Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Melting Crystal, Quantum Torus and Toda Hierarchy

T. Nakatsu, K. Takasaki
Searching for the integrable structures of supersymmetric gauge theories and topological strings, we study melting crystal, which is known as random plane partition, from the viewpoint of integrable systems. We show that a series of partition functions of melting crystals gives rise to a tau function of the one-dimensional Toda hierarchy, where the models are defined by adding suitable potentials, endowed with a series of coupling constants, to the standard statistical weight. These potentials can be converted to a commutative sub-algebra of quantum torus Lie algebra. This perspective reveals a remarkable connection between random plane partition and quantum torus Lie algebra, and substantially enables to prove the statement. Based on the result, we briefly argue the integrable structures of five-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric gauge theories and $A$-model topological strings. The aforementioned potentials correspond to gauge theory observables analogous to the Wilson loops, and thereby the partition functions are translated in the gauge theory to generating functions of their correlators. In topological strings, we particularly comment on a possibility of topology change caused by condensation of these observables, giving a simple example.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Mutations Vs. Seiberg duality

J. Vitória
For a quiver with potential, Derksen, Weyman and Zelevinsky defined a combinatorial transformation - mutations. Mukhopadhyay and Ray, on the other hand, tell us how to compute Seiberg dual quivers for some quivers with potentials through a tilting procedure, thus obtaining derived equivalent algebras. In this text, we compare mutations with the concept of Seiberg duality, concluding that for a certain class of potentials (the good ones) mutations coincide with Seiberg duality, therefore giving derived equivalences.

Ramond-Ramond Fields, Cohomology and Non-Geometric Fluxes

A. Bergman, D. Robbins
We consider compactifications of type II string theory in which a d-dimensional torus is fibered over a base X. In string theory, the transition functions of this fibration need not be simply diffeomorphisms of T^d but can involve elements of the T-duality group Spin(d,d,Z). We precisely define the notion of a T-fold with NSNS flux. Given such a T-fold, we define the Z_2-graded cohomology theory describing the unquantized RR field strengths and discuss how the data of a T-fold can be interpreted in terms of generalized NSNS fluxes and the twisted differential of Shelton-Taylor-Wecht.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

U-Duality and the Compactified Gauss-Bonnet Term

L. Bao, J. Bielecki, M. Cederwall, B.E.W. Nilsson, D. Persson
We present the complete toroidal compactification of the Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangian from D dimensions to D-n dimensions. Our goal is to investigate the resulting action from the point of view of the "U-duality" symmetry SL(n+1,R) which is present in the tree-level Lagrangian when D-n=3. The analysis builds upon and extends the investigation of the paper [arXiv:0706.1183], by computing in detail the full structure of the compactified Gauss-Bonnet term, including the contribution from the dilaton exponents. We analyze these exponents using the representation theory of the Lie algebra sl(n+1,R) and determine which representation is the relevant one for quadratic curvature corrections. By interpreting the result of the compactification as a leading term in a large volume expansion of an SL(n+1,Z)-invariant action, we conclude that the overall exponential dilaton factor should not be included in the representation structure. As a consequence, all dilaton exponents correspond to weights of sl(n+1,R), which, nevertheless, remain on the positive side of the root lattice.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Quantum Barnes function as the partition function of the resolved conifold

S. Koshkin
We suggest a new strategy for proving large $N$ duality by interpreting Gromov-Witten, Donaldson-Thomas and Chern-Simons invariants of a Calabi-Yau threefold as different characterizations of the same holomorphic function. For the resolved conifold this function turns out to be the quantum Barnes function, a natural $q$-deformation of the classical one that in its turn generalizes Euler's gamma function. Our reasoning is based on a new formula for this function that expresses it as a graded product of $q$-shifted multifactorials.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ramond-Ramond Fields, Fractional Branes and Orbifold Differential K-Theory

R.J. Szabo, A. Valentino
We study D-branes and Ramond-Ramond fields on global orbifolds of Type II string theory with vanishing H-flux using methods of equivariant K-theory and K-homology. We illustrate how Bredon equivariant cohomology naturally realizes stringy orbifold cohomology. We emphasize its role as the correct cohomological tool which captures known features of the low-energy effective field theory, and which provides new consistency conditions for fractional D-branes and Ramond-Ramond fields on orbifolds. We use an equivariant Chern character from equivariant K-theory to Bredon cohomology to define new Ramond-Ramond couplings of D-branes which generalize previous examples. We propose a definition for groups of differential characters associated to equivariant K-theory. We derive a Dirac quantization rule for Ramond-Ramond fluxes, and study flat Ramond-Ramond potentials on orbifolds.

On general flux backgrounds with localized sources

G. Villadoro, F. Zwirner
We derive new consistency conditions for string compactifications with generic fluxes (RR, NSNS, geometrical) and localized sources (D-branes, NS-branes, KK-monopoles). The constraints are all related by string dualities and share a common origin in M-theory. We also find new sources of instabilities. We discuss the importance of these conditions for the consistency of the effective action and for the study of interpolating solutions between vacua.

Chern class identities from tadpole matching in type IIB and F-theory

P. Aluffi, M. Esole
In light of Sen's weak coupling limit of F-theory as a type IIB orientifold, the compatibility of the tadpole conditions leads to a non-trivial identity relating the Euler characteristics of an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfold and of certain related surfaces. We present the physical argument leading to the identity, and a mathematical derivation of a Chern class identity which confirms it, after taking into account singularities of the relevant loci. This identity of Chern classes holds in arbitrary dimension, and for varieties that are not necessarily Calabi-Yau. Singularities are essential in both the physics and the mathematics arguments: the tadpole relation may be interpreted as an identity involving stringy invariants of a singular hypersurface, and corrections for the presence of pinch-points. The mathematical discussion is streamlined by the use of Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes of singular varieties. We also show how the main identity may be obtained by applying `Verdier specialization' to suitable constructible functions.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The algebra of Wilson-'t Hooft operators

A. Kapustin, N. Saulina
We study the Operator Product Expansion of Wilson-'t Hooft operators in a twisted N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory with gauge group G. The Montonen-Olive duality puts strong constraints on the OPE and in the case G=SU(2) completely determines it. From the mathematical point of view, the Montonen-Olive duality predicts the L^2 Dolbeault cohomology of certain equivariant vector bundles on Schubert cells in the affine Grassmannian. We verify some of these predictions. We also make some general observations about higher categories and defects in Topological Field Theories.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Spacelike Singularities and Hidden Symmetries of Gravity

M. Henneaux, D. Persson, P. Spindel.
We review the intimate connection between (super-)gravity close to a spacelike singularity (the "BKL-limit") and the theory of Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras. We show that in this limit the gravitational theory can be reformulated in terms of billiard motion in a region of hyperbolic space, revealing that the dynamics is completely determined by a (possibly infinite) sequence of reflections, which are elements of a Lorentzian Coxeter group. Such Coxeter groups are the Weyl groups of infinite-dimensional Kac-Moody algebras, suggesting that these algebras yield symmetries of gravitational theories. Our presentation is aimed to be a self-contained and comprehensive treatment of the subject, with all the relevant mathematical background material introduced and explained in detail. We also review attempts at making the infinite-dimensional symmetries manifest, through the construction of a geodesic sigma model based on a Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebra. An explicit example is provided for the case of the hyperbolic algebra E10, which is conjectured to be an underlying symmetry of M-theory. Illustrations of this conjecture are also discussed in the context of cosmological solutions to eleven-dimensional supergravity.

Refined Topological Vertex and Instanton Counting

M. Taki
It has been proposed recently that topological A-model string amplitudes for toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds in non self-dual graviphoton background can be caluculated by a diagrammatic method that is called the "refined topological vertex''. We compute the extended A-model amplitudes for SU(N)-geometries using the proposed vertex. If the refined topological vertex is valid, these computations should give rise to the Nekrasov's partition functions of N=2 SU(N) gauge theories via the geometric engineering. In this article, we verify the proposal by confirming the equivalence between the refined A-model amplitude and the K-theoretic version of the Nekrasov's partition function by explicit computation.

Non-Supersymmetric Attractor Flow in Symmetric Spaces

D. Gaiotto, W. Li, M. Padi
We derive extremal black hole solutions for a variety of four dimensional models which, after Kaluza-Klein reduction, admit a description in terms of 3D gravity coupled to a sigma model with symmetric target space. The solutions are in correspondence with certain nilpotent generators of the isometry group. In particular, we provide the exact solution for a non-BPS black hole with generic charges and asymptotic moduli in N=2 supergravity coupled to one vector multiplet. Multi-centered solutions can also be generated with this technique. It is shown that the non-supersymmetric solutions lack the intricate moduli space of bound configurations that are typical of the supersymmetric case.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Cosmological Constant as an S-duality Goldstone Mode

E. Konishi
For vacua in type IIB moduli space parameterized by the coupling constant, we propose a scheme to interpret the cosmological term in type IIB superstrings as a Goldstone mode from the spontaneous symmetry breaking of $SL(2,{Z})$ to a Fuchsian subgroup of degree one, $\Gamma_h$. The moduli space $\Sigma_h=\Gamma_h\backslash {H}$ has a radial direction with a massive Goldstone mode, and the contribution to the positive cosmological term in the type IIB supergravity action is classified by the eigenvalues of the hyperbolic Laplacian that acts on the moduli space. The condition for the cancellation of the positive and negative cosmological constants suggests that the number of non-compact dimensions in physical space-time is four and predicts a moduli scalar particle that is expected to generate the observable cosmological constant.

Nilpotent orbits in classical Lie algebras over $\textbf{F}_{2^n}$ and the Springer correspondence

T. Xue
We give the number of nilpotent orbits in the Lie algebras of orthogonal groups under the adjoint action of the groups over $\tF_{2^n}$. Let $G$ be an adjoint algebraic group of type $B,C$ or $D$ defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2. We construct the Springer correspondence for the nilpotent variety in the Lie algebra of $G$.

Dominant K-theory and Integrable highest weight representations of Kac-Moody groups

N. Kitchloo
We give a topological interpretation of the highest weight representations of Kac-Moody groups. Given the unitary form G of a Kac-Moody group (over C), we define a version of equivariant K-theory, K_G on the category of proper G-CW complexes. We then study Kac-Moody groups of compact type in detail (see Section 2 for the definition). In particular, we show that the Grothendieck group of integrable hightest weight representations of a Kac-Moody group G of compact type, maps isomorphically onto K_G(EG), where EG is the classifying space of proper G-actions. In the Affine case, this agrees very well with recent results of Freed-Hopkins-Teleman. We also explicitly compute K_G(EG) for Kac-Moody groups of extended compact type, which includes the Kac-Moody group E_{10}.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Zero modes' fusion ring and braid group representations for the extended chiral WZNW model

P. Furlan, L. Hadjiivanov, I. Todorov
The zero modes' Fock space for the extended chiral su(2) WZNW model gives room to a realization of the Grothendieck fusion ring of representations of the restricted $U_q sl(2)$ quantum universal enveloping algebra (QUEA) at an even ($2h$-th) root of unity, and of its extension by the Lusztig operators. It is shown that expressing the Drinfeld images of canonical characters in terms of Chebyshev polynomials of the Casimir invariant $C$ allows a streamlined derivation of the characteristic equation of $C$ from the defining relations of the restricted QUEA. The properties of the fusion ring of the Lusztig's extension of the QUEA in the zero modes' Fock space are related to the braiding properties of correlation functions of primary fields of the extended $su(2)_{h-2}$ current algebra model.

The arrow of time and the Weyl group: all supergravity billiards are integrable

P. Fré, A.S. Sorin
In this paper we show that all supergravity billiards corresponding to sigma-models on any U/H non compact-symmetric space and obtained by compactifying supergravity to D=3 are fully integrable. The key point in establishing the integration algorithm is provided by an upper triangular embedding of the solvable Lie algebra associated with U/H into SL(N,R) which always exists. In this context we establish a remarkable relation between the arrow of time and the properties of the Weyl group. The asymptotic states of the developing Universe are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements of the Weyl group which is a property of the Tits Satake universality classes and not of their single representatives. Furthermore the Weyl group admits a natural ordering in terms of L(T), the number of reflections with respect to the simple roots and the direction of time flows is always towards increasing L(T), which plays the unexpected role of an entropy.

On the unitarity of gauged non-compact WZNW strings

J. Bjornsson, S. Hwang
In this paper we investigate the unitarity of gauged non-compact WZNW strings i.e. string theories formulated as G/H' WZNW models, where G is a non-compact group. These models represent string theories on non-trivial curved space-times with one time-like component. We will prove that for the class of models connected to Hermitian symmetric spaces, and a natural set of discrete highest weight representations, the BRST formulation, in which the gauging is defined through a BRST condition, yields unitarity. Unitarity requires the level times the Dynkin index to be an integer, as well as integer valued highest weights w.r.t. the compact subalgebra. We will also show that the BRST formulation is not equivalent to the conventional GKO coset formulation, defined by imposing a highest weight condition w.r.t. H'. The latter leads to non-unitary physical string states.This is, to our knowledge, the first example of a fundamental difference between the two formulations.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Fragmenting D4 branes and coupled q-deformed Yang Mills

D.L. Jafferis, N. Saulina
We compute the index of BPS states for two stacks of D4-branes wrapped on ample divisors and overlapping over a compact Riemann surface inside non-compact Calabi-Yau 3-fold. This index is given in terms of U(N) x U(M) q-deformed Yang Mills theory with bifundamental matter. From the factorization in the limit of large D4 charge, we argue that our result computes the jump in the index of BPS states across the wall of the marginal stability for the split flow of a D4 brane fragmenting into a pair of D4 branes.

Gauge Theory And Wild Ramification

E. Witten
The gauge theory approach to the geometric Langlands program is extended to the case of wild ramification. The new ingredients that are required, relative to the tamely ramified case, are differential operators with irregular singularities, Stokes phenomena, isomonodromic deformation, and, from a physical point of view, new surface operators associated with higher order singularities.

Deforming, revolving and resolving - New paths in the string theory landscape

D. Chialva, U.H. Danielsson, N. Johansson, M. Larfors, M. Vonk
In this paper we investigate the properties of series of vacua in the string theory landscape. In particular, we study minima to the flux potential in type IIB compactifications on the mirror quintic. Using geometric transitions, we embed its one dimensional complex structure moduli space in that of another Calabi-Yau with h^{1,1}=86 and h^{2,1}=2. We then show how to construct infinite series of continuously connected minima to the mirror quintic potential by moving into this larger moduli space, applying its monodromies, and moving back. We provide an example of such series, and discuss their implications for the string theory landscape.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mapping the geometry of the E6 group

F. Bernardoni, S.L. Cacciatori, B.L. Cerchiai, A. Scotti
In this paper we present a construction for the compact form of the exceptional Lie group E6 by exponentiating the corresponding Lie algebra e6, which we realize as the the sum of f4, the derivations of the exceptional Jordan algebra J3 of dimension 3 with octonionic entries, and the right multiplication by the elements of J3 with vanishing trace. Our parametrization is a generalization of the Euler angles for SU(2) and it is based on the fibration of E6 via a F4 subgroup as the fiber. It makes use of a similar construction we have performed in a previous article for F4. An interesting first application of these results lies in the fact that we are able to determine an explicit expression for the Haar invariant measure on the E6 group manifold.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Homology and K--Theory Methods for Classes of Branes Wrapping Nontrivial Cycles

A. Bytsenko
We apply methods of homology and K-theory for branes wrapping homologically nontrivial cycles. We treat the classification of the four-geometries in terms of compact stabilizers (by analogy with Thurston's classification of three-geometries) and derive the K-amenability of Lie groups associated with locally symmetric spaces listed in this case. Prime and irreducible branes, the spectral sequence of fractional branes and T-duality are briefly discussed. More complicate examples of T-duality and topology change from fluxes are also considered. We apply to D-branes and fluxes in type II string theory on ${\mathbb C}P^3\times \Sigma_g \times {\mathbb T}^2$ with torsion $H-$flux and demonstrate in details the conjectured T-duality to ${\mathbb R}P^7\times X^3$ with no flux. In the simple case of $X^3 = {\mathbb T}^3$, T-dualizing the circles reduce to a duality between ${\mathbb C}P^3\times {\mathbb T}^2 \times {\mathbb T}^2$ with torsion $H-$flux and ${\mathbb R}P^7\times {\mathbb T}^3$ with no flux.