Friday, June 27, 2008

Relation Between Holonomy Groups in Superstrings, M and F-theories

A. Belhaj, L.J. Boya, A. Segui
We consider manifolds with special holonomy groups SU(3), G2 and Spin(7) as suitable for compactification of superstrings, M-theory and F-theory (with only one time) respectively. The relations of these groups with the octonions are discussed, reinforcing their role in the physics of string theory and duality. We also exhibit three triple exact sequences explaining the connections between the mentioned special holonomy groups.

Spectral curves, emergent geometry, and bubbling solutions for Wilson loops

T. Okuda, D. Trancanelli
We study the supersymmetric circular Wilson loops of N=4 super Yang-Mills in large representations of the gauge group. In particular, we obtain the spectral curves of the matrix model which captures the expectation value of the loops. These spectral curves are then proven to be precisely the hyperelliptic surfaces that characterize the bubbling solutions dual to the Wilson loops, thus yielding an example of a geometry emerging from an eigenvalue distribution. We finally discuss the Wilson loop expectation value from the matrix model and from supergravity.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Integrable Structure of $5d$ $\mathcal{N}=1$ Supersymmetric Yang-Mills and Melting Crystal

T. Nakatsu, Y. Noma, K. Takasaki
We study loop operators of $5d$ $\mathcal{N}=1$ SYM in $\Omega$ background. For the case of U(1) theory, the generating function of correlation functions of the loop operators reproduces the partition function of melting crystal model with external potential. We argue the common integrable structure of $5d$ $\mathcal{N}=1$ SYM and melting crystal model.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Planar scattering amplitudes from Wilson loops

J. McGreevy, A. Sever
We derive an expression for parton scattering amplitudes of planar gauge theory in terms of sums of Wilson loops. We study in detail the example of Yang-Mills theory with an adjoint Higgs field. The expression exhibits the T-duality performed by Alday and Maldacena in the AdS dual as a Fourier transform in loop space. When combined with the AdS/CFT correspondence for Wilson loops and a strong coupling argument for the dominance of 1PI diagrams, this leads to a derivation of the Alday-Maldacena holographic prescription for scattering amplitudes in terms of momentum Wilson loops. The formula leads to a conjecture for a relationship between position-space and momentum-space Wilson loops in N=4 SYM at finite coupling.

Monday, June 2, 2008

The end of the p-form hierarchy

B. de Wit, H. Samtleben
The introduction of a non-abelian gauge group embedded into the rigid symmetry group G of a field theory with abelian vector fields and no corresponding charges, requires in general the presence of a hierarchy of p-form gauge fields. The full gauge algebra of this hierarchy can be defined independently of a specific theory and is encoded in the embedding tensor that encodes the gauge group. When applied to specific Lagrangians, the algebra is deformed in an intricate way and in general will only close up to equations of motion. The group-theoretical structure of the hierarchy exhibits many interesting features, which have been studied starting from the low-p forms. Here the question is addressed what happens generically for high values of p. In addition a number of other features is discussed concerning the role that the p-forms play in various deformations of the theory.

Bound states in N=2 Liouville theory with boundary and Deep throat D-branes

R. Benichou, J. Troost
We exhibit bound states in the spectrum of non-compact D-branes in N=2 Liouville conformal field theory. We interpret these states in the study of D-branes in the near-horizon limit of Neveu-Schwarz five-branes spread on a topologically trivial circle. We match semi-classical di-electric and repulsion effects with exact conformal field theory results and describe the fate of D-branes hitting NS5-branes. We also show that the bound states can give rise to massless vector and hyper multiplets in a low-energy gauge theory on D-branes deep inside the throat.

Multi-matrix models and emergent geometry

D.E. Berenstein, M. Hanada, S.A. Hartnoll
Encouraged by the AdS/CFT correspondence, we study emergent local geometry in large N multi-matrix models from the perspective of a strong coupling expansion. By considering various solvable interacting models we show how the emergence or non-emergence of local geometry at strong coupling is captured by observables that effectively measure the mass of off-diagonal excitations about a semiclassical eigenvalue background. We find emergent geometry at strong coupling in models where a mass term regulates an infrared divergence. We also show that our notion of emergent geometry can be usefully applied to fuzzy spheres. Although most of our results are analytic, we have found numerical input valuable in guiding and checking our results.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Some properties of angular integrals

M. Bergère, B. Eynard
We find new representations for Itzykson-Zuber like angular integrals for arbitrary beta, in particular for the orthogonal group O(n), the unitary group U(n) and the symplectic group Sp(2n). We rewrite the Haar measure integral, as a flat Lebesge measure integral, and we deduce some recursion formula on n. The same methods gives also the Shatashvili's type moments. Finally we prove that, in agreement with Brezin and Hikami's observation, the angular integrals are linear combinations of exponentials whose coefficients are polynomials in the reduced variables (x_i-x_j)(y_i-y_j).