Thursday, May 31, 2012

Modular Data and Verlinde Formulae for Fractional Level WZW Models I

T. Creutzig, D. Ridout

The modular properties of fractional level affine sl(2)-theories and, in particular, the application of the Verlinde formula, have a long and checkered history in conformal field theory. Recent advances in logarithmic conformal field theory have led to the realisation that problems with fractional level models stem from trying to build the theory with an insufficiently rich category of representations. In particular, the appearance of negative fusion coefficients for admissible highest weight representations is now completely understood. Here, the modular story for certain fractional level theories is completed. Modular transformations are derived for the complete set of admissible irreducible representations when the level is k=-1/2 or k=-4/3. The S-matrix data and Verlinde formula are then checked against the known fusion rules with complete agreement. Finally, an infinite set of modular invariant partition functions is constructed in each case.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fluxed M5-instantons in F-theory

M. Kerstan, T. Weigand

We analyse the non-perturbative superpotential due to M5-brane instantons in F-theory compactifications on Calabi-Yau fourfolds. The M5 partition function is obtained via holomorphic factorisation by explicitly performing the sum over chiral 3-form fluxes. Comparison with the partition function of fluxed Euclidean D3-brane instantons in Type IIB orientifolds allows us to fix the spin structure on the intermediate Jacobian of the M5-instanton. We furthermore analyse the contribution of the M5-instanton to the superpotential in the presence of G4 gauge flux, where the superpotential is dressed with matter fields. We explicitly evaluate the pullback of G4 onto the M5-brane as a measure for the presence of charged instanton zero modes. This accounts for the M5 charge both under massless U(1)s, if present, and under what corresponds in Type II language to geometrically massive U(1)s.

Counting Exceptional Instantons

C.A. Keller, J. Song

We show how to obtain the instanton partition function of N=2 SYM with exceptional gauge group EFG using blow-up recursion relations derived by Nakajima and Yoshioka. We compute the two instanton contribution and match it with the recent proposal for the superconformal index of rank 2 SCFTs with E6, E7 global symmetry.

Hilbert Series for Moduli Spaces of Two Instantons

A. Hanany, N. Mekareeya, S.S. Razamat

The Hilbert Series (HS) of the moduli space of two G instantons on C^2, where G is a simple gauge group, is studied in detail. For a given G, the moduli space is a singular hyperKahler cone with a symmetry group U(2) \times G, where U(2) is the natural symmetry group of C^2. Holomorphic functions on the moduli space transform in irreducible representations of the symmetry group and hence the Hilbert series admits a character expansion. For cases that G is a classical group (of type A, B, C, or D), there is an ADHM construction which allows us to compute the HS explicitly using a contour integral. For cases that G is of E-type, recent index results allow for an explicit computation of the HS. The character expansion can be expressed as an infinite sum which lives on a Cartesian lattice that is generated by a small number of representations. This structure persists for all G and allows for an explicit expressions of the HS to all simple groups. For cases that G is of type G_2 or F_4, discrete symmetries are enough to evaluate the HS exactly, even though neither ADHM construction nor index is known for these cases.

S-duality as a beta-deformed Fourier transform

D. Galakhov, A. Mironov, A. Morozov

An attempt is made to formulate Gaiotto's S-duality relations in an explicit quantitative form. Formally the problem is that of evaluation of the Racah coefficients for the Virasoro algebra, and we approach it with the help of the matrix model representation of the AGT-related conformal blocks and Nekrasov functions. In the Seiberg-Witten limit, this S-duality reduces to the Legendre transformation. In the simplest case, its lifting to the level of Nekrasov functions is just the Fourier transform, while corrections are related to the beta-deformation. We calculate them with the help of the matrix model approach and observe that they vanish for beta=1. Explicit evaluation of the same corrections from the U_q(sl(2)) infinite-dimensional representation formulas due to B.Ponsot and J.Teshner remains an open problem.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

K-Rational D-Brane Crystals

R. Schimmrigk

In this paper the problem of constructing spacetime from string theory is addressed in the context of D-brane physics. It is suggested that the knowledge of discrete configurations of D-branes is sufficient to reconstruct the motivic building blocks of certain Calabi-Yau varieties. The collections of D-branes involved have algebraic base points, leading to the notion of K-arithmetic D-crystals for algebraic number fields K. This idea can be tested for D0-branes in the framework of toroidal compactifications via the conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer. For the special class of D0-crystals of Heegner type these conjectures can be interpreted as formulae that relate the canonical Neron-Tate height of the base points of the D-crystals to special values of the motivic L-function at the central point. In simple cases the knowledge of the D-crystals of Heegner type suffices to uniquely determine the geometry.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Representations of affine Kac-Moody groups over local and global fields: a survey of some recent results

A. Braverman, D. Kazhdan

Let G be a reductive algebraic group over a local field K or a global field F. It is well know that there exists a non-trivial and interesting representation theory of the group G(K) as well as the theory of automorphic forms on the corresponding adelic group. The purpose of this paper is to give a survey of some recent constructions and results, which show that there should exist an analog of the above theories in the case when G is replaced by the corresponding affine Kac-Moody group (which is essentially built from the formal loop group G((t)) of G). Specifically we discuss the following topics : affine (classical and geometric) Satake isomorphism, affine Iwahori-Hecke algebra, affine Eisenstein series and Tamagawa measure.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

All-order asymptotics of hyperbolic knot invariants from non-perturbative topological recursion of A-polynomials

G. Borot, B. Eynard

We propose a conjecture to compute the all-order asymptotic expansion of the colored Jones polynomial of the complement of a hyperbolic knot, J_N(q = exp(2u/N)) when N goes to infinity. Our conjecture claims that the asymptotic expansion of the colored Jones polynomial is a the formal wave function of an integrable system whose semiclassical spectral curve S would be the SL_2(C) character variety of the knot (the A-polynomial), and is formulated in the framework of the topological recursion. It takes as starting point the proposal made recently by Dijkgraaf, Fuji and Manabe (who kept only the perturbative part of the wave function, and found some discrepancies), but it also contains the non-perturbative parts, and solves the discrepancy problem. These non-perturbative corrections are derivatives of Theta functions associated to S, but the expansion is still in powers of 1/N due to the special properties of A-polynomials. We provide a detailed check for the figure-eight knot and the once-punctured torus bundle L^2R. We also present a heuristic argument inspired from the case of torus knots, for which knot invariants can be computed from a matrix model.

Off-Shell Hodge Dualities in Linearised Gravity and E11

N. Boulanger, P.P. Cook, D. Ponomarev

In a spacetime of dimension n, the dual graviton is characterised by a Young diagram with two columns, the first of length n-3 and the second of length one. In this paper we perform the off-shell dualisation relating the dual graviton to the double-dual graviton, displaying the precise off-shell field content and gauge invariances. We then show that one can further perform infinitely many off-shell dualities, reformulating linearised gravity in an infinite number of equivalent actions. The actions require supplementary mixed-symmetry fields which are contained within the generalised Kac-Moody algebra E11 and are associated with null and imaginary roots.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Emergent spacetime and black hole probes from automorphic forms

R. Schimmrigk

Over the past few years the arithmetic Langlands program has found applications in two quite different problems that arise in string physics. The first of these is concerned with the fundamental problem of deriving the geometry of spacetime from the worldsheet dynamics, leading to a realization of the notion of an emergent spacetime in string theory. The second problem is concerned with the idea of using automorphic black holes as probes of spacetime. In this article both of these applications of the Langlands program are described.