Thursday, December 31, 2009

Matrix models for $\beta$-ensembles from Nekrasov partition functions

We relate Nekrasov partition functions, with arbitrary values of $\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2$ parameters, to matrix models for $\beta$-ensembles. We find matrix models encoding the instanton part of Nekrasov partition functions, whose measure, to the leading order in $\epsilon_2$ expansion, is given by the Vandermonde determinant to the power $\beta=-\epsilon_1/\epsilon_2$. An additional, trigonometric deformation of the measure arises in five-dimensional theories. Matrix model potentials, to the leading order in $\epsilon_2$ expansion, are the same as in the $\beta=1$ case considered in 0810.4944 [hep-th]. We point out that potentials for massive hypermultiplets include multi-log, Penner-like terms. Inclusion of Chern-Simons terms in five-dimensional theories leads to multi-matrix models. The role of these matrix models in the context of the AGT conjecture is discussed.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Remarks on quiver gauge theories from open topological string theory

We study effective quiver gauge theories arising from a stack of D3-branes on certain Calabi-Yau singularities. Our point of view is a first principle approach via open topological string theory. This means that we construct the natural A-infinity-structure of open string amplitudes in the associated D-brane category. Then we show that it precisely reproduces the results of the method of brane tilings, without having to resort to any effective field theory computations. In particular, we prove a general and simple formula for effective superpotentials.

Chern-Simons theory on L(p,q) lens spaces and Localization

Using localization technique, we calculate the partition function and expectation values of Wilson loop operators in Chern-Simons theory on general lens spaces L(p,q)(including S2XS1). Our results are consistent with known results.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

F-Theory GUT Vacua on Compact Calabi-Yau Fourfolds

We present compact three-generation F-theory GUT models meeting in particular the constraints of D3-tadpole cancellation and D-term supersymmetry. To this end we explicitly construct elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds as complete intersections in a toric ambient space. Toric methods enable us to control the singular geometry of the SU(5) GUT model. The GUT brane wraps a non-generic del Pezzo surface admitting GUT symmetry breaking via hypercharge flux. It is contractible to a curve and we demonstrate the existence of a consistent decoupling limit. We compute the Euler characteristic of the singular Calabi-Yau fourfold to show that our three-generation flux solutions obtained via the spectral cover construction are consistent with D3-tadpole cancellation.

D0-D6 states counting and GW invariants

We describe a correspondence between the virtual number of torsion free sheaves locally free in codimension 3 on a Calabi-Yau 3-fold and the Gromov-Witten invariants counting rational curves in a family of orbifold blowups of the weighted projective plane $\mathbb{P}(-ch_3, ch_0, 1)$ (with a tangency condition of order $gcd(-ch_3, ch_0)$). This result is a variation of the GW/quiver representations correspondence found by Gross-Pandharipande, when one changes the centres and orders of the blowups. We build on a small part of the theories developed by Joyce-Song and Kontsevich-Soibelman for wall-crossing formulae and by Gross-Siebert-Pandharipande for factorisations in the tropical vertex group.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sugawara-type constraints in hyperbolic coset models

In the conjectured correspondence between supergravity and geodesic models on infinite-dimensional hyperbolic coset spaces, and E10/K(E10) in particular, the constraints play a central role. We present a Sugawara-type construction in terms of the E10 Noether charges that extends these constraints infinitely into the hyperbolic algebra, in contrast to the truncated expressions obtained in arXiv:0709.2691 that involved only finitely many generators. Our extended constraints are associated to an infinite set of roots which are all imaginary, and in fact fill the closed past light-cone of the Lorentzian root lattice. The construction makes crucial use of the E10 Weyl group and of the fact that the E10 model contains both D=11 supergravity and D=10 IIB supergravity. Our extended constraints appear to unite in a remarkable manner the different canonical constraints of these two theories. This construction may also shed new light on the issue of `open constraint algebras' in traditional canonical approaches to gravity.

On N=1 4d Effective Couplings for F-theory and Heterotic Vacua

We show that certain superpotential and Kahler potential couplings of N=1 supersymmetric compactifications with branes or bundles can be computed from Hodge theory and mirror symmetry. This applies to F-theory on a Calabi-Yau four-fold and three-fold compactifications of type II and heterotic strings with branes. The heterotic case includes a class of bundles on elliptic manifolds constructed by Friedmann, Morgan and Witten. Mirror symmetry of the four-fold computes non-perturbative corrections to mirror symmetry on the three-folds, including D-instanton corrections. We also propose a physical interpretation for the observation by Warner that relates the deformation spaces of certain matrix factorizations and the periods of non-compact 4-folds that are ALE fibrations.

Five-Brane Superpotentials and Heterotic/F-theory Duality

Under heterotic/F-theory duality it was argued that a wide class of heterotic five-branes is mapped into the geometry of an F-theory compactification manifold. In four-dimensional compactifications this identifies a five-brane wrapped on a curve in the base of an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold with a specific F-theory Calabi-Yau fourfold containing the blow-up of the five-brane curve. We argue that this duality can be reformulated by first constructing a non-Calabi-Yau heterotic threefold by blowing up the curve of the five-brane into a divisor with five-brane flux. Employing heterotic/F-theory duality this leads us to the construction of a Calabi-Yau fourfold and four-form flux. Moreover, we obtain an explicit map between the five-brane superpotential and an F-theory flux superpotential. The map of the open-closed deformation problem of a five-brane in a compact Calabi-Yau threefold into a deformation problem of complex structures on a dual Calabi-Yau fourfold with four-form flux provides a powerful tool to explicitly compute the five-brane superpotential.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A supermatrix model for N=6 super Chern-Simons-matter theory

We construct the Wilson loop operator of N=6 super Chern-Simons-matter which is invariant under half of the supercharges of the theory and is dual to the simplest macroscopic open string in AdS_4 x CP^3. The Wilson loop couples, in addition to the gauge and scalar fields of the theory, also to the fermions in the bi-fundamental representation of the U(N) x U(M) gauge group. These ingredients are naturally combined into a superconnection whose holonomy gives the Wilson loop, which can be defined for any representation of the supergroup U(NM). Explicit expressions for loops supported along an infinite straight line and along a circle are presented. Using the localization calculation of Kapustin et al. we show that the circular loop is computed by a supermatrix model and discuss the connection to pure Chern-Simons theory with supergroup U(NM).

Exact Results in ABJM Theory from Topological Strings

Recently, Kapustin, Willett and Yaakov have found, by using localization techniques, that vacuum expectation values of Wilson loops in ABJM theory can be calculated with a matrix model. We show that this matrix model is closely related to Chern-Simons theory on a lens space with a gauge supergroup. This theory has a topological string large N dual, and this makes possible to solve the matrix model exactly in the large N expansion. In particular, we find the exact expression for the vacuum expectation value of a 1/6 BPS Wilson loop in the ABJM theory, as a function of the 't Hooft parameters, and in the planar limit. This expression gives an exact interpolating function between the weak and the strong coupling regimes. The behavior at strong coupling is in precise agreement with the prediction of the AdS string dual. In the case of the 1/2 BPS Wilson loop recently introduced by Drukker and Trancanelli, one can calculate its vev to all orders in the 1/N expansion by using open topological strings.

T-duality and Differential K-Theory

We give a precise formulation of T-duality for Ramond-Ramond fields. This gives a canonical isomorphism between the "geometrically invariant" subgroups of the twisted differential K-theory of certain principal torus bundles. Our result combines topological T-duality with the Buscher rules found in physics.

Genus-one correction to asymptotically free Seiberg-Witten prepotential from Dijkgraaf-Vafa matrix model

We find perfect agreements on the genus-one correction to the prepotential of SU(2) Seiberg-Witten theory with N_f=2, 3 between field theoretical and Dijkgraaf-Vafa-Penner type matrix model results.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Matrix models as conformal field theories: genus expansion

We obtain the topological expansion of the hermitian matrix model using its representation as a CFT on a hyperelliptic Riemann surface. To each branch point of the Riemann surface we associate an operator which represents a twist field dressed by the modes of the twisted boson. The partition function of the matrix model is computed as a correlation function of such dressed twist fields. The perturbative construction of the dressing operators yields a set of Feynman rules for evaluating the free energy and the loop observables at any genus.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Exceptional Lie algebras and M-theory

In this thesis we study algebraic structures in M-theory, in particular the exceptional Lie algebras arising in dimensional reduction of its low energy limit, eleven-dimensional supergravity. We focus on e8 and its infinite-dimensional extensions e9 and e10. We review the dynamical equivalence, up to truncations on both sides, between eleven-dimensional supergravity and a geodesic sigma model based on the coset E10/K(E10), where K(E10) is the maximal compact subgroup. The description of e10 as a graded Lie algebra is crucial for this equivalence. We study generalized Jordan triple systems, which are closely related to graded Lie algebras, and which may also play a role in the description of M2-branes using three-dimensional superconformal theories.

D7-Brane Moduli vs. F-Theory Cycles in Elliptically Fibred Threefolds

We study the space of geometric and open string moduli of type IIB compactifications from the perspective of complex structure deformations of F-theory. In order to find a correspondence, we work in the weak coupling limit and for simplicity focus on compactifications to 6 dimensions. Starting from the topology of D7-branes and O7-planes, we construct the 3-cycles of the F-theory threefold. We achieve complete agreement between the degrees of freedom of the Weierstrass model and the complex structure deformations of the elliptic Calabi-Yau. All relevant quantities are expressed in terms of the topology of the base space, allowing us to formulate our results for general base spaces.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Instantons, Topological Strings and Enumerative Geometry

We review and elaborate on certain aspects of the connections between instanton counting in maximally supersymmetric gauge theories and the computation of enumerative invariants of smooth varieties. We study in detail three instances of gauge theories in six, four and two dimensions which naturally arise in the context of topological string theory on certain non-compact threefolds. We describe how the instanton counting in these gauge theories are related to the computation of the entropy of supersymmetric black holes, and how these results are related to wall-crossing properties of enumerative invariants such as Donaldson-Thomas and Gromov-Witten invariants. Some features of moduli spaces of torsion-free sheaves and the computation of their Euler characteristics are also elucidated.

Free Bosonic Vertex Operator Algebras on Genus Two Riemann Surfaces I

We define the partition and $n$-point functions for a vertex operator algebra on a genus two Riemann surface formed by sewing two tori together. We obtain closed formulas for the genus two partition function for the Heisenberg free bosonic string and for any pair of simple Heisenberg modules. We prove that the partition function is holomorphic in the sewing parameters on a given suitable domain and describe its modular properties for the Heisenberg and lattice vertex operator algebras and a continuous orbifolding of the rank two fermion vertex operator super algebra. We compute the genus two Heisenberg vector $n$-point function and show that the Virasoro vector one point function satisfies a genus two Ward identity for these theories.

Quantum Wall Crossing in N=2 Gauge Theories

T. Dimofte, S. Gukov, Y. Soibelman
We study refined and motivic wall-crossing formulas in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories with SU(2) gauge group and N_f < 4 matter hypermultiplets in the fundamental representation. Such gauge theories provide an excellent testing ground for the conjecture that "refined = motivic."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cosmological quantum billiards

The mini-superspace quantization of D=11 supergravity is equivalent to the quantization of a E10/K(E10) coset space sigma model, when the latter is restricted to the E10 Cartan subalgebra. As a consequence, the wavefunctions solving the relevant mini-superspace Wheeler-DeWitt equation involve automorphic (Maass wave) forms under the modular group W^+(E10)=PSL(2,O). Using Dirichlet boundary conditions on the billiard domain a general inequality for the Laplace eigenvalues of these automorphic forms is derived, entailing a wave function of the universe that is generically complex and always tends to zero when approaching the initial singularity. The significance of these properties for the nature of singularities in quantum cosmology in comparison with other approaches is discussed. The present approach also offers interesting new perspectives on some long standing issues in canonical quantum gravity.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Crystal melting on toric surfaces

We study the relationship between the statistical mechanics of crystal melting and instanton counting in N=4 supersymmetric U(1) gauge theory on toric surfaces. We argue that, in contrast to their six-dimensional cousins, the two problems are related but not identical. We develop a vertex formalism for the crystal partition function, which calculates a generating function for the dimension 0 and 1 subschemes of the toric surface, and describe the modifications required to obtain the corresponding gauge theory partition function.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Some Algebraic Aspects of Half-BPS Bound States in M-Theory

We revisit non-marginal half-BPS solutions of M-theory in the framework of the possible existence of an underlying E11 Kac-Moody symmetry. In this context, non-marginal BPS solutions of M-theory can be described as exact solutions of the brane sigma-model E10/K(E10), extending results obtained earlier for marginal BPS solutions. We uncover an elegant and simple algebraic structure underlying the bound states by looking at subalgebras embedded in E10. Furthermore, we show that the non-marginal BPS solutions can be obtained from the elementary marginal ones by the action of K(E10) transformations.

Chain of matrices, loop equations and topological recursion

Random matrices are used in fields as different as the study of multi-orthogonal polynomials or the enumeration of discrete surfaces. Both of them are based on the study of a matrix integral. However, this term can be confusing since the definition of a matrix integral in these two applications is not the same. These two definitions, perturbative and non-perturbative, are discussed in this chapter as well as their relation. The so-called loop equations satisfied by integrals over random matrices coupled in chain is discussed as well as their recursive solution in the perturbative case when the matrices are Hermitean.

Geometrical interpretation of the topological recursion, and integrable string theories

Symplectic invariants introduced in math-ph/0702045 can be computed for an arbitrary spectral curve. For some examples of spectral curves, those invariants can solve loop equations of matrix integrals, and many problems of enumerative geometry like maps, partitions, Hurwitz numbers, intersection numbers, Gromov-Witten invariants... The problem is thus to understand what they count, or in other words, given a spectral curve, construct an enumerative geometry problem. This is what we do in a semi-heuristic approach in this article. Starting from a spectral curve, i.e. an integrable system, we use its flat connection and flat coordinates, to define a family of worldsheets, whose enumeration is indeed solved by the topological recursion and symplectic invariants. In other words, for any spectral curve, we construct a corresponding string theory, whose target space is a submanifold of the Jacobian.

Open BPS Wall Crossing and M-theory

Consider the degeneracies of BPS bound states of one D6 brane wrapping Calabi-Yau X with D0 branes and D2 branes. When we include D4-branes wrapping Lagrangian cycle L in addition, D2-branes can end on them. These give rise to new bound states in the d=2, N=(2,2) theory of the D4 branes. We call these "open" BPS states, in contrast to closed BPS states that arise from D-branes without boundaries. Lifting this to M-theory, we show that the generating function is captured by free Fock space spanned by M2-brane particles ending on M5 branes wrapping L. This implies that the open BPS bound states are counted by the square of the open topological string partition function on X, reduced to the corresponding chamber. Our results give new predictions for open BPS invariants and their wall crossing phenomena when we change the open and closed string moduli. We relate our results to the work of Cecotti and Vafa on wall crossing in the two dimensional N=(2,2) theories. The findings from the crystal melting model for the open BPS invariants proposed recently fit well with the M-theory predictions.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Observations on Arithmetic Invariants and U-Duality Orbits in N =8 Supergravity

We establish a relation between time-like, light-like and space-like orbits of the non-compact E{7(7)}(R)symmetry and discrete E{7(7)}(Z) invariants. We discuss the U-duality invariant formula for the degeneracy of states d(Q) which in the approximation of large occupation numbers reproduces the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula for regular black holes with AdS_2 horizon. We explain why the states belonging to light-like orbits, corresponding to classical solutions of "light black holes with null singularity", decouple from the corresponding index. We also present a separate U-duality invariant formula for the class of light-like orbits specified by discrete E{7(7)}(Z) invariants. We conclude that the present study of the non-perturbative sector of the theory does not reveal any contradiction with the conjectured all-loop perturbative finiteness of D=4 N=8 supergravity.