Saturday, January 31, 2009

Weyl Group Invariants and Application to Spherical Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces

G. Olafsson, J.A. Wolf
Polynomial invariants are fundamental objects in analysis on Lie groups and symmetric spaces. Invariant differential operators on symmetric spaces are described by Weyl group invariant polynomial. In this article we give a simple criterion that ensure that the restriction of invariant polynomials to subspaces is surjective. We apply our criterion to problems in Fourier analysis on projective/injective limits, specifically to theorems of Paley--Wiener type.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Supergravity and M-Theory

B. de Wit, M. van Zalk
Supergravity provides the effective field theories for string compactifications. The deformation of the maximal supergravities by non-abelian gauge interactions is only possible for a restricted class of charges. Generically these `gaugings' involve a hierarchy of p-form fields which belong to specific representations of the duality group. The group-theoretical structure of this p-form hierarchy exhibits many interesting features. In the case of maximal supergravity the class of allowed deformations has intriguing connections with M/string theory.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Local Models in F-Theory and M-Theory with Three Generations

J.L. Bourjaily
We describe a general framework that can be used to geometrically engineer local, phenomenological models in F-theory and M-theory based on ALE-fibrations, and we present several concrete examples of such models that feature three generations of matter with semi-realistic phenomenology. We show that the geometric structures required for generating interactions--triple-intersections of matter-curves in F-theory and supersymmetric three-cycles supporting multiple conical singularities in M-theory--are generic in such ALE-fibred manifolds, and that they can be understood in correspondence with one another. The models we can construct in this way are strictly limited in complexity by the maximality of the E8-ALE space, but turn out to be just complex enough to accommodate some of the most realistic string models to date.

Monday, January 19, 2009


F. Denef, M. Esole, M. Padi
By T-dualizing space-filling D-branes in IIB orientifold compactifications along the three non-internal spatial directions, we obtain black hole bound states living in a universe with a gauged spatial reflection symmetry. We call these objects orientiholes. The gravitational entropy of various IIA orientihole configurations provides an "experimental" estimate of the number of vacua in various sectors of the IIB landscape. Furthermore, basic physical properties of orientiholes map to (sometimes subtle) microscopic features, thus providing a useful alternative viewpoint on a number of issues arising in D-brane model building. More generally, we give orientihole generalizations of recently derived wall crossing formulae, and conjecture a relation to the topological string analogous to the OSV conjecture, but with a linear rather than a quadratic identification of partition functions.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Geometry As Seen By String Theory

H. Ooguri
These lecture notes review the topological string theory and its applications to mathematics and physics. They expand on material presented at the Takagi Lectures of the Mathematical Society of Japan on 21 June 2008 at Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

q-Deformed Oscillators and D-branes on Conifold

K. Okuyama
We study the q-deformed oscillator algebra acting on the wavefunctions of non-compact D-branes in the topological string on conifold. We find that the mirror B-model curve of conifold appears from the commutation relation of the q-deformed oscillators.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Generalized E(7(7)) coset dynamics and D=11 supergravity

C. Hillmann
The hidden on-shell E(7(7)) symmetry of maximal supergravity is usually discussed in a truncation from D=11 to four dimensions. In this article, we reverse the logic and start from a theory with manifest off-shell E(7(7)) symmetry inspired by West's coset construction. Following de Wit's and Nicolai's idea that a 4+56 dimensional "exceptional geometry" underlies maximal supergravity, we construct the corresponding Lagrangian and the supersymmetry variations for the 56 dimensional subsector. We prove that both the dynamics and the supersymmetry coincide with D=11 supergravity in a truncation to d=7 in the expected way.

Monday, January 5, 2009

(Unoriented) T-folds with few T's

P. Anastasopoulos, M. Bianchi, J.F. Morales, G. Pradisi
We use the combined action of T-duality reflections and shifts to build N=1,2 four-dimensional string compactifications with few moduli. The string vacua can be thought of as Z_2^4 asymmetric orbifolds of Type IIB on the maximal torus of SO(12). In particular, we get several N=2 Calabi-Yau like compactifications with low "effective" Hodge numbers starting from (h_{11}, h_{21})=(1,1) and N=1 compactifications with vector multiplets and several chiral multiplets. We also analyze possible unoriented projections, providing examples of Type I models with few moduli, with or without open strings.