Thursday, November 29, 2007

Extremal Black Hole and Flux Vacua Attractors

S. Bellucci, S. Ferrara, R. Kallosh, A. Marrani
These lectures provide a pedagogical, introductory review of the so-called Attractor Mechanism (AM) at work in two different 4-dimensional frameworks: extremal black holes in N=2 supergravity and N=1 flux compactifications. In the first case, AM determines the stabilization of scalars at the black hole event horizon purely in terms of the electric and magnetic charges, whereas in the second context the AM is responsible for the stabilization of the universal axion-dilaton and of the (complex structure) moduli purely in terms of the RR and NSNS fluxes. Two equivalent approaches to AM, namely the so-called ``criticality conditions'' and ``New Attractor'' ones, are analyzed in detail in both frameworks, whose analogies and differences are discussed. Also a stringy analysis of both frameworks (relying on Hodge-decomposition techniques) is performed, respectively considering Type IIB compactified on $CY_{3}$ and its orientifolded version, associated with $\frac{CY_{3}\times T^{2}}{\mathbb{Z}_{2}}$. Finally, recent results on the U-duality orbits and moduli spaces of non-BPS extremal black hole attractors in $3\leqslant N\leqslant 8$, d=4 supergravities are reported.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Connections between Kac-Moody algebras and M-theory

P.P. Cook
We investigate some of the motivations and consequences of the conjecture that the Kac-Moody algebra E11 is the symmetry algebra of M-theory, and we develop methods to aid the further investigation of this idea. The definitions required to work with abstract root systems of Lie algebras are given in review leading up to the definition of a Kac-Moody algebra. The motivations for the E11 conjecture are presented and the nonlinear realisation of gravity relevant to the conjecture is described. We give a beginner's guide to producing the algebras of E11, relevant to M-theory, and K27, relevant to the bosonic string theory, along with their l1 representations are constructed. Reference tables of low level roots are produced for both the adjoint and l1 representations of these algebras. In addition a particular group element, having a generic form for all G+++ algebras, is shown to encode all the half-BPS brane solutions of the maximally oxidised supergravities. Special analysis is given to the role of space-time signature in the context of this group element and subsequent to this analysis spacelike brane solutions are derived from the same solution generating group element. Finally the appearance of U-duality charge multiplets from E11 is reviewed. General formulae for finding the content of arbitrary brane charge multiplets are given and the content of the particle and string multiplets in dimensions 4,5,6,7 and 8 is shown to be contained in the l1 representation of E11.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Kac-Moody Spectrum of (Half-)Maximal Supergravities

E. Bergshoeff, J. Gomis, T. Nutma, D. Roest
We establish the correspondence between, on one side, the possible gaugings and massive deformations of half-maximal supergravity coupled to vector multiplets and, on the other side, certain generators of the associated very extended Kac-Moody algebras. The difference between generators associated to gaugings and to massive deformations is pointed out. Furthermore, we argue that another set of generators are related to the so-called quadratic constraints of the embedding tensor. Special emphasis is placed on a truncation of the Kac-Moody algebra that is related to the bosonic gauge transformations of supergravity. We give a separate discussion of this truncation when non-zero deformations are present. The new insights are also illustrated in the context of maximal supergravity.

Nonperturbative Effects and the Large-Order Behavior of Matrix Models and Topological Strings

M. Marino, R. Schiappa, M. Weiss
This work addresses nonperturbative effects in both matrix models and topological strings, and their relation with the large-order behavior of perturbation theory. We study instanton configurations in generic one-cut matrix models, obtaining explicit results for the one-instanton amplitude at both one and two loops. The holographic description of topological strings in terms of matrix models implies that our nonperturbative results also apply to topological strings on toric Calabi-Yau manifolds. This yields very precise predictions for the large-order behavior of the perturbative genus expansion, both in conventional matrix models and in topological string theory. We test these predictions in detail in various examples, including the quartic matrix model, topological strings on the local curve, and Hurwitz theory. In all these cases we provide extensive numerical checks which heavily support our nonperturbative analytical results. Moreover, since all these models have a critical point describing two-dimensional gravity, we also obtain in this way the large-order asymptotics of the relevant solution to the Painleve I equation, including corrections in inverse genus. From a mathematical point of view, our results predict the large-genus asymptotics of simple Hurwitz numbers and of local Gromov-Witten invariants.

Two Dimensional Kodaira-Spencer Theory and Three Dimensional Chern-Simons Gravity

R. Dijkgraaf, C. Vafa
Motivated by the six dimensional formulation of Kodaira-Spencer theory for Calabi-Yau threefolds, we formulate a two dimensional version and argue that this is the relevant field theory for the target space of local topological B-model with a geometry based on a Riemann surface. We show that the Ward identities of this quantum theory is equivalent to recursion relations recently proposed by Eynard and Orantin to solve the topological B model. Our derivation provides a conceptual explanation of this link and reveals a hidden affine SL(2,R) symmetry. Moreover we argue that our results provide the strongest evidence yet of the existence of topological M theory in one higher dimension, which in this case can be closely related to SL(2,R)Chern-Simons formulation of three dimensional gravity.

Bubbling Calabi-Yau geometry from matrix models

N. Halmagyi, T. Okuda
We study bubbling geometry in topological string theory. Specifically, we analyse Chern-Simons theory on both the 3-sphere and lens spaces in the presence of a Wilson loop insertion of an arbitrary representation. For each of these three manifolds we formulate a multi-matrix model whose partition function is the vev of the Wilson loop and compute the spectral curve. This spectral curve is the reduction to two dimensions of the mirror to a Calabi-Yau threefold which is the gravitational dual of the Wilson loop insertion. For lens spaces the dual geometries are new. We comment on a similar matrix model which appears in the context of Wilson loops in AdS/CFT.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Non-perturbative superpotentials across lines of marginal stability

I. Garcia-Etxebarria, A.M. Uranga
We discuss the behaviour of non-perturbative superpotentials in 4d N=1 type II compactifications (and orientifolds thereof) near lines of marginal stability, where the spectrum of contributing BPS D-brane instantons changes discontinuously. The superpotential is nevertheless continuous, in agreement with its holomorphic dependence on the closed string moduli. The microscopic mechanism ensuring this continuity involves novel contributions to the superpotential: As an instanton becomes unstable against decay to several instantons, the latter provide a multi-instanton contribution which reconstructs that of the single-instanton before decay. The process can be understood as a non-perturbative lifting of additional fermion zero modes of an instanton by interactions induced by other instantons. These effects provide mechanisms via which instantons with U(1) symmetry can contribute to the superpotential. We provide explicit examples of these effects for non-gauge D-brane instantons, and for D-brane gauge instantons (where the motions in moduli space can be interpreted as Higgsing, or Seiberg dualities).

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Generalized conformal realizations of Kac-Moody algebras

J. Palmkvist
We generalize the Kantor-Koecher-Tits construction, which associates a Lie algebra to any Jordan algebra. This gives a generalization of the conformal transformations in a (p+q)-dimensional spacetime to a nonlinear realization of so(p+n, q+n), for arbitrary n, with a linearly realized subalgebra so(p, q). For Minkowski spacetimes of 3, 4, 6, 10 dimensions, the corresponding triple systems can be constructed from the Jordan algebras of hermitian 2x2 matrices over the division algebras R, C, H, O, respectively. We show that this construction can also be applied to 3x3 matrices and then gives rise to the exceptional Lie algebras f4, e6, e7, e8, as well as to their affine, hyperbolic and further extensions. In particular, this leads to a new realization of the indefinite Kac-Moody algebras e10 and e11.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Classification of simple finite dimensional modular Lie superalgebras with Cartan matrix

S. Bouarroudj, P. Grozman, D. Leites
Finite dimensional modular Lie superalgebras over algebraically closed fields with indecomposable Cartan matrices are classified under some technical hypotheses. Either these Lie superalgebras are simple or the quotients of their derived algebras modulo center are simple. Twelve new exceptional simple modular Lie superalgebras are discovered.

Friday, November 2, 2007

S-duality in N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories

P.C. Argyres, N. Seiberg
A solution to the infinite coupling problem for N=2 conformal supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions is presented. The infinitely-coupled theories are argued to be interacting superconformal field theories (SCFTs) with weakly gauged flavor groups. Consistency checks of this proposal are found by examining some low-rank examples. As part of these checks, we show how to compute new exact quantities in these SCFTs: the central charges of their flavor current algebras. Also, the isolated rank 1 E_6 and E_7 SCFTs are found as limits of Lagrangian field theories.

Geometric Endoscopy and Mirror Symmetry

E. Frenkel, E. Witten
The geometric Langlands correspondence has been interpreted as the mirror symmetry of the Hitchin fibrations for two dual reductive groups. This mirror symmetry, in turn, reduces to T-duality on the generic Hitchin fibers, which are smooth tori. In this paper we study what happens when the Hitchin fibers on the B-model side develop orbifold singularities. These singularities correspond to local systems with finite groups of automorphisms. In the classical Langlands Program local systems of this type are called endoscopic. They play an important role in the theory of automorphic representations, in particular, in the stabilization of the trace formula. Our goal is to use the mirror symmetry of the Hitchin fibrations to expose the special role played by these local systems in the geometric theory. The study of the categories of A-branes on the dual Hitchin fibers allows us to uncover some interesting phenomena associated with the endoscopy in the geometric Langlands correspondence. We then follow our predictions back to the classical theory of automorphic functions. This enables us to test and confirm them. The geometry we use is similar to that which is exploited in recent work by B.-C. Ngo, a fact which could be significant for understanding the trace formula.