Thursday, September 24, 2009

The 1/2 BPS 't Hooft loops in N=4 SYM as instantons in 2d Yang-Mills

S. Giombi, V. Pestun
We extend the recent conjecture on the relation between a certain 1/8 BPS subsector of 4d N=4 SYM on S^2 and 2d Yang-Mills theory by turning on circular 1/2 BPS 't Hooft operators linked with S^2. We show that localization predicts that these 't Hooft operators and their correlation functions with Wilson operators on S^2 are captured by instanton contributions to the partition function of the 2d Yang-Mills theory. Based on this prediction, we compute explicitly correlation functions involving the 't Hooft operator, and observe precise agreement with S-duality predictions.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Matrix Model and beta-deformed N=4 SYM

G.C. Rossi, M. Siccardi, Y.S. Stanev, K. Yoshida
This work is the result of the ideas developed by Ken Yoshida about the possibility of extending the range of applications of the matrix model approach to the computation of the holomorphic superpotential of the beta-deformed N=4 super Yang-Mills theory both in the presence of a mass term and in the massless limit. Our formulae, while agreeing with all the existing results we can compare with, are valid also in the case of spontaneously broken gauge symmetry.
We dedicate this paper to the memory of Ken, an unforgettable friend for all of us and a great scientist.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

On the Classification of Brane Tilings

J. Davey, A. Hanany, J. Pasukonis
We present a computationally efficient algorithm that can be used to generate all possible brane tilings. Brane tilings represent the largest class of superconformal theories with known AdS duals in 3+1 and also 2+1 dimensions and have proved useful for describing the physics of both D3 branes and also M2 branes probing Calabi-Yau singularities. This algorithm has been implemented and is used to generate all possible brane tilings with at most 6 superpotential terms, including consistent and inconsistent brane tilings. The collection of inconsistent tilings found in this work form the most comprehensive study of such objects to date.

Probing the Space of Toric Quiver Theories

J. Hewlett, Y.-H. He
We demonstrate a practical and efficient method for generating toric Calabi-Yau quiver theories, applicable to both D3 and M2 brane world-volume physics. A new analytic method is presented at low order parametres and an algorithm for the general case is developed which has polynomial complexity in the number of edges in the quiver. Using this algorithm, carefully implemented, we classify the quiver diagram and assign possible superpotentials for various small values of the number of edges and nodes. We examine some preliminary statistics on this space of toric quiver theories.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Toda Theories, Matrix Models, Topological Strings, and N=2 Gauge Systems

R. Dijkgraaf, C. Vafa
We consider the topological string partition function, including the Nekrasov deformation, for type IIB geometries with an A_{n-1} singularity over a Riemann surface. These models realize the N=2 SU(n) superconformal gauge systems recently studied by Gaiotto and collaborators. Employing large N dualities we show why the partition function of topological strings in these backgrounds is captured by the chiral blocks of A_{n-1} Toda systems and derive the dictionary recently proposed by Alday, Gaiotto and Tachikawa. For the case of genus zero Riemann surfaces, we show how these systems can also be realized by Penner-like matrix models with logarithmic potentials. The Seiberg-Witten curve can be understood as the spectral curve of these matrix models which arises holographically at large N. In this context the Nekrasov deformation maps to the beta-ensemble of generalized matrix models, that in turn maps to the Toda system with general background charge. We also point out the notion of a double holography for this system, when both n and N are large.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Computing Brane and Flux Superpotentials in F-theory Compactifications

T.W. Grimm, T.-W. Ha, A. Klemm, D. Klevers
In four-dimensional F-theory compactifications with N=1 supersymmetry the fields describing the dynamics of space-time filling 7-branes are part of the complex structure moduli space of the internal Calabi-Yau fourfold. We explicitly compute the flux superpotential in F-theory depending on all complex structure moduli, including the 7-brane deformations and the field corresponding to the dilaton-axion. Since fluxes on the 7-branes induce 5-brane charge, a local limit allows to effectively match the F-theory results to a D5-brane in a non-compact Calabi-Yau threefold with threeform fluxes. We analyze the classical and instanton contributions to the F-theory superpotential using mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau fourfolds. The F-theory compactifications under consideration also admit heterotic dual descriptions and we discuss the identification of the moduli in this non-perturbative duality.

Notes on unoriented D-brane instantons

M. Bianchi, M. Samsonyan
In the first lecture, we discuss basic aspects of worldsheet and penta-brane instantons as well as (unoriented) D-brane instantons, which is our main focus here, and threshold corrections to BPS-saturated couplings. The second lecture is devoted to non-perturbative superpotentials generated by `gauge' and `exotic' instantons living on D3-branes at orientifold singularities. In the third lecture we discuss the interplay between worldsheet and D-string instantons on $T^4/Z_2$. We focus on a 4-fermi amplitude, give Heterotic and perturbative Type I descriptions, and offer a multi D-string instanton interpretation. We conclude with possible interesting developments.

The Geometry of D-Brane Superpotentials

M. Aganagic, C. Beem
The disk partition function of the open topological string computes the spacetime superpotential for D-branes wrapping cycles of a compact Calabi-Yau threefold. We use string duality to show that when appropriately formulated, the problem admits a natural geometrization in terms of a non-compact Calabi-Yau fourfold without D-branes. The duality relates the D-brane superpotential to a flux superpotential on the fourfold. This sheds light on several features of superpotential computations appearing in the literature, in particular on the observation that Calabi-Yau fourfold geometry enters the problem. Our methods are more general than those in the literature. For example, we show that the geometry of fourfolds also reproduces the D-brane superpotentials obtained from matrix factorization methods.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Real Topological Vertex at Work

D. Krefl, S. Pasquetti, J. Walcher
We develop the real vertex formalism for the computation of the topological string partition function with D-branes and O-planes at the fixed point locus of an anti-holomorphic involution acting non-trivially on the toric diagram of any local toric Calabi-Yau manifold. Our results cover in particular the real vertex with non-trivial fixed leg. We give a careful derivation of the relevant ingredients using duality with Chern-Simons theory on orbifolds. We show that the real vertex can also be interpreted in terms of a statistical model of symmetric crystal melting. Using this latter connection, we also assess the constant map contribution in Calabi-Yau orientifold models. We find that there are no perturbative contributions beyond one-loop, but a non-trivial sum over non-perturbative sectors, which we compare with the non-perturbative contribution to the closed string expansion.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Higgsing M2-brane Theories

Connections between different M2-brane theories are established via the Higgs mechanism, which can be most efficiently studied on brane tilings. This leads to several M2-brane models, with brane tilings or Chern-Simons levels which have not been considered so far. The moduli spaces of these models are identified and examined in detail. The toric diagrams are constructed using Kasteleyn matrices and the forward algorithm.