Sunday, January 30, 2011

Quantum affine algebras, canonical bases and $q$-deformation of arithmetical functions

In this paper, we obtain affine analogues of Gindikin-Karpelevich formula and Casselman-Shalika formula as sums over Kashiwara-Lusztig's canonical bases. Suggested by these formulas, we define natural $q$-deformation of arithmetical functions such as (multi-)partition function and Ramanujan $\tau$-function, and prove various identities among them. In some examples, we recover classical identities by taking limits. We also consider $q$-deformation of Kostant's function and study certain $q$-polynomials whose special values are weight multiplicities.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Conformal Aspects of Spinor-Vector Duality

We present a detailed study of various aspects of Spinor-Vector duality in Heterotic string compactifications and expose its origin in terms of the internal conformal field theory. In particular, we illustrate the main features of the duality map by using simple toroidal orbifolds preserving N_4 = 1 and N_4 = 2 spacetime supersymmetries in four dimensions. We explain how the duality map arises in this context by turning on special values of the Wilson lines around the compact cycles of the manifold. We argue that in models with N_4 = 2 spacetime supersymmetry, the interpolation between the Spinor-Vector dual vacua can be continuously realized. We trace the origin of the Spinor-Vector duality map to the presence of underlying N = (2, 2) and N = (4, 4) SCFTs, and explicitly show that the induced spectral-flow in the twisted sectors is responsible for the observed duality. The isomorphism between current algebra representations gives rise to a number of chiral character identities, reminiscent of the recently-discovered MSDS symmetry.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fivebranes and Knots

We develop an approach to Khovanov homology of knots via gauge theory (previous physics-based approches involved other descriptions of the relevant spaces of BPS states). The starting point is a system of D3-branes ending on an NS5-brane with a nonzero theta-angle. On the one hand, this system can be related to a Chern-Simons gauge theory on the boundary of the D3-brane worldvolume; on the other hand, it can be studied by standard techniques of $S$-duality and $T$-duality. Combining the two approaches leads to a new and manifestly invariant description of the Jones polynomial of knots, and its generalizations, and to a manifestly invariant description of Khovanov homology, in terms of certain elliptic partial differential equations in four and five dimensions.

Friday, January 14, 2011

T-branes and Yukawa Couplings

We consider various configurations of T-branes which are non-abelian bound states of branes and were recently introduced by Cecotti, Cordova, Heckman and Vafa. They are a refinement of the concept of monodromic branes featured in phenomenological F-theory models. We are particularly interested in the T-branes corresponding to Z3 and Z4 monodromies, which are used to break E7 or E8 gauge groups to SU(5) GUT. Our results imply that the up-type and down-type Yukawa couplings for the breaking of E7 are zero, whereas up-type and down-type Yukawa couplings, together with right handed neutrino Yukawas are non-zero for the case of the breaking of E8. The dimension four proton decay mediating term is avoided in models with either E7 or E8 breaking.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Localization of Vortex Partition Functions in $\mathcal{N}=(2,2) $ Super Yang-Mills theory

In this article, we study the localizaiton of the partition function of BPS vortices in $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ $U(N)$ super Yang-Mills theory with $N$-flavor on $\R^2$. The vortex partition function for $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ super Yang-Mills theory is obtained from the one in $\mathcal{N}=(4,4)$ super Yang-Mills theory by mass deformation. We show that the partition function can be written as $Q$-exact form and integration in the partition functions is localized to the fixed points which are related to $N$-tuple one dimensional partitions of positive integers.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

String Modular Phases in Calabi-Yau Families

We investigate the structure of singular Calabi-Yau varieties in moduli spaces that contain a Brieskorn-Pham point. Our main tool is a construction of families of deformed motives over the parameter space. We analyze these motives for general fibers and explicitly compute the $L-$series for singular fibers for several families. We find that the resulting motivic $L-$functions agree with the $L-$series of modular forms whose weight depends both on the rank of the motive and the degree of the degeneration of the variety. Surprisingly, these motivic $L-$functions are identical in several cases to $L-$series derived from weighted Fermat hypersurfaces. This shows that singular Calabi-Yau spaces of non-conifold type can admit a string worldsheet interpretation, much like rational theories, and that the corresponding irrational conformal field theories inherit information from the Gepner conformal field theory of the weighted Fermat fiber of the family. These results suggest that phase transitions via non-conifold configurations are physically plausible. In the case of severe degenerations we find a dimensional transmutation of the motives. This suggests further that singular configurations with non-conifold singularities may facilitate transitions between Calabi-Yau varieties of different dimensions.