Thursday, December 12, 2019

slˆ(n)N WZW conformal blocks from SU(N) instanton partition functions on C2/Zn


Omar FodaNicholas MacleodMasahide ManabeTrevor Welsh

Generalizations of the AGT correspondence between 4D N=2 SU(2) supersymmetric gauge theory on C2 with Ω-deformation and 2D Liouville conformal field theory include a correspondence between 4D N=2 SU(N) supersymmetric gauge theories, N=2,3,, on C2/Znn=2,3,, with Ω-deformation and 2D conformal field theories with W paraN,n (n-th parafermion WN) symmetry and slˆ(n)N symmetry. In this work, we trivialize the factor with W paraN,n symmetry in the 4D SU(N) instanton partition functions on C2/Zn (by using specific choices of parameters and imposing specific conditions on the N-tuples of Young diagrams that label the states), and extract the 2D slˆ(n)N WZW conformal blocks, n=2,3,N=1,2,.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Elliptic Blowup Equations for 6d SCFTs. III: E--strings, M--strings and Chains


Jie GuBabak HaghighatAlbrecht KlemmKaiwen SunXin Wang

We establish the elliptic blowup equations for E--strings and M--strings and solve elliptic genera and refined BPS invariants from them. Such elliptic blowup equations can be derived from a path integral interpretation. We provide toric hypersurface construction for the Calabi-Yau geometries of M--strings and those of E--strings with up to three mass parameters turned on, as well as an approach to derive the perturbative prepotential directly from the local description of the Calabi-Yau threefolds. We also demonstrate how to systematically obtain blowup equations for all rank one 5d SCFTs from E--string by blow-down operations. Finally, we present blowup equations for E--M and M string chains.