Friday, May 30, 2008

Coxeter group structure of cosmological billiards on compact spatial manifolds

M. Henneaux, D. Persson, D.H. Wesley
We present a systematic study of the cosmological billiard structures of Einstein-p-form systems in which all spatial directions are compactified on a manifold of nontrivial topology. This is achieved for all maximally oxidised theories associated with split real forms, for all possible compactifications as defined by the de Rham cohomology of the internal manifold. In each case, we study the Coxeter group that controls the dynamics for energy scales below the Planck scale as well as the relevant billiard region. We compare and contrast them with the Weyl group and fundamental domain that emerge from the general BKL analysis. For generic topologies we find a variety of possibilities: (i) The group may or may not be a simplex Coxeter group; (ii) The billiard region may or may not be a fundamental domain. When it is not a fundamental domain, it can be described as a sequence of pairwise adjacent chambers, known as a gallery, and the reflections in the billiard walls provide a non-standard presentation of the Coxeter group. We find that it is only when the Coxeter group is a simplex Coxeter group, and the billiard region is a fundamental domain, that there is a correspondence between billiard walls and simple roots of a Kac-Moody algebra, as in the general BKL analysis. For each compactification we also determine whether or not the resulting theory exhibits chaotic dynamics.

Charge multiplets and masses for E(11)

P.P. Cook, P. West
The particle, string and membrane charge multiplets are derived in detail from the decomposition of the l1 (charge) representation of E(11) in three, four, five, six, seven and eight spacetime dimensions. A tension formula relating weights of the l1 (charge) representation of E(11) to the fundamental objects of M-theory and string theory is presented. The reliability of the formula is tested by reproducing the tensions of the content of the charge multiplets. The formula reproduces the masses for the pp-wave, M2, M5 and the KK-monopole from the low level content of the l1 representation of E(11). Furthermore the tensions of all the Dp-branes of IIA and IIB theories are found in the relevant decomposition of the l1 representation, with the string coupling constant and $\alpha'$ appearing with the expected powers. The formula leads to a classification of all the exotic, KK-brane charges of M-theory.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hyperbolic Weyl groups and the four normed division algebras

A.J. Feingold, A. Kleinschmidt, H. Nicolai
We study the Weyl groups of hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras of `over-extended' type and ranks 3, 4, 6 and 10, which are intimately linked with the four normed division algebras K=R,C,H,O, respectively. A crucial role is played by integral lattices of the division algebras and associated discrete matrix groups. Our findings can be summarized by saying that the even subgroups, W^+, of the Kac-Moody Weyl groups, W, are isomorphic to generalized modular groups over K for the simply laced algebras, and to certain finite extensions thereof for the non-simply laced algebras. This hints at an extended theory of modular forms and functions.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Nonperturbative effects and nonperturbative definitions in matrix models and topological strings

M. Marino
We develop techniques to compute multi-instanton corrections to the 1/N expansion in matrix models described by orthogonal polynomials. These techniques are based on finding trans-series solutions, i.e. formal solutions with exponentially small corrections, to the recursion relations characterizing the free energy. We illustrate this method in the Hermitian, quartic matrix model, and we provide a detailed description of the instanton corrections in the Gross-Witten-Wadia (GWW) unitary matrix model. Moreover, we use Borel resummation techniques and results from the theory of resurgent functions to relate the formal multi-instanton series to the nonperturbative definition of the matrix model. We study this relation in the case of the GWW model and its double-scaling limit, providing in this way a nice illustration of various mechanisms relating resummation of perturbative series to nonperturbative results, like the cancellation of nonperturbative ambiguities. Finally, we argue that trans-series solutions are also relevant in the context of topological string theory. In particular, we point out that in topological string models with both a matrix model and a large N gauge theory description, the nonperturbative definition involves a sum over the multi-instanton sectors of the matrix model.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Extended Symmetries in Supergravity: the Semi-simple Case

A. Kleinschmidt, D. Roest
The bosonic sector of various supergravity theories reduces to a homogeneous space G/H in three dimensions. The corresponding algebras g are simple for (half-)maximal supergravity, but can be semi-simple for other theories. We extend the existing literature on the Kac-Moody extensions of simple Lie algebras to the semi-simple case. Furthermore, we argue that for N=2 supergravity the simple algebras have to be augmented with an su(2) factor.

Erice Lectures on Black Holes and Attractors

S. Ferrara, K. Hayakawa, A. Marrani
These lectures give an elementary introduction to the subject of four dimensional black holes (BHs) in supergravity and the Attractor Mechanism in the extremal case. Some thermodynamical properties are discussed and some relevant formulae for the critical points of the BH effective potential are given. The case of Maxwell-Einstein-axion-dilaton (super)gravity is discussed in detail. Analogies among BH entropy and multipartite entanglement of qubits in quantum information theory, as well moduli spaces of extremal BH attractors, are also discussed.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Attractors in Black

S. Bellucci, S. Ferrara, A. Marrani
We review recent results in the study of attractor horizon geometries (with non-vanishing Bekenstein-Hawking entropy) of dyonic extremal d=4 black holes in supergravity. We focus on N=2, d=4 ungauged supergravity coupled to a number n_{V} of Abelian vector multiplets, outlining the fundamentals of the special Kaehler geometry of the vector multiplets' scalar manifold (of complex dimension n_{V}), and studying the 1/2-BPS attractors, as well as the non-BPS (non-supersymmetric) ones with non-vanishing central charge.
For symmetric special Kaehler geometries, we present the complete classification of the orbits in the symplectic representation of the classical U-duality group (spanned by the black hole charge configuration supporting the attractors), as well as of the moduli spaces of non-BPS attractors (spanned by the scalars which are not stabilized at the black hole event horizon).
Finally, we report on an analogous classification for N>2-extended, d=4 ungauged supergravities, in which also the 1/N-BPS attractors yield a related moduli space.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Riemann Hypothesis and Master Matrix for FZZT Brane Partition Functions

M. McGuigan
We continue to investigate the physical interpretation of the Riemann zeta function as a FZZT brane partition function associated with a matrix/gravity correspondence begun in arxiv:0708.0645. We derive the master matrix of the $(2,1)$ minimal and $(3,1)$ minimal matrix model. We use it's characteristic polynomial to understand why the zeros of the FZZT partition function, which is the Airy function, lie on the real axis. We also introduce an iterative procedure that can describe the Riemann $\Xi$ function as a deformed minimal model whose deformation parameters are related to a Konsevich integrand. Finally we discuss the relation of our work to other approaches to the Riemann $\Xi$ function including expansion in terms of Meixner-Pollaczek polynomials and Riemann-Hilbert problems.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

On the large N limit of matrix integrals over the orthogonal group

J.-B. Zuber
We reexamine the large N limit of matrix integrals over the orthogonal group O(N) and their relation with those pertaining to the unitary group U(N). We prove that lim_{N to infty} N^{-2} \int DO exp N tr JO is half the corresponding function in U(N), and a similar relation for lim_{N to infty} \int DO exp N tr(A O B O^t), for A and B both symmetric or both skew symmetric.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Flop Invariance of Refined Topological Vertex and Link Homologies

M. Taki
It has been proposed recently that the topological A-model string theory on local toric Calabi-Yau manifolds has a two parameter extension. Amplitudes of the two parameter topological strings can be computed using a diagrammatic method called the refined topological vertex. In this paper we study properties of the refined amplitudes under the flop transition of toric Calabi-Yau three-folds. We also discuss that the slicing invariance and the flop transition imply a simple formula for the homological sl(N) invariants of the Hopf link. The new expression for the invariants gives a simple refinement of the Hopf link invariant of Chern-Simons theory.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Refined BPS state counting from Nekrasov's formula and Macdonald functions

H. Awata, H. Kanno
It has been argued that the Nekrasov's partition function gives the generating function of refined BPS state counting in the compactification of $M$ theory on local Calabi-Yau spaces.We show that a refined version of the topological vertex we proposed before (hep-th/0502061) is a building block ofthe Nekrasov's partition function with two equivariant parameters. Compared with another refined topological vertex by Iqbal-Kozcaz-Vafa (hep-th/0701156), our refined vertex is expressed entirely in terms of the specialization of the Macdonald symmetric functions which is related to the equivariant character of the Hilbert scheme of points on C^2. We provide diagrammatic rules for computing the partition function fromthe web diagrams appearing in geometric engineering of Yang-Mills theory with eight supercharges. Our refined vertex has a simple transformation law under the flop operation of the diagram, which suggests that homological invariants of the Hopf link is related to the Macdonald function.