Friday, August 31, 2007

Whittaker unitary dual of affine graded Hecke algebras of type E

D. Barbasch, D. Ciubotaru
This paper gives the classification of the Whittaker unitary dual for affine graded Hecke algebras of type E. By the Iwahori-Matsumoto involution, this is equivalent also to the classification of the spherical unitary dual for type E.

Braided-Lie bialgebras associated to Kac-Moody algebras

J.E. Grabowski
Braided-Lie bialgebras have been introduced by Majid, as the Lie versions of Hopf algebras in braided categories. In this paper we extend previous work of Majid and of ours to show that there is a braided-Lie bialgebra associated to each inclusion of Kac-Moody bialgebras. Doing so, we obtain many new examples of infinite-dimensional braided-Lie bialgebras. We analyze further the case of untwisted affine Kac-Moody bialgebras associated to finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras. The inclusion we study is that of the finite-type algebra in the affine algebra. This braided-Lie bialgebra is isomorphic to the current algebra over the simple Lie algebra, now equipped with a braided cobracket. We give explicit expressions for this braided cobracket for the simple Lie algebra sl_3.

On the quiver of the descent algebra

F.V. Saliola
Using a result of T. P. Bidigare \cite{Bidigare1997}, we identity the descent algebra (over a field k) of a finite Coxeter group W with a subalgebra of kF, an algebra built from the hyperplane arrangement associated to W. Specifically, the descent algebra is anti-isomorphic to the W-invariant subalgebra of kF. We use this identification and results about kF to study the descent algebra. We construct a complete system of primitive orthogonal idempotents and describe the simple and projective indecomposable modules. The main result is an explicit construction of a W-equivariant surjection kQ --> kF, where Q is the quiver of kF. Consequently, we obtain a surjection from the W-invariant subalgebra of kQ onto the descent algebra that can be used to gain information about the quiver of the descent algebra; as an application we derive the quiver of the descent algebra of the symmetric group.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lectures on Nongeometric Flux Compactifications

B. Wecht
These notes present a pedagogical review of nongeometric flux compactifications. We begin by reviewing well-known geometric flux compactifications in Type II string theory, and argue that one must include nongeometric "fluxes" in order to have a superpotential which is invariant under T-duality. Additionally, we discuss some elementary aspects of the worldsheet description of nongeometric backgrounds. This review is based on lectures given at the 2007 RTN Winter School at CERN.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Twelve bridges from a reductive group to its Langlands dual

G. Lusztig
(I) A bridge from irreducible admissible representations of Chevalley group G_K (where K is a finite extension of Q_p) to certain conjugacy classes of homomorphisms of the Weil group W_K to G_∗C. This bridge contains almost as a special case a bridge from irreducible representations of the affine Hecke algebra H specialized at a non-root of 1 and conjugacy classes of certain pairs of elements in G_∗C.
(II) A bridge from irreducible admissible representations of G_R to certain conjugacy classes of homomorphisms of the Weil group W_R to G_∗C.
(III) A bridge connecting certain automorphic representations attached to G_k (k a function field over F_p) and certain homomorphisms of Gal(¯k/k) into G_∗C.
(IV) A bridge from unipotent classes in G_∗C to cells in the affine Weyl group constructed from H.
(V) A bridge from ”special unipotent pieces” in G_Fp to ”special unipotent pieces” in G_∗Fp.
(VI) A bridge from irreducible representations of G_Fq to certain ”special” conjugacy classes in G_∗C.
(VII) A bridge from character sheaves on G_C to ”special” conjugacy classes in G_∗C.
(VIII) A bridge connecting certain intersection cohomology spaces associated to symmetric spaces of G_C and similar objects for G_∗C.
(IX) A bridge connecting multiplicities in standard modules of G_K (as in (II)) or G_R with intersection cohomology spaces arising from the geometry of G_∗C.
(X) A bridge connecting the tensor product of two irreducible finite dimensional representations of G_C with the convolution of certain perverse sheaves on the affine Grassmannian attached to G_∗C((ǫ)).
(XI) A bridge connecting the canonical basis of the plus part of the enveloping algebra attached to G_Q with certain subsets of the totally positive part of the upper triangular subgroup of G_∗A where A = R[[ǫ]].
(XII) A bridge connecting the characters of irreducible modular representations of G_Fp with certain intersection cohomology spaces associated with the geometry of G_∗C((ǫ)).

A prediction for bubbling geometries

T. Okuda
We study the supersymmetric circular Wilson loops in N=4 Yang-Mills theory. Their vacuum expectation values are computed in the parameter region that admits smooth bubbling geometry duals. The results are a prediction for the supergravity action evaluated on the bubbling geometries for Wilson loops.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Noncommutative correspondences, duality and D-branes in bivariant K-theory

J. Brodzki, V. Mathai, J. Rosenberg, R.J. Szabo
We describe a categorical framework for the classification of D-branes on noncommutative spaces using techniques from bivariant K-theory of C*-algebras. We present a new description of bivariant K-theory in terms of noncommutative correspondences which is nicely adapted to the study of T-duality in open string theory. We systematically use the diagram calculus for bivariant K-theory as detailed in our previous paper. We explicitly work out our theory for a number of examples of noncommutative manifolds.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Morita classes of algebras in modular tensor categories

L. Kong, I. Runkel
We consider algebras in a modular tensor category C. If the trace pairing of an algebra A in C is non-degenerate we associate to A a commutative algebra Z(A), called the full centre, in a doubled version of the category C. We prove that two simple algebras with non-degenerate trace pairing are Morita-equivalent if and only if their full centres are isomorphic as algebras. This result has an interesting interpretation in two-dimensional rational conformal field theory; it implies that there cannot be several incompatible sets of boundary conditions for a given bulk theory.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Black Hole Entropy Function, Attractors and Precision Counting of Microstates

A. Sen
In these lecture notes we describe recent progress in our understanding of attractor mechanism and entropy of extremal black holes based on the entropy function formalism. We also describe precise computation of the microscopic degeneracy of a class of quarter BPS dyons in N=4 supersymmetric string theories, and compare the statistical entropy of these dyons, expanded in inverse powers of electric and magnetic charges, with a similar expansion of the corresponding black hole entropy. This comparison is extended to include the contribution to the entropy from multi-centered black holes as well.

Black Hole Attractors in Extended Supergravity

S. Ferrara, A. Marrani
We review some aspects of the attractor mechanism for extremal black holes of (not necessarily supersymmetric) theories coupling Einstein gravity to scalars and Maxwell vector fields. Thence, we consider N=2 and N=8, d=4 supergravities, reporting some recent advances on the moduli spaces associated to BPS and non-BPS attractor solutions supported by charge orbits with non-compact stabilizers.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Quaternionic Kahler Manifolds, Constrained Instantons and the Magic Square: I

K. Dasgupta, V. Hussin, A. Wissanji
The classification of homogeneous quaternionic manifolds has been done by Alekseevskii, Wolf et al using transitive solvable group of isometries. These manifolds are not generically symmetric, but there is a subset of quaternionic manifolds that are symmetric and Einstein. A further subset of these manifolds are the magic square manifolds. We show that all the symmetric quaternionic manifolds including the magic square can be succinctly classified by constrained instantons. These instantons are mostly semilocal, and their constructions for the magic square can be done from the corresponding Seiberg-Witten curves for certain N = 2 gauge theories that are in general not asymptotically free. Using these, we give possible constructions, such as the classical moduli space metrics, of constrained instantons with exceptional global symmetries. We also discuss the possibility of realising the Kahler manifolds in the magic square using other solitonic configurations in the theory, and point out an interesting new sequence of these manifolds in the magic square.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Riemann Hypothesis, Matrix/Gravity Correspondence and FZZT Brane Partition Functions

M. McGuigan
We investigate the physical interpretation of the Riemann zeta function as a FZZT brane partition function associated with a matrix/gravity correspondence. The Hilbert-Polya operator in this interpretation is the master matrix of the large N matrix model. Using a related function $\Xi(z)$ we develop an analogy between this function and the Airy function Ai(z) of the Gaussian matrix model. The analogy gives an intuitive physical reason why the zeros lie on a critical line. Using a Fourier transform of the $\Xi(z)$ function we identify a Kontsevich integrand. Generalizing this integrand to $n \times n$ matrices we develop a Kontsevich matrix model which describes n FZZT branes. The Kontsevich model associated with the $\Xi(z)$ function is given by a superposition of Liouville type matrix models that have been used to describe matrix model instantons.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Geometric Metastability, Quivers and Holography

M. Aganagic, C. Beem, B. Freivogel
We use large N duality to study brane/anti-brane configurations on a class of Calabi-Yau manifolds. With only branes present, the Calabi-Yau manifolds in question give rise to N=2 ADE quiver theories deformed by superpotential terms. We show that the large N duality conjecture of hep-th/0610249 reproduces correctly the known qualitative features of the brane/anti-brane physics. In the supersymmetric case, the gauge theories have Seiberg dualities which are represented as flops in the geometry. Moreover, the holographic dual geometry encodes the whole RG flow of the gauge theory. In the non-supersymmetric case, the large N duality predicts that the brane/anti-brane theories also undergo duality cascades, and allows one to pick out the good description at a given energy scale.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Z_BH = int_M DM Z_TOP (M)

The total black hole partition function via the Feynmanian integral over moduli space M
Z_BH = int_M DM Z_TOP (M)
Define graded Hopf/Grothendieck-Teichmuller group manifold M, whose submoduli spaces of graded moduli space generate the modular union by the inclusion system
qE_8 -> qE_9 -> qE_10 -> ... -> qE_n
U-dual group manifold M is
M = qE_8 <-U-dual -> qE_9 <-U-dual -> qE_10 <-U-dual ->...
...<-U-dual -> qE_n
qE_8 = SO(qO + qO) + (qO x qO)^2
Moduli space of graded hyperbolic quantum deformed group manifold M leads to exponential growth of rank of holographically dual group of cascading throat of generalized conifold and in the process whose Weyl group of root space makes rank of vacuum torsion variable. Total number of generators grows expo-exponentially with exponentially growing rank of M. Outgrowth is that the roots of M have uncountable degeneration. Ireducible representation of U-dual modular group M are K-theoretic knots of dilaton/tachyon which are just condensates of one unstable graded quantum deformed octonionic black hole throat. We identify T-dual modular group which makes the group rank variable, S-duality cascade of generalized conifold throat and U-duality chain which permutes NS-NS/R-R potentials and arbitrarily sets dilaton value on the one side, with affine Weyl group of quantum deformed root system of M on the other side.
There exists isomorphism between U-dual modular group M and moduli space of U-dual instanton. The interchange of moduli of U-dual instanton is just Weyl transformation in M. Isomorphism between topological amplitudes of U-dual instanton and root lattice of M provides information about algebraic structure of nonperturbative contributions to vacuum potential. U-dual flux through U-dual cycle is
Ng = int psi = V_vaccum = 0
Monodromy of M makes volume of U-dual cycle and dimension of wrapping U-dual brane variable. (Group manifold M permutes charges of the U-dual black brane/U-dual vacuum torsion.)
There exists module homomorphism between affine Weyl group of root space M and nonassociative deformed fractal attractor of condensation of Hagedornian tachyon/U-dual instanton inside deformed throat of generalized conifold (throat which fills group manifold M). Hagedornian tachyon orbits of affine Weyl group of U-dual root system is fundamental observation. U-dual black hole throat degenerations are determined by the U-dual automorphic forms (degenerations are generalized Fourier coefficients of modular forms of M). Outgrowth is that nilpotent orbits of M defines topological string amplitudes. Thus we're Feynmanian integrating over U-dual modular space M because of U-dual instanton tunneling amplitude we require observe. Notable consequence is
uncountably degenerate U-dual root space = uncountably degenerate U-dual black hole throat = int_M DM Z_TOP (M) = 0

Microcanonical model for a gaz of evaporating black holes and strings, scattering amplitudes and mass spectrum

D.J. Cirilo-Lombardo, N.G. Sanchez
We study the system formed by a gaz of black holes and strings within a microcanonical formulation. We derive the microcanonical content of the system: entropy, equation of state, number of components N, temperature T and specific heat. The pressure and the specific heat are negative reflecting the gravitational unstability and a non-homogeneous configuration. The asymptotic behaviour of the temperature for large masses emerges as the Hawking temperature of the system (classical or semiclassical phase) in which the classical black hole behaviour dominates, while for small masses (quantum black hole or string behavior) the temperature becomes the string temperature which emerges as the critical temperature of the system. At low masses, a phase transition takes place showing the passage from the classical (black hole) to quantum (string) behaviour. Within a microcanonical field theory formulation, the propagator describing the string-particle-black hole system is derived and from it the interacting four point scattering amplitude of the system is obtained. For high masses it behaves asymptotically as the degeneracy of states of the system (ie duality or crossing symmetry). The microcanonical propagator and partition function are derived from a (Nambu-Goto) formulation of the N-extended objects and the mass spectrum of the black-hole-string system is obtained: for small masses (quantum behaviour) these yield the usual pure string scattering amplitude and string-particle spectrum M_n\approx \sqrt{n}; for growing mass it pass for all the intermediate states up to the pure black hole behaviour. The different black hole behaviours according to the different mass ranges: classical, semiclassical and quantum or string behaviours are present in the model.

Tachyon solutions in boundary and cubic string field theory

G. Calcagni, G. Nardelli
We construct rolling tachyon solutions of cubic and boundary string field theory (CSFT and BSFT, respectively), in the bosonic and supersymmetric (susy) case. A solution of susy CSFT is presented, together with a family of time-dependent BSFT solutions for the bosonic and susy string. These are parametrized by an arbitrary constant r involved in solving the Green equation of the target fields. When r=0, we recover previous results in BSFT, whereas for r attaining the value predicted by CSFT we establish an exact relation between bosonic CSFT and BSFT solutions: The cubic solution is the derivative of the boundary one. This behaviour is not reproduced in the supersymmetric case.