expressions for a-deformed FK for (2,2p+1)-torus knots. They suggest a furthert-deformation based on superpolynomials, which can be used to obtain a t-deformation of ADO polynomials, expected to be related to categorification. Moreover, studying how FK transforms under natural geometric operations on K indicates relations to quantum modularity in a new setting.