Saturday, July 27, 2019

T-Branes, String Junctions, and 6D SCFTs


Falk HasslerJonathan J. HeckmanThomas B. RochaisTom RudeliusHao Y. Zhang

Recent work on 6D superconformal field theories (SCFTs) has established an intricate correspondence between certain Higgs branch deformations and nilpotent orbits of flavor symmetry algebras associated with T-branes. In this paper, we return to the stringy origin of these theories and show that many aspects of these deformations can be understood in terms of simple combinatorial data associated with multi-pronged strings stretched between stacks of intersecting 7-branes in F-theory. This data lets us determine the full structure of the nilpotent cone for each semi-simple flavor symmetry algebra, and it further allows us to characterize symmetry breaking patterns in quiver-like theories with classical gauge groups. An especially helpful feature of this analysis is that it extends to "short quivers" in which the breaking patterns from different flavor symmetry factors are correlated.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Quantum N-toroidal algebras and extended quantized GIM algebras of N-fold affinization


Yun GaoNaihuan JingLimeng XiaHonglian Zhang

We give a general definition of quantum N-toroidal algebras uniformly, which is a natural generalization of classical quantum toroidal algebras, as well as extended quantized GIM algebras of N-fold affinization. We show that quantum N-toroidal algebras are the quotients of extended quantized GIM algebras of N-fold affinization, which is consistent to the Lie algebra cases. In particular, we construct a level-one vertex representation of quantum N-toroidal algebra for type A.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Exotic branes and mixed-symmetry potentials I: predictions from E11 symmetry


Jose J. Fernandez-MelgarejoYuho SakataniShozo Uehara

Type II string theory or M-theory contains a broad spectrum of gauge potentials. In addition to the standard p-form potentials, various mixed-symmetry potentials have been predicted, which may couple to exotic branes with non-standard tensions. Together with p-forms, mixed-symmetry potentials turn out to be essential to build the multiplets of the U-duality symmetry in each dimension. In this paper, we systematically determine the set of mixed-symmetry potentials and exotic branes on the basis of the E11 conjecture. We also study the decompositions of U-duality multiplets into T-duality multiplets and determine which mixed-symmetry tensors are contained in each of the U-/T-duality multiplets.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Supersymmetric Wilson Loops, Instantons, and Deformed W-Algebras


Nathan HaouziCan Kozçaz

Let g be a simple Lie algebra. We study half-BPS Wilson loops of supersymmetric 5d g-type quiver gauge theories on a circle, in a non-trivial instanton background. The Wilson loops are codimension 4 defects of the gauge theory, and their interaction with self-dual instantons is captured by a 1d ADHM quantum mechanics. We compute the partition function as its Witten index. This index is a qq-character of a finite-dimensional irreducible representation of the quantum affine algebra Uq(gˆ). Using gauge/vortex duality, we can understand the 5d physics in 3d gauge theory terms. Namely, we study the vortices on the Higgs branch of the 5d theory, and reinterpret its partition function from the point of view of the vortices. This vortex perspective has an advantage: it has yet another dual description in terms of q-deformed g-type Toda Theory on a cylinder, in free field formalism. We show that the gauge theory partition function is equal to a (chiral) correlator of the deformed Toda Theory, with stress tensor and higher spin operator insertions. We derive all the above results from type IIB string theory, compactified on a resolved ADEsingularity X times a cylinder with punctures, with various branes wrapping the blown-up 2-cycles.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Topological Open/Closed String Dualities: Matrix Models and Wave Functions


Sujay K. AshokJan Troost

We sharpen the duality between open and closed topological string partition functions for topological gravity coupled to matter. The closed string partition function is a generalised Kontsevich matrix model in the large dimension limit. We integrate out off-diagonal degrees of freedom associated to one source eigenvalue, and find an open/closed topological string partition function, thus proving open/closed duality. We match the resulting open partition function to the generating function of intersection numbers on moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces with boundaries and boundary insertions. Moreover, we connect our work to the literature on a wave function of the KP integrable hierarchy and clarify the role of the extended Virasoro generators that include all time variables as well as the coupling to the open string observable.

Web Construction of ABCDEFG and Affine Quiver Gauge Theories


Taro KimuraRui-Dong Zhu

The topological vertex formalism for 5d N=1 gauge theories is not only a convenient tool to compute the instanton partition function of these theories, but it is also accompanied by a nice algebraic structure that reveals various kinds of nice properties such as dualities and integrability of the underlying theories. The usual refined topological vertex formalism is derived for gauge theories with A-type quiver structure (and A-type gauge groups). In this article, we propose a construction with a web of vertex operators for all ABCDEFG-type and affine quivers by introducing several new vertices into the formalism, based on the reproducing of known instanton partition functions and qq-characters for these theories.

On supersymmetric E11 exceptional field theory


Guillaume BossardAxel KleinschmidtErgin Sezgin

We construct an infinite system of non-linear duality equations, including fermions, that are invariant under global E11 and gauge invariant under generalised diffeomorphisms upon the imposition of a suitable section constraint. We use finite-dimensional fermionic representations of the R-symmetry E11 to describe the fermionic contributions to the duality equations. These duality equations reduce to the known equations of E8 exceptional field theory or eleven-dimensional supergravity for appropriate (partial) solutions of the section constraint. Of key importance in the construction is an indecomposable representation of E11 that entails extra non-dynamical fields beyond those predicted by E11 alone, generalising the known constrained p-forms of exceptional field theories. The construction hinges on the tensor hierarchy algebra extension of E11, both for the bosonic theory and its supersymmetric extension.