Sunday, November 29, 2009

Large N duality beyond the genus expansion

We study non-perturbative aspects of the large N duality between Chern-Simons theory on lens spaces and topological strings on toric Calabi-Yau geometries, and we find a rich structure of large N phase transitions in the complex plane of the 't Hooft parameter. These transitions are due to large N instanton effects, and they can be regarded as a deformation of the Stokes phenomenon. Moreover, we show that, for generic values of the 't Hooft coupling, instanton effects are not exponentially suppressed at large N and they correct the genus expansion. This phenomenon was first discovered in the context of matrix models, and we interpret it as a generalization of the oscillatory asymptotics along anti-Stokes lines. In the string dual, the instanton effects can be interpreted as corrections to the saddle string geometry due to discretized neighboring geometries. As a mathematical application, we obtain the 1/N asymptotics of the partition function of Chern-Simons theory on L(2,1), and we test it numerically to high precision in order to exhibit the importance of instanton effects.

Chiral flavors and M2-branes at toric CY4 singularities

We extend the stringy derivation of N=2 AdS4/CFT3 dualities to cases where the M-theory circle degenerates at complex codimension-two submanifolds of a toric conical CY4. The type IIA backgrounds include D6-branes, and the dual N=2 quiver gauge theories contain chiral flavors. We provide a general recipe to derive the geometric moduli space of flavored versions of Abelian toric quiver gauge theories. The CY4 cone is reproduced thanks to a non-trivial quantum F-term relation between diagonal monopole operators and bifundamental fields. We find new field theory duals to many geometries, including Q111.

Notes on the Quiver Matrix Model and 2d-4d Conformal Connection

We review the quiver matrix model (the ITEP model) in the light of the recent progress on 2d-4d connection of conformal field theories, in particular, the AGT conjecture and the recent proposal by Dijkgraaf and Vafa on the relation between Toda field theories and a class of quiver superconformal gauge theories. On the basis of the CFT representation of the beta deformation of the model, a quantum spectral curve is introduced as <<>> =0 at finite N and for beta \neq 1. The planar loop equation in the large N limit follows with the aid of W_n constraints. Residue analysis is provided both for the curve of the matrix model with the "multi-log" potential and for the Seiberg-Witten curve in the case of SU(3) with six flavors, leading to the matching of the mass parameters.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Localization for Wilson Loops in Chern-Simons Theory

We reconsider Chern-Simons gauge theory on a Seifert manifold M, which is the total space of a nontrivial circle bundle over a Riemann surface, possibly with orbifold points. As shown in previous work with Witten, the path integral technique of non-abelian localization can be used to express the partition function of Chern-Simons theory in terms of the equivariant cohomology of the moduli space of flat connections on M. Here we extend this result to apply to the expectation values of Wilson loop operators which wrap the circle fibers of M. Under localization, such a Wilson loop operator reduces naturally to the Chern character of an associated universal bundle over the moduli space. Along the way, we demonstrate that the stationary-phase approximation to the Wilson loop path integral is exact for torus knots, an observation made empirically by Lawrence and Rozansky prior to this work.

Multi-instantons in large N Matrix Quantum Mechanics

We calculate the multi-instanton corrections to the ground state energy in large $N$ Matrix Quantum Mechanics. We find that they can be obtained, through a non-perturbative difference equation, from the multi-instanton series in conventional Quantum Mechanics, as determined by the exact WKB method. We test our results by verifying that the one-instanton correction controls the large order behavior of the $1/N$ expansion in the quartic potential and in the $c=1$ string.

Topological Strings and Quantum Curves

This thesis presents several new insights on the interface between mathematics and theoretical physics, with a central role for fermions on Riemann surfaces. First of all, the duality between Vafa-Witten theory and WZW models is embedded into string theory. Secondly, this model is generalized to a web of dualities connecting topological string theory and N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories to a configuration of D-branes that intersect over a Riemann surface. This description yields a new perspective on topological string theory in terms of a KP integrable system based on a quantum curve. Thirdly, this thesis describes a geometric analysis of wall-crossing in N=4 string theory. And lastly, it offers a novel approach to construct metastable vacua in type IIB string theory.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Coadjoint Orbits and Wilson Loops in Five Dimensional Topological Gauge Theories

We give path integral expressions of Wilson loops. This work is an extension of the relation between characters of Lie groups and quantum mechanics whose phase spaces are coadjoint orbits. The path-ordering operators in Wilson loops are considered as the time-ordering operators of the quantum mechanics. Then, by using this expression the formal discussion are simplified. As an application of this expression, we considered one-point functions of BPS Wilson loops in a five dimensional topological gauge theory defined on M_4\times S^1. We found that the Wilson loop gives interaction terms between charged particles and certain gauge fields on the instanton moduli space, and makes the non-charged particle charged under the gauge fields.

Nekrasov Functions from Exact BS Periods: the Case of SU(N)

In arXiv:0910.5670 we suggested that the Nekrasov function with one non-vanishing deformation parameter \epsilon is obtained by the standard Seiberg-Witten contour-integral construction. The only difference is that the Seiberg-Witten differential pdx is substituted by its quantized version for the corresponding integrable system, and contour integrals become exact monodromies of the wave function. This provides an explicit formulation of the earlier guess in arXiv:0908.4052. In this paper we successfully check this suggestion in the first order in \epsilon^2 and the first order in instanton expansion for the SU(N) model, where non-trivial is already consistency of the so deformed Seiberg-Witten equations.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Topological expansion of the Bethe ansatz, and quantum algebraic geometry

In this article, we solve the loop equations of the \beta-random matrix model, in a way similar to what was found for the case of hermitian matrices \beta=1. For \beta=1, the solution was expressed in terms of algebraic geometry properties of an algebraic spectral curve of equation y^2=U(x). For arbitrary \beta, the spectral curve is no longer algebraic, it is a Schroedinger equation ((\hbar\partial)^2-U(x)).\psi(x)=0 where \hbar\propto (\sqrt\beta-1/\sqrt\beta). In this article, we find a solution of loop equations, which takes the same form as the topological recursion found for \beta=1. This allows to define natural generalizations of all algebraic geometry properties, like the notions of genus, cycles, forms of 1st, 2nd and 3rd kind, Riemann bilinear identities, and spectral invariants F_g, for a quantum spectral curve, i.e. a D-module of the form y^2-U(x), where [y,x]=\hbar. Also, our method allows to enumerate non-oriented discrete surfaces.

Octonionic Cayley Spinors and E6

Attempts to extend our previous work using the octonions to describe fundamental particles lead naturally to the consideration of a particular real, noncompact form of the exceptional Lie group E6, and of its subgroups. We are therefore led to a description of E6 in terms of 3x3 octonionic matrices, generalizing previous results in the 2x2 case. Our treatment naturally includes a description of several important subgroups of E6, notably G2, F4, and (the double cover of) SO(9,1), An interpretation of the actions of these groups on the squares of 3-component "Cayley spinors" is suggested.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Twist in the Dyon Partition Function

In four dimensional string theories with N=4 and N=8 supersymmetries one can often define twisted index in a subspace of the moduli space which captures additional information on the partition function than the ones contained in the usual helicity trace index. We compute several such indices in type IIB string theory on K3 x T^2 and T^6, and find that they share many properties with the usual helicity trace index that captures the spectrum of quarter BPS states in N=4 supersymmetric string theories. In particular the partition function is a modular form of a subgroup of Sp(2,Z) and the jumps across the walls of marginal stability are controlled by the residues at the poles of the partition function. However for large charges the logarithm of this index grows as 1/n times the entropy of a black hole carrying the same charges where n is the order of the symmetry generator that is used to define the twisted index. We provide a macroscopic explanation of this phenomenon using quantum entropy function formalism. The leading saddle point corresponding to the attractor geometry fails to contribute to the twisted index, but a Z_n orbifold of the attractor geometry produces the desired contribution.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Open/Closed String Topology and Moduli Space Actions via Open/Closed Hochschild Actions

In this paper we extend our correlation functions to the open/closed case. This gives rise to actions of an open/closed version of the Sullivan PROP as well as an action of the relevant moduli space. There are several unexpected structures and conditions that arise in this extension which are forced upon us by considering the open sector. For string topology operations, one cannot just consider graphs, but has to take punctures into account and one has to restrict the underlying Frobenius algebras. In the moduli space, one first has to pass to a smaller moduli space which is closed under open/closed duality and then consider covers in order to account for the punctures.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Enumeration of maps with self avoiding loops and the O(n) model on random lattices of all topologies

We compute the generating functions of a O(n) model (loop gas model) on a random lattice of any topology. On the disc and the cylinder, they were already known, and here we compute all the other topologies. We find that the generating functions (and the correlation functions of the lattice) obey the topological recursion, as usual in matrix models, i.e they are given by the symplectic invariants of their spectral curve.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory and vertex operators

In arXiv:0907.3784, we introduced a variant of non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory in a combinatorial way, which is related with topological vertex by a wall-crossing phenomenon. In this paper, we (1) provide an alternative definition in a geometric way, (2) show that the two definitions agree with each other and (3) compute the invariants using the vertex operator method, following Okounkov-Reshetikhin-Vafa and Young. The stability parameter in the geometric definition determines the order of the vertex operators and hence we can understand the wall-crossing formula in non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas theory as the commutator relation of the vertex operators.

Counting invariants for the ADE McKay quivers

A. Gholampour, Y. Jiang
We consider the moduli space of the McKay quiver representations associated to the binary polyhedral groups G < SU(2) < SU(3). The derived category of such representations is equivalent to the derived category of coherent sheaves on the corresponding ADE resolution Y=G-Hilb(C^3). Following the ideas of Nagao and Nakajima, by making particular choices of parameters in the space of stability conditions on the equivalent derived categories above, we recover Donaldson-Thomas (DT), Pandharipande-Thomas (PT) and Szendroi (NCDT) moduli spaces. We also compute the Gromov-Witten (GW) partition function of Y directly and express the result in terms of the root system of the associated ADE Dynkin diagram. We then verify the conjectural GW/DT/NCDT-correspondence by assuming the DT/PT-correspondence. The Szendroi invariants are the same as the orbifold Donaldson-Thomas invariants for C^3/G defined by Bryan. This will allow us to verify the Crepant Resolution Conjecture for the orbifold Donaldson-Thomas theory in this case.