Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Novel Large-N Reduction on S^3: Demonstration in Chern-Simons Theory

We show that the planar Chern-Simons (CS) theory on S^3 can be described by its dimensionally reduced model. This description of CS theory can be regarded as a novel large-N reduction for gauge theories on S^3. We find that if one expands the reduced model around a particular background consisting of multiple fuzzy spheres, the reduced model becomes equivalent to CS theory on S^3 in the planar limit. In fact, we show that the free energy and the vacuum expectation value of unknot Wilson loop in CS theory are reproduced by the reduced model in the large-N limit.

Wall Crossing Phenomenology of Orientifolds

We initiate the study of wall crossing phenomena in orientifolds of local toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds from a topological string perspective. For this purpose, we define a notion of real Donaldson-Thomas partition function at the large volume, orbifold and non-commutative point in Kaehler moduli space. As a byproduct, we refine the constant map contribution to the partition function of the real topological string on a local toric background. We conjecture the general relation between the real large volume and real non-commutative/orbifold Donaldson-Thomas partition function of orientifolds of local toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds without compact divisors. The conjectured relation is confirmed at hand of the conifold and local A_n singularity, for which we explicitly derive the real non-commutative/orbifold Donaldson-Thomas partition function combinatorially.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Curves on K3 surfaces and modular forms

We study the virtual geometry of the moduli spaces of curves and sheaves on K3 surfaces in primitive classes. Equivalences relating the reduced Gromov-Witten invariants of K3 surfaces to characteristic numbers of stable pairs moduli spaces are proven. As a consequence, we prove the Katz-Klemm-Vafa conjecture evaluating $\lambda_g$ integrals (in all genera) in terms of explicit modular forms. Indeed, all K3 invariants in primitive classes are shown to be governed by modular forms. The method of proof is by degeneration to elliptically fibered rational surfaces. New formulas relating reduced virtual classes on K3 surfaces to standard virtual classes after degeneration are needed for both maps and sheaves. We also prove a Gromov-Witten/Pairs correspondence for toric 3-folds. Our approach uses a result of Kiem and Li to produce reduced classes. In Appendix A, we answer a number of questions about the relationship between the Kiem-Li approach, traditional virtual cycles, and symmetric obstruction theories. The interplay between the boundary geometry of the moduli spaces of curves, K3 surfaces, and modular forms is explored in Appendix B by A. Pixton.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Arithmetic and Hyperbolic Structures in String Theory

This monograph is an updated and extended version of the author's PhD thesis. It consists of an introductory text followed by two separate parts which are loosely related but may be read independently of each other. In Part I we analyze certain hyperbolic structures arising when studying gravity in the vicinity of a spacelike singularity (the "BKL-limit"). In this limit, spatial points decouple and the dynamics exhibits ultralocal behaviour which may be described in terms of a (possibly chaotic) hyperbolic billiard. In all supergravities arising as low-energy limits of string theory or M-theory, the billiard dynamics takes place within the fundamental Weyl chambers of certain hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras, suggesting that these algebras generate hidden infinite-dimensional symmetries of the theory. Part II of the thesis is devoted to a study of how (U-)dualities in string theory provide powerful constraints on perturbative and non-perturbative quantum corrections. These dualities are described by certain arithmetic groups G(Z) which are conjectured to be preserved in the effective action. The exact couplings are given by automorphic forms on the double quotient G(Z)\G/K. We discuss in detail various methods of constructing automorphic forms, with particular emphasis on non-holomorphic Eisenstein series. We provide detailed examples for the physically relevant cases of SL(2,Z) and SL(3,Z), for which we construct their respective Eisenstein series and compute their (non-abelian) Fourier expansions. We also show how these techniques can be applied to hypermultiplet moduli spaces in type II Calabi-Yau compactifications, and we provide a detailed analysis for the universal hypermultiplet.

Perturbation Theory From Automorphic Forms

Using our previous construction of Eisenstein-like automorphic forms we derive formulae for the perturbative and non-perturbative parts for any group and representation. The result is written in terms of the weights of the representation and the derivation is largely group theoretical. Specialising to the E_{n+1} groups relevant to type II string theory and the representation associated with node n+1 of the E_{n+1} Dynkin diagram we explicitly find the perturbative part in terms of String Theory variables, such as the string coupling g_d and volume V_n. For dimensions seven and higher we find that the perturbation theory involves only two terms. In six dimensions we construct the SO(5,5) automorphic form using the vector representation. Although these automorphic forms are generally compatible with String Theory, the one relevant to R^4 involves terms with g_d^{-6} and so is problematic. We then study a constrained SO(5,5) automorphic form, obtained by summing over null vectors, and compute its perturbative part. We find that it is consistent with String Theory and makes precise predictions for the perturbative results. We also study the unconstrained automorphic forms for E_6 in the 27 representation and E_7 in the 133 representation, giving their perturbative part and commenting on their role in String Theory.

R**4 couplings and automorphic unipotent representations

Four-graviton, eight-derivative couplings in the low energy effective action of toroidal type II string compactifications are tightly constrained by U-duality invariance and by supersymmetry. In this note, we revisit earlier proposals for the automorphic form governing these couplings in dimension D=3,4,5,6, and propose that the correct automorphic form is the minimal theta series for the corresponding U-duality group. Evidence for this proposal comes from matching the infinitesimal characters, and from the fact that the Fourier coefficients have support on 1/2-BPS charges. In particular, we show that non-perturbative effects can be interpreted as 1/2-BPS instantons, or 1/2-BPS particles in one dimension higher (together with Taub-NUT instantons in the D=3 case). Based on similar considerations, we also conjecture the form of 1/4-BPS saturated couplings such as $\nabla^4 R^4$ couplings in dimensions D=3,4,5.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Analytic Continuation Of Chern-Simons Theory

The title of this article refers to analytic continuation of three-dimensional Chern-Simons gauge theory away from integer values of the usual coupling parameter k, to explore questions such as the volume conjecture, or analytic continuation of three-dimensional quantum gravity (to the extent that it can be described by gauge theory) from Lorentzian to Euclidean signature. Such analytic continuation can be carried out by rotating the integration cycle of the Feynman path integral. Morse theory or Picard-Lefschetz theory gives a natural framework for describing the appropriate integration cycles. An important part of the analysis involves flow equations that turn out to have a surprising four-dimensional symmetry. After developing a general framework, we describe some specific examples (involving the trefoil and figure-eight knots in S^3). We also find that the space of possible integration cycles for Chern-Simons theory can be interpreted as the "physical Hilbert space" of a twisted version of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Chern-Simons theory, the 1/N expansion, and string theory

Chern-Simons theory in the 1/N expansion has been conjectured to be equivalent to a topological string theory. This conjecture predicts a remarkable relationship between knot invariants and Gromov-Witten theory. We review some basic aspects of this relationship, as well as the tests of this conjecture performed over the last ten years. Particular attention is given to indirect tests based on integrality conjectures, both for the HOMFLY and for the Kauffman invariants of links.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

On relation between Nekrasov functions and BS periods in pure SU(N) case

We investigate the duality between the Nekrasov function and the quantized Seiberg-Witten prepotential, first guessed in [1] and further elaborated in [2] and [3]. We concentrate on providing more thorough checks than the ones presented in [3] and do not discuss the motivation and historical context of this duality. The check of the conjecture up to $o (\hbar^6, \ln (\Lambda))$ is done by hands for arbitrary $N$ (explicit formulas are presented). Moreover, details of the calculation that are essential for the computerization of the check are worked out. This allows us to test the conjecture up to $\hbar^6$ and up to higher powers of $\Lambda$ for $N = 2,3,4$. Only the case of pure SU(N) gauge theory is considered.

Chern-Simons Theory in the Temporal Gauge and Knot Invariants through the Universal Quantum R-Matrix

In temporal gauge A_{0}=0 the 3d Chern-Simons theory acquires quadratic action and an ultralocal propagator. This directly implies a 2d R-matrix representation for the correlators of Wilson lines (knot invariants), where only the crossing points of the contours projection on the xy plane contribute. Though the theory is quadratic, P-exponents remain non-trivial operators and R-factors are easier to guess then derive. We show that the topological invariants arise if additional flag structure (xy plane and an y line in it) is introduced, R is the universal quantum R-matrix and turning points contribute the "enhancement" factors q^{\rho}.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Conformal blocks as Dotsenko-Fateev Integral Discriminants

As anticipated in [1], elaborated in [2-4], and explicitly formulated in [5], the Dotsenko-Fateev integral discriminant coincides with conformal blocks, thus providing an elegant approach to the AGT conjecture, without any reference to an auxiliary subject of Nekrasov functions. Internal dimensions of conformal blocks in this identification are associated with the choice of contours: parameters of the DV phase of the corresponding matrix models. In this paper we provide further evidence in support of this identity for the 6-parametric family of the 4-point spherical conformal blocks, up to level 3 and for arbitrary values of external dimensions and central charges. We also extend this result to multi-point spherical functions and comment on a similar description of the 1-point function on a torus.

Homological Type of Geometric Transitions

The present paper gives an account and quantifies the change in topology induced by small and type II geometric transitions, by introducing the notion of the \emph{homological type} of a geometric transition. The obtained results agree with, and go further than, most results and estimates, given to date by several authors, both in mathematical and physical literature.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

q-Analog of Gelfand--Graev basis for the noncompact quantum algebra U_q(u(n,1))

For the quantum algebra U_{q}(gl(n+1)) in its reduction on the subalgebra U_{q}(gl(n)) an explicit description of a Mickelsson--Zhelobenko reduction Z-algebra Z_{q}(gl(n+1),gl(n)) is given in terms of the generators and their defining relations. Using this Z-algebra we describe Hermitian irreducible representations of a discrete series for the quantum algebra U_{q}(u(n,1)) which is a real form of U_{q}(gl(n+1)). Namely, an orthonormal Gelfand--Graev basis is constructed in explicit form.