Monday, December 24, 2018

Twisted Holography


Kevin CostelloDavide Gaiotto

We derive and test a novel holographic duality in the B-model topological string theory. The duality relates the B-model on certain Calabi-Yau three-folds to two-dimensional chiral algebras defined as gauged βγ systems. The duality conjecturally captures a topological sector of more familiar AdS5/CFT4 holographic dualities.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

4-manifolds and topological modular forms


Sergei GukovDu PeiPavel PutrovCumrun Vafa

We build a connection between topology of smooth 4-manifolds and the theory of topological modular forms by considering topologically twisted compactification of 6d (1,0) theories on 4-manifolds with flavor symmetry backgrounds. The effective 2d theory has (0,1) supersymmetry and, possibly, a residual flavor symmetry. The equivariant topological Witten genus of this 2d theory then produces a new invariant of the 4-manifold equipped with a principle bundle, valued in the ring of equivariant weakly holomorphic (topological) modular forms. We describe basic properties of this map and present a few simple examples. As a byproduct, we obtain some new results on 't Hooft anomalies of 6d (1,0) theories and a better understanding of the relation between 2d (0,1) theories and TMF spectra.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

CHL Calabi-Yau threefolds: Curve counting, Mathieu moonshine and Siegel modular forms


Jim BryanGeorg Oberdieck

A CHL model is the quotient of K3×E by an order N automorphism which acts symplectically on the K3 surface and acts by shifting by an N-torsion point on the elliptic curve E. We conjecture that the primitive Donaldson-Thomas partition function of elliptic CHL models is a Siegel modular form, namely the Borcherds lift of the corresponding twisted-twined elliptic genera which appear in Mathieu moonshine. The conjecture matches predictions of string theory by David, Jatkar and Sen. We use the topological vertex to prove several base cases of the conjecture. Via a degeneration to K3×P1 we also express the DT partition functions as a twisted trace of an operator on Fock space. This yields further computational evidence. An extension of the conjecture to non-geometric CHL models is discussed. 
We consider CHL models of order N=2 in detail. We conjecture a formula for the Donaldson-Thomas invariants of all order two CHL models in all curve classes. The conjecture is formulated in terms of two Siegel modular forms. One of them, a Siegel form for the Iwahori subgroup, has to our knowledge not yet appeared in physics. This discrepancy is discussed in an appendix with Sheldon Katz.

Fourier coefficients and small automorphic representations


Dmitry GourevitchHenrik P. A. GustafssonAxel KleinschmidtDaniel PerssonSiddhartha Sahi

In this paper we analyze Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms on adelic reductive groups G(A). Let π be an automorphic representation of G(A). It is well-known that Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms can be organized into nilpotent orbits O ofG. We prove that any Fourier coefficient FO attached to π is linearly determined by so-called 'Levi-distinguished' coefficients associated with orbits which are equal or larger than O
When G is split and simply-laced, and π is a minimal or next-to-minimal automorphic representation of G(A), we prove that any ηπ is completely determined by its standard Whittaker coefficients with respect to the unipotent radical of a fixed Borel subgroup, analogously to the Piatetski-Shapiro--Shalika formula for cusp forms on GLn. In this setting we also derive explicit formulas expressing any maximal parabolic Fourier coefficient in terms of (possibly degenerate) standard Whittaker coefficients for all simply-laced groups. We provide detailed examples for when G is of type D5E6E7 or E8 with potential applications to scattering amplitudes in string theory.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

M5 branes and Theta Functions


Babak HaghighatRui Sun

We propose quantum states for Little String Theories (LSTs) arising from M5 branes probing A- and D-type singularities. This extends Witten's picture of M5 brane partition functions as theta functions to this more general setup. Compactifying the world-volume of the five-branes on a two-torus, we find that the corresponding theta functions are sections of line bundles over complex 4-tori. This formalism allows us to derive Seiberg-Witten curves for the resulting four-dimensional theories. Along the way, we prove a duality for LSTs observed by Iqbal, Hohenegger and Rey.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Topological strings, strips and quivers


Miłosz PanfilPiotr Sułkowski

We find a direct relation between quiver representation theory and open topological string theory on a class of toric Calabi-Yau manifolds without compact four-cycles, also referred to as strip geometries. We show that various quantities that characterize open topological string theory on these manifolds, such as partition functions, Gromov-Witten invariants, or open BPS invariants, can be expressed in terms of characteristics of the moduli space of representations of the corresponding quiver. This has various deep consequences; in particular, expressing open BPS invariants in terms of motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants, immediately proves integrality of the former ones. Taking advantage of the relation to quivers we also derive explicit expressions for classical open BPS invariants for an arbitrary strip geometry, which lead to a large set of number theoretic integrality statements. Furthermore, for a specific framing, open topological string partition functions for strip geometries take form of generalized q-hypergeometric functions, which leads to a novel representation of these functions in terms of quantum dilogarithms and integral invariants. We also study quantum curves and A-polynomials associated to quivers, various limits thereof, and their specializations relevant for strip geometries. The relation between toric manifolds and quivers can be regarded as a generalization of the knots-quivers correspondence to more general Calabi-Yau geometries.

Physics and geometry of knots-quivers correspondence


Tobias EkholmPiotr KucharskiPietro Longhi

The recently conjectured knots-quivers correspondence relates gauge theoretic invariants of a knot K in the 3-sphere to representation theory of a quiver QK associated to the knot. In this paper we provide geometric and physical contexts for this conjecture within the framework of the large N duality of Ooguri and Vafa, that relates knot invariants to counts of holomorphic curves with boundary on LK, the conormal Lagrangian of the knot in the resolved conifold, and corresponding M-theory considerations. From the physics side, we show that the quiver encodes a 3d N=2 theory T[QK] whose low energy dynamics arises on the worldvolume of an M5 brane wrapping the knot conormal and we match the (K-theoretic) vortex partition function of this theory with the motivic generating series of QK. From the geometry side, we argue that the spectrum of (generalized) holomorphic curves on LK is generated by a finite set of basic disks. These disks correspond to the nodes of the quiver QK and the linking of their boundaries to the quiver arrows. We extend this basic dictionary further and propose a detailed map between quiver data and topological and geometric properties of the basic disks that again leads to matching partition functions. We also study generalizations of A-polynomials associated to QK and (doubly) refined version of LMOV invariants.