Monday, January 28, 2008

Invariants of Welded Virtual Knots Via Crossed Module Invariants of Knotted Surfaces

L.H. Kauffman, J.F. Martins
We define an invariant of welded virtual knots from each finite crossed module by considering crossed module invariants of ribbon knotted surfaces which are naturally associated with them. We elucidate that the invariants obtained are non trivial by calculating explicit examples. We define welded virtual graphs and consider invariants of them defined in a similar way.

On NS5-brane instantons and volume stabilization

H. Looyestijn, S. Vandoren
We study general aspects of NS5-brane instantons in relation to the stabilization of the volume modulus in Calabi-Yau compactifications of type II strings with fluxes, and their orientifold versions. These instantons correct the Kahler potential and generically yield significant contributions to the scalar potential at intermediate values of string coupling constant and volume. Under suitable conditions they yield uplifting terms that allow for meta--stable de Sitter vacua.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Harish-Chandra integrals as nilpotent integrals

M. Bertola, A. Prats Ferrer
Recently the correlation functions of the so-called Itzykson-Zuber/Harish-Chandra integrals were computed (by one of the authors and collaborators) for all classical groups using an integration formula that relates integrals over compact groups with respect to the Haar measure and Gaussian integrals over a maximal nilpotent Lie subalgebra of their complexification. Since the integration formula a posteriori had the same form for the classical series, a conjecture was formulated that such a formula should hold for arbitrary semisimple Lie groups. We prove this conjecture using an abstract Lie-theoretic approach.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tachyon Condensation on Separated Brane-Antibrane System

A. Bagchi, A. Sen
We study the effect of tachyon condensation on a brane antibrane pair in superstring theory separated in the transverse direction. The static properties of the tachyon potential analyzed using level truncated string field theory reproduces the desired property that the dependence of the minimum value of the potential on the initial distance of separation between the branes decreases as we include higher level terms. The rolling tachyon solution constructed using the conformal field theory methods shows that if the initial separation between the branes is less than a critical distance then the solution is described by an exactly marginal deformation of the original conformal field theory where the correlation functions of the deformed theory are determined completely in terms of the correlation functions of the undeformed theory without any need to regularize the theory. Using this we give an expression for the pressure on the brane-antibrane system as a power series expansion in \exp(C x^0) for an appropriate constant C.

Mastering the Master Space

D. Forcella, A. Hanany, Y.-H. He, A. Zaffaroni
Supersymmetric gauge theories have an important but perhaps under-appreciated notion of a master space, which controls the full moduli space. For world-volume theories of D-branes probing a Calabi-Yau singularity X the situation is particularly illustrative. In the case of one physical brane, the master space F is the space of F-terms and a particular quotient thereof is X itself. We study various properties of F which encode such physical quantities as Higgsing, BPS spectra, hidden global symmetries, etc. Using the plethystic program we also discuss what happens at higher number N of branes. This letter is a summary and some extensions of the key points of a longer companion paper arXiv:0801.1585.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Self-Dual Vertex Operator Superalgebras of Large Minimal Weight

G. Hoehn
The new general upper bound mu <= [c/24] + 1 for the minimal weight mu of a self-dual vertex operator superalgebra of central charge c different from 47/2 is proven. For central charges c <= 48, further improved estimates are given and examples of with large minimal weight are discussed. We also study the case of vertex operator superalgebras with N=1 supersymmetry which was first considered by Witten in connection with three-dimensional quantum gravity. The upper bound mu^* <= (1/2)[c/12]+1/2 for the minimal superconformal weight is obtained for c different from 47/2.
In addition, we show that it is impossible that the monster sporadic group acts on an extremal self-dual N=1 supersymmetric vertex operator superalgebra of central charge 48 in a way proposed by Witten if certain standard assumptions about orbifold constructions hold. The same statement holds for extremal self-dual vertex operator algebras of central charge 48.

Natural constructions of some generalized Kac-Moody algebras as bosonic strings

T. Creutzig, A. Klauer, N.R. Scheithauer
There are 10 generalized Kac-Moody algebras whose denominator identities are completely reflective automorphic products of singular weight on lattices of squarefree level. Under the assumption that the meromorphic vertex operator algebra of central charge 24 and spin-1 algebra $\hat{A}_{p-1,p}^r$ exists we show that four of them can be constructed in a uniform way from bosonic strings moving on suitable target spaces.

Quantum toroidal algebras and their representations

D. Hernandez
Quantum toroidal algebras (or double affine quantum algebras) are defined from quantum affine Kac-Moody algebras by using the Drinfeld quantum affinization process, and are quantum groups analogs of elliptic Cherednik algebras (elliptic double affine Hecke algebras) to whom they are related via Schur-Weyl duality. In this review paper, we give a glimpse on some aspects of their very rich representation theory in the context of general quantum affinizations. We illustrate with several examples. We also announce new results and explain possible further developments, in particular on finite dimensional representations at roots of unity.

Characters of the Grothendieck-Teichmueller group through rigidity of the Burau representation

I. Marin
We present examples of characters of absolute Galois groups of number fields that can be recovered through their action by automorphisms on the profinite completion of the braid groups, using a ``rigidity'' approach. The way we use to recover them is through classical representations of the braid groups, and in particular through the Burau representation. This enables one to extend these characters to Grothendieck-Teichmueller groups.

Moduli spaces of framed instanton sheaves on pojective spaces

M. Jardim
We introduce a generalization of Atiyah-Drinfeld-Hitchin-Manin linear algebraic data and a generalization of Atiyah-Drinfeld-Hitchin-Manin equation, which are subsequently used to construct all framed instanton bundles on complex projective spaces. Using geometric invariant theory, we prove that the moduli spaces of framed instanton sheaves is a quiasi-projective variety. We also provided a link between the generalized ADHM data introduced here and certain representaions of quivers.

Exts and Vertex Operators

E. Carlsson, A. Okounkov
The direct product of two Hilbert schemes of the same surface has natural K-theory classes given by the alternating Ext groups between the two ideal sheaves in question, twisted by a line bundle. We express the Chern classes of these virtual bundles in terms of Nakajima operators.

Embeddings of hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras into $\mathbf{E_{10}}$}

S. Viswanath
We show that the rank 10 hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebra $E_{10}$ contains every simply laced hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebra as a Lie subalgebra. Our method is based on an extension of earlier work of Feingold and Nicolai.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Real forms of very extended Kac-Moody algebras and theories with eight supersymmetries

F. Riccioni, A. Van Proeyen, P. West
We consider all theories with eight supersymmetries whose reduction to three dimensions gives rise to scalars that parametrise symmetric manifolds. We conjecture that these theories are non-linear realisations of very-extended Kac-Moody algebras for suitable choices of real forms. We show for the most interesting cases that the bosonic sector of the supersymmetric theory is precisely reproduced by the corresponding non-linear realisation.

Generalized MacMahon G ${_{d}}$(q) as q-deformed CFT${_{2}}$ Correlation Function

L.B. Drissi, H. Jehjouh, E.H. Saidi
Using $\Gamma_{\pm}(z) $ vertex operators of the $c=1$ two dimensional conformal field theory, we give a 2d-quantum field theoretical derivation of the conjectured d- dimensional MacMahon function G$_{d}(q) $. We interpret this function G$_{d}(q) $ as a $(d+1) $- point correlation function $\mathcal{G}_{d+1}(z_{0},...,z_{d}) $ of some local vertex operators $\mathcal{O}%_{j}(z_{j}) $. We determine these operators and show that they are particular composites of q-deformed hierarchical vertex operators $% \Gamma _{\pm}^{(p)}$, with a positive integer p. In agreement with literature's results, we find that G$_{d}(q) $, $d\geq 4$, cannot be the generating functional of all \textit{d- dimensional} generalized Young diagrams .

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Master Space of N=1 Gauge Theories

D. Forcella, A. Hanany, Y.-H. He, A. Zaffaroni
The full moduli space M of a class of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories is studied. For gauge theories living on a stack of D3-branes at Calabi-Yau singularities X, M is a combination of the mesonic and baryonic branches, the former being the symmetric product of X. In consonance with the mathematical literature, the single brane moduli space is called the master space F. Illustrating with a host of explicit examples, we exhibit many algebro-geometric properties of the master space such as when F is toric Calabi-Yau, behaviour of its Hilbert series, its irreducible components and its symmetries. In conjunction with the plethystic programme, we investigate the counting of BPS gauge invariants, baryonic and mesonic, using the geometry of F and show how its refined Hilbert series not only engenders the generating functions for the counting but also beautifully encode ``hidden'' global symmetries of the gauge theory which manifest themselves as symmetries of the complete moduli space M for arbitrary number of branes.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Gauged Supergravities, Tensor Hierarchies, and M-Theory

B. de Wit, H. Nicolai, H. Samtleben
Deformations of maximal supergravity theories induced by gauging non-abelian subgroups of the duality group reveal the presence of charged M-theory degrees of freedom that are not necessarily contained in supergravity. The relation with M-theory degrees of freedom is confirmed by the representation assignments under the duality group of the gauge charges and the ensuing vector and tensor gauge fields. The underlying hierarchy of these gauge fields is required for consistency of general gaugings. As an example gauged maximal supergravity in three space-time dimensions is presented in a version where all possible tensor fields appear.

N=4 SYM on K3 and the AdS(3)/CFT(2) Correspondence

K. Okuyama
We study the Fareytail expansion of the topological partition function of N=4 SU(N) super Yang-Mills theory on K3. We argue that this expansion corresponds to a sum over geometries in asymptotically AdS_3 spacetime, which is holographically dual to a large number of coincident fundamental heterotic strings.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Monster symmetry and Extremal CFTs

D. Gaiotto
We test some recent conjectures about extremal selfdual CFTs, which are the candidate holographic duals of pure gravity in $AdS_3$. We prove that no $c=48$ extremal selfdual CFT or SCFT may possess Monster symmetry. Furthermore, we disprove a recent argument against the existence of extremal selfdual CFTs of large central charge.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

On the defining relations for generalized q-Schur algebras

S. Doty, A. Giaquinto, J. Sullivan
We show that the defining relations needed to describe a generalized q-Schur algebra as a quotient of a quantized enveloping algebra are determined completely by the defining ideal of a certain finite affine variety, the points of which correspond bijectively to the set of weights. This explains, unifies, and extends previous results.