Saturday, February 28, 2009

Local E(11)

F. Riccioni, P. West
We give a method of deriving the field-strengths of all massless and massive maximal supergravity theories in any dimension starting from the Kac-Moody algebra $E_{11}$. Considering the subalgebra of $E_{11}$ that acts on the fields in the non-linear realisation as a global symmetry, we show how this is promoted to a gauge symmetry enlarging the algebra by the inclusion of additional generators. We show how this works in eleven dimensions, and we call the resulting enlarged algebra $E_{11}^{local}$. Torus reduction to $D$ dimensions corresponds to taking a subalgebra of $E_{11}^{local}$, called $E_{11,D}^{local}$, that encodes the full gauge algebra of the corresponding $D$-dimensional massless supergravity. We show that each massive maximal supergravity in $D$ dimensions is a non-linear realisation of an algebra $\tilde{E}_{11,D}^{local}$. We show how this works in detail for the case of Scherk-Schwarz reduction of IIB to nine dimensions, and in particular we show how $\tilde{E}_{11,9}^{local}$ arises as a subalgebra of the algebra $E_{11,10B}^{local}$ associated to the ten-dimensional IIB theory. This subalgebra corresponds to taking a combination of generators which is different to the massless case. We then show that $\tilde{E}_{11,D}^{local}$ appears as a deformation of the massless algebra $E_{11,D}^{local}$ in which the commutation relations between the $E_{11}$ and the additional generators are modified. We explicitly illustrate how the deformed algebra is constructed in the case of massive IIA and of gauged five-dimensional supergravity. These results prove the naturalness and power of the method.

Emergent Calabi-Yau Geometry

H. Ooguri, M. Yamazaki
We show how the smooth geometry of Calabi-Yau manifolds emerges from the thermodynamic limit of the statistical mechanical model of crystal melting defined in our previous paper arXiv:0811.2801. In particular, the thermodynamic partition function of molten crystals is shown to be equal to the classical limit of the partition function of the topological string theory by relating the Ronkin function of the characteristic polynomial of the crystal melting model to the holomorphic 3-form on the corresponding Calabi-Yau manifold.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Finding 3x3 Hermitian Matrices over the Octonions with Imaginary Eigenvalues

H. Gillow-Wiles, T. Dray
We show that any 3-component octonionic vector which is purely imaginary, but not quaternionic, is an eigenvector of a 6-parameter family of Hermitian octonionic matrices, with imaginary eigenvalue equal to the associator of its elements.

The automorphic NS5-brane

B. Pioline
Understanding the implications of $SL(2,Z)$ S-duality on the hypermultiplet moduli space of type II string theories has led to much progress recently in uncovering D-instanton contributions. In this note, we suggest that the extended duality group $SL(3,Z)$, which includes both S-duality and Ehlers symmetry, potentially determines the contributions of NS5-branes. We support this claim by automorphizing the perturbative corrections to the "extended universal hypermultiplet", a five-dimensional universal $SL(3)/SO(3)$ subspace which includes the string coupling, overall volume, Ramond zero-form and six-form and NS axion. In particular, we show that NS5-brane contributions are encoded by non-Abelian Fourier coefficients and satisfy a wave function property. We also conjecture that for models with a symmetric moduli space, the partition function of any number of NS5-branes is given by the minimal theta series of the corresponding duality group.

D-brane Instantons in Type II String Theory

R. Blumenhagen, M. Cvetic, S. Kachru, T. Weigand
We review recent progress in determining the effects of D-brane instantons in N=1 supersymmetric compactifications of Type II string theory to four dimensions. We describe the abstract D-brane instanton calculus for holomorphic couplings such as the superpotential, the gauge kinetic function and higher fermionic F-terms. This includes a discussion of multi-instanton effects and the implications of background fluxes for the instanton sector. Our presentation also highlights, but is not restricted to the computation of D-brane instanton effects in quiver gauge theories on D-branes at singularities. We then summarize the concrete consequences of stringy D-brane instantons for the construction of semi-realistic models of particle physics or SUSY-breaking in compact and non-compact geometries.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Generation of Matrix Models by W-operators

A. Morozov, S. Shakirov
We show that partition functions of various matrix models can be obtained by acting on elementary functions with exponents of W-operators. A number of illustrations is given, including the Gaussian Hermitian matrix model, Hermitian model in external field and the Hurwitz-Kontsevitch model, for which we suggest an elegant matrix-model representation. In all these examples, the relevant W-operators belong to the W_3-algebra.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

E(7(7)) and d=11 supergravity

C. Hillmann
This thesis firstly investigates whether D=11 supergravity can be lifted to a higher dimensional theory without introducing additional bosonic fields by interpreting the E(7(7))-symmetry of N=8 d=4 supergravity as part of a coordinate symmetry acting in a 60 dimensional restricted or exceptional geometry. It is proved that the supersymmetry variations of D=11 supergravity, truncated to d=7, can be reproduced from this exceptional geometry in the expected manner. Secondly, Borisov's and Ogievetsky's procedure to construct a theory with diffeomorphism covariance from the joint non-linear realization of the affine linear subgroup of diffeomorphisms with the conformal one is reviewed in detail, which is then extended by discussing torsion in this context.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Exceptional Lie groups

I. Yokota
We describe simply connected compact exceptional simple Lie groups in very elementary way. We first construct all simply connected compact exceptional Lie groups G concretely. Next, we find all involutive automorphisms of G, and determine the group structures of the fixed points subgroup. They correspond to the classification of all irreducible compact symmetric spaces of exceptional type, and that they also correspond to classification of all non-compact exceptionalsimple Lie groups. Finally, we determined the group structures of the maximal subgroups of maximal rank. At any rate, we would like this book to be used in mathematics and physics.

On Local F-theory Geometries and Intersecting D7-branes

R.A. Laamara, A. Belhaj, L.J. Boya, A. Segui
We discuss local F-theory geometries and theirs gauge theory dualities in terms of intersecting D7-branes wrapped four-cycles in Type IIB superstring. The manifolds are built as elliptic K3 surface fibrations over intersecting F_0=CP^1 \times CP^1 base geometry according to ADE Dynkin Diagrams. The base is obtained by blowing up the extended ADE hyper-Kahler singularities of eight dimensional manifolds considered as sigma model target spaces with eight supercharges. The resulting gauge theory of such local F-theory models are given in terms of Type IIB D7-branes wrapped intersecting F_0. The four dimensional N=1 anomaly cancelation requirement translates into a condition on the associated affine Lie algebras.

Branes, Instantons, And Taub-NUT Spaces

E. Witten
ALE and Taub-NUT (or ALF) hyper-Kahler four-manifolds can be naturally constructed as hyper-Kahler quotients. In the ALE case, this construction has long been understood in terms of D-branes; here we give a D-brane derivation in the Taub-NUT case. Likewise, instantons on ALE spaces and on Taub-NUT spaces have ADHM-like constructions related to hyper-Kahler quotients. Here we refine the analysis in the Taub-NUT case by making use of a D-brane probe, and give an application to M-theory.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Langlands duality for finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras

E. Frenkel, D. Hernandez
We describe a correspondence (or duality) between the q-characters of finite-dimensional representations of a quantum affine algebra and its Langlands dual in the spirit of q-alg/9708006 and 0809.4453. We prove this duality for the Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules. In the course of the proof we introduce and construct "interpolating (q,t)-characters" depending on two parameters which interpolate between the q-characters of a quantum affine algebra and its Langlands dual.

The Real Topological String on a local Calabi-Yau

D. Krefl, J. Walcher
We study the topological string on local P2 with O-plane and D-brane at its real locus, using three complementary techniques. In the A-model, we refine localization on the moduli space of maps with respect to the torus action preserved by the anti-holomorphic involution. This leads to a computation of open and unoriented Gromov-Witten invariants that can be applied to any toric Calabi-Yau with involution. We then show that the full topological string amplitudes can be reproduced within the topological vertex formalism. We obtain the real topological vertex with trivial fixed leg. Finally, we verify that the same results derive in the B-model from the extended holomorphic anomaly equation, together with appropriate boundary conditions. The expansion at the conifold exhibits a gap structure that belongs to a so far unidentified universality class.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Massive Type IIA Supergravity and E10

M. Henneaux, E. Jamsin, A. Kleinschmidt, D. Persson
In this talk we investigate the symmetry under E10 of Romans' massive type IIA supergravity. We show that the dynamics of a spinning particle in a non-linear sigma model on the coset space E10/K(E10) reproduces the bosonic and fermionic dynamics of massive IIA supergravity, in the standard truncation. In particular, we identify Romans' mass with a generator of E10 that is beyond the realm of the generators of E10 considered in the eleven-dimensional analysis, but using the same, underformed sigma model. As a consequence, this work provides a dynamical unification of the massless and massive versions of type IIA supergravitiy inside E10.