Friday, April 29, 2016

Explicit examples of DIM constraints for network matrix models


Hidetoshi AwataHiroaki KannoTakuya MatsumotoAndrei MironovAlexei MorozovAndrey MorozovYusuke OhkuboYegor Zenkevich

Dotsenko-Fateev and Chern-Simons matrix models, which describe Nekrasov functions for SYM theories in different dimensions, are all incorporated into network matrix models with the hidden Ding-Iohara-Miki (DIM) symmetry. This lifting is especially simple for what we call balanced networks. Then, the Ward identities (known under the names of Virasoro/W-constraints or loop equations or regularity condition for qq-characters) are also promoted to the DIM level, where they all become corollaries of a single identity.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Douglas-Kazakov on the road to superfluidity: from random walks to black holes


Alexander GorskyAlexey MilekhinSergei Nechaev

Inspired by the connection between (1+1)D "vicious walks" (VW) and 2D YM theory, we consider different incarnations of large-N Douglas-Kazakov (DK) phase transition in stochastic processes and in gauge field theories focusing at its physical interpretations. We generalize the connection between VW and YM, and study the influence of initial and final out-of-equilibrium distributions of walkers on the DK phase transition, as well as describe the effect of θ-term in related stochastic processes. We consider the Jack stochastic process involving Calogero-type interaction between walkers and find the dependence of the transition point on the coupling constant. Using the relation between large-N 2D q-YM and extremal black hole (BH) with large-N magnetic charge, we conjecture the physical interpretation of the DK phase transitions in the 4D extremal charged black holes and its relation to Brownian branes. Utilizing the interpretation of superfluidity as the specific response on the external graviphoton field, we suggest that a kind of superfluid component is formed during the evolution of out-of-equilibrium initial state above DK transition in the instanton-driven strong coupling phase.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Spectral determinants and quantum theta functions


Alba Grassi

It has been recently conjectured that the spectral determinants of operators associated to mirror curves can be expressed in terms of a generalization of theta functions, called quantum theta functions. In this paper we study the symplectic properties of these spectral determinants by expanding them around the point hbar=2pi, where the quantum theta functions become conventional theta functions. We find that they are modular invariant, order by order, and we give explicit expressions for the very first terms of the expansion. Our derivation requires a detailed understanding of the modular properties of topological string free energies in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit. We derive these properties in a diagrammatic form. Finally, we use our results to provide a new test of the duality between topological strings and spectral theory.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Mass-deformed ABJ(M) theory, Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials, and $su(1,1)$ coherent states/oscillators


Miguel Tierz

We give explicit analytical expressions for the partition function of U(N)k×U(N+M)k ABJ theory at weak coupling (k) for finite and arbitrary values of N and M (including the ABJM case and its mass-deformed generalization). We obtain the expressions by identifying the one-matrix model formulation with a Meixner-Pollaczek ensemble and using the corresponding orthogonal polynomials, which are also eigenfunctions of a su(1,1) quantum oscillator. Wilson loops in mass-deformed ABJM are also studied in the same limit and interpreted in terms of su(1,1) coherent states.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

F-Theory and N=1 SCFTs in Four Dimensions


David R. MorrisonCumrun Vafa

Using the F-theory realization, we identify a subclass of 6d (1,0) SCFTs whose compactification on a Riemann surface leads to N = 1 4d SCFTs where the moduli space of the Riemann surface is part of the moduli space of the theory. In particular we argue that for a special case of these theories (dual to M5 branes probing ADE singularities), we obtain 4d N = 1 theories whose space of marginal deformations is given by the moduli space of flat ADE connections on a Riemann surface.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Chiral algebra of Argyres-Douglas theory from M5 brane


Dan XieWenbin YanShing-Tung Yau

We study chiral algebras associated with Argyres-Douglas theories engineered from M5 brane. For the theory engineered using 6d (2,0) type J theory on a sphere with a single irregular singularity (without mass parameter), its chiral algebra is the minimal model of W algebra of J type. For the theory engineered using an irregular singularity and a regular full singularity, its chiral algebra is the affine Kac-Moody algebra of J type. We can obtain the Schur index of these theories by computing the vacua character of the corresponding chiral algebra.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Quantum mock modular forms arising from eta-theta functions


Amanda FolsomSharon GarthwaiteSoon-Yi KangHolly SwisherStephanie Treneer

In 2013, Lemke Oliver classified all eta-quotients which are theta functions. In this paper, we unify the eta-theta functions by constructing mock modular forms from the eta-theta functions with even characters, such that the shadows of these mock modular forms are given by the eta-theta functions with odd characters. In addition, we prove that our mock modular forms are quantum modular forms. As corollaries, we establish simple finite hypergeometric expressions which may be used to evaluate Eichler integrals of the odd eta-theta functions, as well as some curious algebraic identities.