Saturday, December 27, 2008

Arithmetic McKay correspondence

J. Zhou
We propose an arithmetic McKay correspondence which relates suitably defined zeta functions of some Deligne-Mumford stacks to the zeta functions of their crepant resolutions. Some examples are discussed.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Emergent spacetime from modular motives

R. Schimmrigk
The program of constructing spacetime geometry from string theoretic modular forms is extended to Calabi-Yau varieties of dimensions two, three, and four, as well as higher rank motives. Modular forms on the worldsheet can be constructed from the geometry of spacetime by computing the L-functions associated to omega motives of Calabi-Yau varieties, generated by their holomorphic $n-$forms via Galois representations. The modular forms that emerge from the omega motive and other motives of the intermediate cohomology are related to characters of the underlying rational conformal field theory. The converse problem of constructing space from string theory proceeds in the class of diagonal theories by determining the motives associated to modular forms in the category of motives with complex multiplication. The emerging picture indicates that the L-function can be interpreted as a map from the geometric category of motives to the category of conformal field theories on the worldsheet.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Membranes at Quantum Criticality

P. Horava
We propose a quantum theory of membranes designed such that the ground-state wavefunction of the membrane with compact spatial topology \Sigma_h reproduces the partition function of the bosonic string on worldsheet \Sigma_h. The construction involves worldvolume matter at quantum criticality, described in the simplest case by Lifshitz scalars with dynamical critical exponent z=2. This matter system must be coupled to a novel theory of worldvolume gravity, also exhibiting quantum criticality with z=2. We first construct such a nonrelativistic "gravity at a Lifshitz point" with z=2 in D+1 spacetime dimensions, and then specialize to the critical case of D=2 suitable for the membrane worldvolume. We also show that in the second-quantized framework, the string partition function is reproduced if the spacetime ground state takes the form of a Bose-Einstein condensate of membranes in their first-quantized ground states, correlated across all genera.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Boundary condition for D-brane from Wilson loop, and gravitational interpretation of eigenvalue in matrix model in AdS/CFT correspondence

S. Kawamoto, T. Kuroki, A. Miwa
We study the supersymmetric Wilson loops in the four-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in the context of AdS/CFT correspondence. In the gauge theory side, it is known that the expectation value of the Wilson loops of circular shape with winding number k is calculable by using a Gaussian matrix model. On the other hand, in the gravity side, it has been conjectured that the expectation value of the Wilson loop is given by the classical value of the action for a probe D3-brane with k electric fluxes. Given such correspondence, we pursue the interpretation of the matrix model eigenvalue density, or more precisely the resolvent, from the viewpoint of the probe D3-brane in the gravity side. We see that in the gravity side, the position of an eigenvalue appears as an integrated flux on the D3-brane. In the course of our analysis, we also clarify the boundary condition on the D3-brane in terms of the Wilson loop.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cosmology of F-theory GUTs

J.J. Heckman, A. Tavanfar, C. Vafa
In this paper we study the interplay between the recently proposed F-theory GUTs and cosmology. Despite the fact that the parameter range for F-theory GUT models is very narrow, we find that F-theory GUTs beautifully satisfy most cosmological constraints without any further restrictions. The viability of the scenario hinges on the interplay between various components of the axion supermultiplet, which in F-theory GUTs is also responsible for breaking supersymmetry. In these models, the gravitino is the LSP and develops a mass by eating the axino mode. The radial component of the axion supermultiplet known as the saxion typically begins to oscillate in the early Universe, eventually coming to dominate the energy density. Its decay reheats the Universe to a temperature of ~ 1 GeV, igniting BBN and diluting all thermal relics such as the gravitino by a factor of ~ 10^(-4) - 10^(-5) such that gravitinos contribute a sizable component of the dark matter. In certain cases, non-thermally produced relics such as the axion, or gravitinos generated from the decay of the saxion can also contribute to the abundance of dark matter. Remarkably enough, this cosmological scenario turns out to be independent of the initial reheating temperature of the Universe. This is due to the fact that the initial oscillation temperature of the saxion coincides with the freeze out temperature for gravitinos in F-theory GUTs. We also find that saxion dilution is compatible with generating the desired baryon asymmetry from standard leptogenesis. Finally, the gravitino mass range in F-theory GUTs is 10-100 MeV, which interestingly coincides with the window of values required for the decay of the NLSP to solve the problem of Li(7) over-production.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Universality and asymptotics of graph counting problems in unoriented surfaces

S. Garoufalidis, M. Marino
The paper introduces a pair of sequences $(u_n,v_n)$ defined by a quadratic nonlinear recursion relation, and gives their asymptotic expansion for large $n$. We conjecture that, properly normalized, $(u_n,v_n)$ agrees with the constants $(t_g,p_g)$ that appear in numerous graph counting problems on oriented/unoriented surfaces studied by Bender-Canfield. Our conjecture was recently proven for $t_g$ in joint work with T.T.Q. Le but remains open for $p_g$. Aside from efficient exact formulas for $(u_n,v_n)$, new to the communities of combinatorics and representation theory, we prove the existence of the asymptotic expansion of $(u_n,v_n)$ and exactly compute it to all orders in $1/n$ in terms of a nonzero Stokes constant, for which we conjecture an exact value. Our proof uses the method of Borel transform applied to a pair of coupled nonlinear differential equations for the generating series of $(u_n,v_n)$. An additional proof and an exact computation of the Stokes constant may be obtained by the Riemann-Hilbert approach with a known Lax pair for the coupled system of differential equations. In addition, we give a matrix model computation of the Stokes constant, a motivation for our conjecture using a quartic matrix model for real symmetric matrices, and a conjecture for the number of rooted quadrangulations in the 2-dimensional projective plane. Our conjecture identifying $v_n$ with $p_g$ implies analyticity of the O(N) and $Sp(N)$-types of free energy of a closed 3-manifolds in a neighborhood of zero.

The homogeneity conjecture for supergravity backgrounds

J.M. Figueroa-O'Farrill
These notes record three lectures given at the workshop "Higher symmetries in Physics", held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in November 2008. In them we explain how to construct a Lie (super)algebra associated to a spin manifold, perhaps with extra geometric data, and a notion of privileged spinors. The typical examples are supersymmetric supergravity backgrounds; although there are more classical instances of this construction. We focus on two results: the geometric constructions of compact real forms of the simple Lie algebras of type B_4, F_4 and E_8 from S^7, S^8 and S^15, respectively; and the construction of the Killing superalgebra of eleven-dimensional supergravity backgrounds. As an application of this latter construction we show that supersymmetric supergravity backgrounds with enough supersymmetry are necessarily locally homogeneous.

Towards a non-abelian electric-magnetic symmetry: the skeleton group

L. Kampmeijer, F.A. Bais, B.J. Schroers, J.K. Slingerland
We propose a unified electric-magnetic symmetry group in Yang-Mills theory, which we call the skeleton group. We work in the context of non-abelian unbroken gauge symmetry, and provide evidence for our proposal by relating the representation theory of the skeleton group to the labelling and fusion rules of charge sectors, and by showing how the skeleton group arises naturally in a gauge-fixed description of the theory. In particular we show that the labels of electric, magnetic and dyonic sectors in non-abelian Yang-Mills theory can be interpreted in terms of irreducible representations of the skeleton group. Decomposing tensor products of these representations thus gives candidate fusion rules for these charge sectors. We demonstrate consistency of these fusion rules with the known fusion rules of the purely electric or magnetic sectors, and extract new predictions for the fusion rules of dyonic sectors in particular cases. We also implement S-duality and show that the fusion rules obtained from the skeleton group commute with S-duality. As further evidence for the relevance of the skeleton group we consider a generalisation of 't Hooft's abelian gauge fixing procedure. We show that the skeleton group plays the role of an effective symmetry in this gauge, and argue that this gauge is particularly useful for exploring phases of the theory which generalise Alice electrodynamics.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Gromov-Witten invariants of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds

Chiu-Chu M. Liu
This is an expository article on math/0408426 by J. Li, K. Liu, J. Zhou, and the author.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

K-Theory, D-Branes and Ramond-Ramond Fields

A. Valentino
This thesis is dedicated to the study of K-theoretical properties of D-branes and Ramond-Ramond fields. We construct abelian groups which define a homology theory on the category of CW-complexes, and prove that this homology theory is equivalent to the bordism representation of KO-homology, the dual theory to KO-theory. We construct an isomorphism between our geometric representation and the analytic representation of KO-homology, which induces a natural equivalence of homology functors. We apply this framework to describe mathematical properties of D-branes in type I String theory. We investigate the gauge theory of Ramond-Ramond fields arising from type II String theory defined on global orbifolds. We use the machinery of Bredon cohomology and the equivariant Chern character to construct abelian groups which generalize the properties of differential K-theory defined by Hopkins and Singer to the equivariant setting, and can be considered as a differential extension of equivariant K-theory for finite groups. We show that the Dirac quantization condition for Ramond-Ramond fieldstrengths on a good orbifold is dictated by equivariant K-theory and the equivariant Chern character, and study the group of flat Ramond-Ramond fields in the particular case of linear orbifolds in terms of our orbifold differential K-theory.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Monstrous and Generalized Moonshine and Permutation Orbifolds

M.P. Tuite
We consider the application of permutation orbifold constructions towards a new possible understanding of the genus zero property in Monstrous and Generalized Moonshine. We describe a theory of twisted Hecke operators in this setting and conjecture on the form of Generalized Moonshine replication formulas.

Exceptional Vertex Operator Algebras and the Virasoro Algebra

M.P. Tuite
We consider exceptional vertex operator algebras for which particular Casimir vectors constructed from the primary vectors of lowest conformal weight are Virasoro descendants of the vacuum. We discuss constraints on these theories that follow from an analysis of appropriate genus zero and genus one two point correlation functions. We find explicit differential equations for the partition function in the cases where the lowest weight primary vectors form a Lie algebra or a Griess algebra. Examples include the Wess-Zumino-Witten model for Deligne's exceptional Lie algebras and the Moonshine Module. We partially verify the irreducible decomposition of the tensor product of Deligne's exceptional Lie algebras and consider the possibility of similar decompositions for tensor products of the Griess algebra. We briefly discuss some conjectured extremal vertex operator algebras arising in Witten's recent work on three dimensional black holes.

Topological String on Toric CY3s in Large Complex Structure Limit

L.B. Drissi, H. Jehjouh, E.H. Saidi
We develop a non planar topological vertex formalism and we use it to study the A-model partition function $\mathcal{Z}_{top}$ of topological string on the class of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds (CY3) in large complex structure limit. To that purpose, we first consider the $T^{2}\times R$ special Lagrangian fibration of generic CY3-folds and we give the realization of the class of large $\mu $ toric CY3-folds in terms of supersymmetric gauged linear sigma model with \emph{non zero} gauge invariant superpotentials $% \mathcal{W}(\Phi ) $. Then, we focus on a one complex parameter supersymmetric $U(1) $ gauged model involving six chiral superfields ${\Phi_{i}}$ with $\mathcal{W}=\mu (\prod\nolimits_{i=0}^{5}\Phi_{i}) $ and we use it to compute the function $\mathcal{Z}_{top}$ for the case of the local elliptic curve in the limit $\mu \to \infty $.

Refining the Shifted Topological Vertex

L.B. Drissi, H. Jehjouh, E.H. Saidi
We study aspects of the refining and shifting properties of the 3d MacMahon function $\mathcal{C}_{3}(q) $ used in topological string theory and BKP hierarchy. We derive the explicit expressions of the shifted topological vertex $\mathcal{S}_{\lambda \mu \nu}(q) $ and its refined version $\mathcal{T}_{\lambda \mu \nu}(q,t) $. These vertices complete results in literature.