Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cohomological localization of Chern-Simons theory

J. Kallen
We generalize the framework introduced by Kapustin et al. for doing path integral localization in Chern-Simons theory to work on any Seifert manifold. This is done by topologically twisting the supersymmetric theory considered by Kapustin et al., after which the theory takes a cohomological form. We also consider Wilson loops which wrap the fiber directions and compute their expectation values. We discuss the relation with other approaches to exact path integral calculations in Chern-Simons theory.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Quantum Hitchin Systems via beta-deformed Matrix Models

We study the quantization of Hitchin systems in terms of beta-deformations of generalized matrix models related to conformal blocks of Liouville theory on punctured Riemann surfaces. We show that in a suitable limit, corresponding to the Nekrasov-Shatashvili one, the loop equations of the matrix model reproduce the Hamiltonians of the quantum Hitchin system on the sphere and the torus with marked points. The eigenvalues of these Hamiltonians are shown to be the epsilon1-deformation of the chiral observables of the corresponding N=2 four dimensional gauge theory. Moreover, we find the exact wave-functions in terms of the matrix model representation of the conformal blocks with degenerate field insertions.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The 4d Superconformal Index from q-deformed 2d Yang-Mills

We identify the 2d topological theory underlying the N=2 4d superconformal index with an explicit model: q-deformed 2d Yang-Mills. By this route we are able to evaluate the index of some strongly-coupled 4d SCFTs, such as Gaiotto's T_N theories.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Notes on Euclidean Wilson loops and Riemann Theta functions

The AdS/CFT correspondence relates Wilson loops in N=4 SYM theory to minimal area surfaces in AdS5 space. In this paper we consider the case of Euclidean flat Wilson loops which are related to minimal area surfaces in Euclidean AdS3 space. Using known mathematical results for such minimal area surfaces we describe an infinite parameter family of analytic solutions for closed Wilson loops. The solutions are given in terms of Riemann theta functions and the validity of the equations of motion is proven based on the trisecant identity. A relatively simple formula is derived for the renormalized area and an example is discussed in detail with plots of the corresponding surface. For each Wilson loops we explicitly construct a one parameter family of deformations that preserve the area. The parameter is the so called spectral parameter. Furthermore, for genus three we find a map between these Wilson loops and closed curves inside the Riemann surface.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Intersection numbers of spectral curves

We compute the symplectic invariants of an arbitrary spectral curve with only 1 branchpoint in terms of integrals of characteristic classes in the moduli space of curves. Our formula associates to any spectral curve, a characteristic class, which is determined by the laplace transform of the spectral curve. This is a hint to the key role of Laplace transform in mirror symmetry. When the spectral curve is y=\sqrt{x}, the formula gives Kontsevich--Witten intersection numbers, when the spectral curve is chosen to be the Lambert function \exp{x}=y\exp{-y}, the formula gives the ELSV formula for Hurwitz numbers, and when one chooses the mirror of C^3 with framing f, i.e. \exp{-x}=\exp{-yf}(1-\exp{-y}), the formula gives the Marino-Vafa formula, i.e. the generating function of Gromov-Witten invariants of C^3. In some sense this formula generalizes ELSV, Marino-Vafa formula, and Mumford formula.

Heterotic E6 GUTs and Partition Functions

The E6 grand unified theory is an attractive candidate for the intermediate theory between the standard model and string theory. However, only one E6 grand unified model with three generations and at least one adjoint Higgs field had been derived from string theory in the literature, which is phenomenologically not satisfactory. Recently, in arXiv:1012.1690, we have constructed two new such E6 grand unified models in heterotic asymmetric orbifold. Although our new models themselves cannot resolve the dissatisfaction in the previous model, our discovery raises hopes that one can construct many other such models in this framework and find better ones. Here, by showing partition functions explicitly, we shall explain the details of our construction. Combining all the techniques developed so far in various literatures, we can construct models rather systematically. We hope that these techniques and the details of our construction will lead to more phenomenologically desirable models.

Lectures on localization and matrix models in supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories

In these lectures I give a pedagogical presentation of some of the recent progress in supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories, coming from the use of localization and matrix model techniques. The goal is to provide a simple derivation of the exact interpolating function for the free energy of ABJM theory on the three-sphere, which implies in particular the N^{3/2} behavior at strong coupling. I explain in detail part of the background needed to understand this derivation, like holographic renormalization, localization of path integrals, and large N techniques in matrix models.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Seiberg-like duality in three dimensions for orthogonal gauge groups

We propose a duality for N=2 d=3 Chern-Simons gauge theories with orthogonal gauge groups and matter in the vector representation. This duality generalizes level-rank duality for pure Chern-Simons gauge theories with orthogonal gauge groups and is reminiscent of Seiberg duality in four dimensions. We perform extensive checks by comparing partition functions of theories related by dualities. We also determine the conformal dimensions of fields using Z-extremization.

Friday, April 1, 2011

SL(2,R) Chern-Simons, Liouville, and Gauge Theory on Duality Walls

We propose an equivalence of the partition functions of two different 3d gauge theories. On one side of the correspondence we consider the partition function of 3d SL(2,R) Chern-Simons theory on a 3-manifold, obtained as a punctured Riemann surface times an interval. On the other side we have a partition function of a 3d N=2 superconformal field theory on S^3, which is realized as a duality domain wall in a 4d gauge theory on S^4. We sketch the proof of this conjecture using connections with quantum Liouville theory and quantum Teichmuller theory, and study in detail the example of the once-punctured torus. Motivated by these results we advocate a direct Chern-Simons interpretation of the ingredients of (a generalization of) the Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa relation. We also comment on M5-brane realizations as well as on possible generalizations of our proposals.