Monday, May 29, 2017

Non-geometric Kaluza-Klein monopoles and magnetic duals of M-theory R-flux backgrounds


Dieter LustEmanuel MalekRichard J. Szabo

We introduce a magnetic analogue of the seven-dimensional nonassociative octonionic R-flux algebra that describes the phase space of M2-branes in four-dimensional locally non-geometric M-theory backgrounds. We show that these two algebras are related by a Spin(7) automorphism of the 3-algebra that provides a covariant description of the eight-dimensional M-theory phase space. We argue that this algebra also underlies the phase space of electrons probing a smeared magnetic monopole in quantum gravity by showing that upon appropriate contractions, the algebra reduces to the noncommutative algebra of a spin foam model of three-dimensional quantum gravity, or to the nonassociative algebra of electrons in a background of uniform magnetic charge. We realise this set-up in M-theory as M-waves probing a delocalised Kaluza-Klein monopole, and show that this system also has a seven-dimensional phase space. We suggest that the smeared Kaluza-Klein monopole is non-geometric because it cannot be described by a local metric. This is the magnetic analogue of the local non-geometry of the R-flux background and arises because the smeared Kaluza-Klein monopole is described by a U(1)-gerbe rather than a U(1)-fibration.

Super Vertex Algebras, Meromorphic Jacobi Forms and Umbral Moonshine


John F. R. DuncanAndrew O'Desky

The vector-valued mock modular forms of umbral moonshine may be repackaged into meromorphic Jacobi forms of weight one. In this work we constructively solve two cases of the meromorphic module problem for umbral moonshine. Specifically, for the type A Niemeier root systems with Coxeter numbers seven and thirteen, we construct corresponding bigraded super vertex operator algebras, equip them with actions of the corresponding umbral groups, and verify that the resulting trace functions on canonically twisted modules recover the meromorphic Jacobi forms that are specified by umbral moonshine. We also obtain partial solutions to the meromorphic module problem for the type A Niemeier root systems with Coxeter numbers four and five, by constructing super vertex operator algebras that recover the meromorphic Jacobi forms attached to maximal subgroups of the corresponding umbral groups.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

ADE String Chains and Mirror Symmetry


Babak HaghighatWenbin YanShing-Tung Yau

6d superconforaml field theories (SCFTs) are the SCFTs in the highest possible dimension. They can be geometrically engineered in F-theory by compactifying on non-compact elliptic Calabi-Yau manifolds. In this paper we focus on the class of SCFTs whose base geometry is determined by 2 curves intersecting according to ADE Dynkin diagrams and derive the corresponding mirror Calabi-Yau manifold. The mirror geometry is uniquely determined in terms of the mirror curve which has also an interpretation in terms of the Seiberg-Witten curve of the four-dimensional theory arising from torus compactification. Adding the affine node of the ADE quiver to the base geometry, we connect to recent results on SYZ mirror symmetry for the A case and provide a physical interpretation in terms of little string theory. Our results, however, go beyond this case as our construction naturally covers the D and E cases as well.

The Monster, the Baby Monster and Traces of Singular Moduli


Victor Godet

In this note, we provide evidence for new (super) moonshines relating the Monster and the Baby monster to some weakly holomorphic weight 1/2 modular forms defined by Zagier in his work on traces of singular moduli. They are similar in spirit to the recently discovered Thompson moonshine.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Fractional Quiver W-algebras


Taro KimuraVasily Pestun

We introduce quiver gauge theory associated with the non-simply-laced type fractional quiver, and define fractional quiver W-algebras by using construction of arXiv:1512.08533 and arXiv:1608.04651 with representation of fractional quivers.

Generalized Kloosterman Sums from M2-branes


Joao Gomes

Kloosterman sums play a special role in analytic number theory, for expressing the integer Fourier coefficients of modular forms as an infinite sum of Bessel functions, also known as Rademacher formula. The generalization to vector-valued modular forms is known as generalized Kloosterman sums. In the paper arxiv:1404.0033, a remarkable connection between these arithmetic sums and quantum black hole entropy was found. Nevertheless, the computation was particular for one-eighth BPS black holes in N=8string theory, which have a simple counting formula. Here, we review this construction and extend it to the case of one-quarter BPS black holes in N=4 string theory, which are counted by (mock) Jacobi forms of arbitrary index. The main result is an holographic derivation of the Kloosterman sums which includes the intricate sum over phases and depends exactly on the spectral flow sectors and the spectrum of polar states. On the microscopic side we derive an analytic formula for the Kloosterman sums valid for any index, whereas from the macroscopic side we reproduce the same formula from the M-theory path integral on Zc orbifolds of AdS2×S1. A key aspect of the derivation is the identification of the spectral flow sectors with the contribution of M2 branes wrapping cycles on the compactification manifold. After a careful treatment of the measure, the sum over orbifolds results in the sum over Bessels, in perfect agreement with the Rademacher expansion at any order in perturbation theory.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Refined geometric transition and qq-characters


Taro KimuraHironori MoriYuji Sugimoto

We show the refinement of the prescription for the geometric transition in the refined topological string theory and, as its application, discuss a possibility to describe qq-characters from the string theory point of view. Though the suggested way to operate the refined geometric transition has passed through several checks, it is additionally found in this paper that the presence of the preferred direction brings a nontrivial effect. We provide the modified formula involving this point. We then apply our prescription of the refined geometric transition to proposing the stringy description of doubly quantized Seiberg--Witten curves called qq-characters in certain cases.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Pure SU(2) gauge theory partition function and generalized Bessel kernel


P. GavrylenkoO. Lisovyy

We show that the dual partition function of the pure N=2 SU(2) gauge theory in the self-dual Ω-background (a) is given by Fredholm determinant of a generalized Bessel kernel and (b) coincides with the tau function associated to the general solution of the Painlev\'e III equation of type D8 (radial sine-Gordon equation). In particular, the principal minor expansion of the Fredholm determinant yields Nekrasov combinatorial sums over pairs of Young diagrams.