Monday, February 19, 2018

Generators and relations for Lie superalgebras of Cartan type


Lisa CarboneMartin CederwallJakob Palmkvist

We give an analog of a Chevalley-Serre presentation for the Lie superalgebras W(n) and S(n) of Cartan type. These are part of a wider class of Lie superalgebras, the so-called tensor hierarchy algebras, denoted W(g) and S(g), where g denotes the Kac-Moody algebra A_r, D_r or E_r. Then W(A_{n-1}) and S(A_{n-1}) are the Lie superalgebras W(n) and S(n). The algebras W(g) and S(g) are constructed from the Dynkin diagram of the Borcherds-Kac-Moody superalgebras B(g) obtained by adding a single grey node (representing an odd null root) to the Dynkin diagram of g. We redefine the algebras W(A_r) and S(A_r) in terms of Chevalley generators and defining relations. We prove that all relations follow from the defining ones at level -2 and higher. The analogous definitions of the algebras in the D- and E-series are given. In the latter case the full set of defining relations is conjectured.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Higher rank isomonodromic deformations and W-algebras


P. GavrylenkoN. IorgovO. Lisovyy

We construct the general solution of a class of Fuchsian systems of rank N as well as the associated isomonodromic tau functions in terms of semi-degenerate conformal blocks of WN-algebra with central charge c=N1. The simplest example is given by the tau function of the Fuji-Suzuki-Tsuda system, expressed as a Fourier transform of the 4-point conformal block with respect to intermediate weight. Along the way, we generalize the result of Bowcock and Watts on the minimal set of matrix elements of vertex operators of the WN-algebra for generic central charge and prove several properties of semi-degenerate vertex operators and conformal blocks for c=N1.

Monday, February 5, 2018

D-type Conformal Matter and SU/USp Quivers


Hee-Cheol KimShlomo S. RazamatCumrun VafaGabi Zafrir

We discuss the four dimensional models obtained by compactifying a single M5 brane probing DN singularity (minimal D-type (1,0)conformal matter in six dimensions) on a torus with flux for abelian subgroups of the SO(4N) flavor symmetry. We derive the resulting quiver field theories in four dimensions by first compactifying on a circle and relating the flux to duality domain walls in five dimensions. This leads to novel N=1 dualities in 4 dimensions which arise from distinct five dimensional realizations of the circle compactifications of the D-type conformal matter.