Sunday, August 16, 2015

Modular forms and a generalized Cardy formula in higher dimensions


E. Shaghoulian

We derive a formula which applies to conformal field theories on a spatial torus and gives the asymptotic density of states solely in terms of the vacuum energy on a parallel plate geometry. The formula follows immediately from global scale and Lorentz invariance, but to our knowledge has not previously been made explicit. It can also be understood from the fact that logZ on T2×Rd1 is the absolute value of a modular form of weight 1d, which we prove. The results are extended to theories which violate Lorentz invariance and hyperscaling but maintain a scaling symmetry. The formula is checked for the cases of a free scalar, free Maxwell gauge field, and free N=4 super Yang-Mills. The case of a Maxwell gauge field gives Casimir's original calculation of the electromagnetic force between parallel plates in terms of the entropy of a photon gas.

Incidence Geometry in a Weyl Chamber I: $GL_n$


M. EsoleS.G. JacksonR. JagadeesanA.G. Noël

We study the central hyperplane arrangement whose hyperplanes are the vanishing loci of the weights of the first and the second fundamental representations of gln restricted to the dual fundamental Weyl chamber. We obtain generating functions that count flats and faces of a given dimension. This counting is interpreted in physics as the enumeration of the phases of the Coulomb and mixed Coulomb-Higgs branches of a five dimensional gauge theory with 8 supercharges in presence of hypermultiplets transforming in the fundamental and antisymmetric representation of a U(n) gauge group as described by the Intriligator-Morrison-Seiberg superpotential.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Enhancement of Supersymmetry in M-strings


Y. Sugimoto

We study two M5-branes in A1 ALE space. We introduce some M2-branes suspended between the M5-branes. Then, the boundaries of M2-branes look like strings, called "M-strings." We calculate the M-strings partition function by using the refined topological vertex formalism. On the other hand, we calculate the elliptic genus of N=(4,4) gauge theory with the localization method. We find that, by setting some K\"ahler parameters, the N=(4,4) elliptic genus agrees with the M-strings partition function in some sectors.

Equivariant K3 Invariants

In this note, we describe a connection between the enumerative geometry of curves in K3 surfaces and the chiral ring of an auxiliary superconformal field theory. We consider the invariants calculated by Yau--Zaslow (capturing the Euler characters of the moduli spaces of D2-branes on curves of given genus), together with their refinements to carry additional quantum numbers by Katz--Klemm--Vafa (KKV), and Katz--Klemm--Pandharipande (KKP). We show that these invariants can be reproduced by studying the Ramond ground states of an auxiliary chiral superconformal field theory which has recently been observed to give rise to mock modular moonshine for a variety of sporadic simple groups that are subgroups of Conway's group. We also study equivariant versions of these invariants. A K3 sigma model is specified by a choice of 4-plane in the K3 D-brane charge lattice. Symmetries of K3 sigma models are naturally identified with 4-plane preserving subgroups of the Conway group, according to the work of Gaberdiel--Hohenegger--Volpato, and one may consider corresponding equivariant refined K3 Gopakumar--Vafa invariants. The same symmetries naturally arise in the auxiliary CFT state space, affording a suggestive alternative view of the same computation. We comment on a lift of this story to the generating function of elliptic genera of symmetric products of K3 surfaces.

Friday, August 7, 2015

E11 and exceptional field theory

We demonstrate that exceptional field theory is a truncation of the non-linear realisation of the semi-direct product of E11 and its first fundamental as proposed in 2003. Evaluating the simple equations of the E11 approach, and using the commutators of the E11 algebra, we find the equations of exceptional field theory after making a radical truncation. This procedure does not respect any of the higher level E11 symmetries and so these are lost. We suggest that the need for the section condition in exceptional field theory could be a consequence of the truncation.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

A 4D-2D equivalence for large-N Yang-Mills theory

General string-theoretic considerations suggest that four-dimensional large-N gauge theories should have dual descriptions in terms of two-dimensional conformal field theories. However, for non-supersymmetric confining theories such as pure Yang-Mills theory, a long-standing challenge has been to explicitly show that such dual descriptions actually exist. In this paper, we consider the large-N limit of four-dimensional pure Yang-Mills theory compactified on a three-sphere in the solvable limit where the sphere radius is small compared to the strong length scale, and demonstrate that the confined-phase spectrum of this gauge theory coincides with the spectrum of an irrational two-dimensional conformal field theory.