Friday, June 26, 2015

Chern-Simons theory on spherical Seifert manifolds, topological strings and integrable systems


G. BorotA. Brini

We consider the Gopakumar-Ooguri-Vafa correspondence, relating U(N) Chern-Simons theory at large N to topological strings, in the context of spherical Seifert 3-manifolds. These are quotients SΓ=S3/Γ of the three-sphere by the free action of a finite isometry group. Guided by string theory dualities, we propose a large N dual description in terms of both A- and B-twisted topological strings on (in general non-toric) local Calabi-Yau threefolds. The target space of the B-model theory is obtained from the spectral curve of Toda-type integrable systems constructed on the double Bruhat cells of the simply-laced group identified by the ADE label of Γ. Its mirror A-model theory is realized as the local Gromov-Witten theory of suitable ALE fibrations on CP1generalizing the results known for lens spaces. We propose an explicit construction of the family of target manifolds relevant for the correspondence, which we verify through a large N analysis of the matrix model that expresses the contribution of the trivial flat connection to the Chern-Simons partition function. Mathematically, our results put forward an identification between the 1/N expansion of the slN+1 LMO invariant of SΓ and a suitably restricted Gromov-Witten/Donaldson-Thomas partition function on the A-model dual Calabi-Yau. This 1/N expansion, as well as that of suitable generating series of perturbative quantum invariants of fiber knots in SΓ, is computed by the Eynard-Orantin topological recursion.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

ADE Little String Theory on a Riemann Surface (and Triality)

We initiate the study of (2,0) little string theory of ADE type using its definition in terms of IIB string compactified on an ADE singularity. As one application, we derive a 5d ADE quiver gauge theory that describes the little string compactified on a sphere with three full punctures, at low energies. As a second application, we show the partition function of this theory equals the 3-point conformal block of ADE Toda CFT, q-deformed. To establish this, we generalize the A_n triality of \cite{AHS} to all ADE Lie algebras; IIB string perspective is crucial for this as well.

Factorization of the 3d superconformal index with an adjoint matter


C. HwangJ. Park

We work out the factorization of the 3d superconformal index for N = 2 U(Nc) gauge theory withone adjoint chiral multiplet as well as Nf fundamental, Na anti-fundamental chiral multiplets. Using the factorization,one can prove the Seiberg-like duality for N = 4 U(Nc) theory with Nf hypermultiplets at the index level. We explicitlyshow that monopole operators violating unitarity bound in a bad theory are mapped to free hypermultiplets in the dual side. For N = 2 U(Nc) theory with one adjoint matter XNffundamental, Na anti-fundamental chiral multiplets with superpotential W=trXn+1, we work out Seiberg-like duality for this theory. The index computation provides combinatorial identities for a dual pair, which we carry out intensive numerical checks.

Exact Chern-Simons / Topological String duality

We invoke universal Chern-Simons theory to analytically calculate the exact free energy of the refined topological string on the resolved conifold. In the unrefined limit we reproduce non-perturbative corrections for the resolved conifold found elsewhere in the literature, thereby providing strong evidence that the Chern-Simons / topological string duality is exact, and in particular holds at arbitrary N as well. In the refined case, the non-perturbative corrections we find are novel and appear to be non-trivial. We show that non-perturbatively special treatment is needed for rational valued deformation parameter. Above results are also extend to refined Chern-Simons with orthogonal groups.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

K3 surfaces with involution, equivariant analytic torsion, and automorphic forms on the moduli space IV: the structure of invariant

A holomorphic torsion invariant of K3 surfaces with involution was introduced by the second-named author. In this paper, we completely determine its structure as an automorphic function on the moduli space of such K3 surfaces. On every component of the moduli space, it is expressed as the product of an explicit Borcherds lift and a classical Siegel modular form.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Supergravity divergences, supersymmetry and automorphic forms

We investigate the occurrence of divergences in maximal supergravity in various dimensions from the point of view of supersymmetry constraints on the U-duality invariant threshold functions defining the higher derivative couplings in the effective action. Our method makes use of tensorial differential equations that constrain these couplings. We study in detail the Fourier modes and wave-front sets of the associated automorphic functions and find that they are always associated to special nilpotent orbits.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Schur Indices, BPS Particles, and Argyres-Douglas Theories


C. CordovaS.-H. Shao

We conjecture a precise relationship between the Schur limit of the superconformal index of four-dimensional N=2 field theories, which counts local operators, and the spectrum of BPS particles on the Coulomb branch. We verify this conjecture for the special case of free field theories, N=2 QED, and SU(2) gauge theory coupled to fundamental matter. Assuming the validity of our proposal, we compute the Schur index of all Argyres-Douglas theories. Our answers match expectations from the connection of Schur operators with two-dimensional chiral algebras. Based on our results we propose that the chiral algebra of the generalized Argyres-Douglas theory (Ak1,AN1) with k and N coprime, is the vacuum sector of the (k,k+N) Wk minimal model, and that the Schur index is the associated vacuum character.