Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Topological T-duality and T-folds

P. Bouwknegt, A.S. Pande
We explicitly construct the $C^{\ast}-$algebras arising in the formalism of Topological T-duality due to Mathai and Rosenberg from string-theoretic data in several key examples. We construct a continuous-trace algebra with an action of ${\mathbb R}^d$ unique up to exterior equivalence from the data of a smooth ${\mathbb T}^d$-equivariant gerbe on a trivial bundle $X = W \times {\mathbb T}^d$. We argue that the `noncommutative T-duals' of Mathai and Rosenberg \cite{MR2}, should be identified with the nongeometric backgrounds well-known in string theory. We also argue that the $C^{\ast}$-algebra ${\mathcal A} \rtimes_{\alpha|_{\KZ^d}} {\mathbb Z}^d$ should be identified with the T-folds of Hull \cite{Hull, HullTf} which geometrize these backgrounds.
We identify the charge group of D-branes on T-fold backgrounds in the $C^{\ast}$-algebraic formalism of Topological T-duality. We also study D-branes on T-fold backgrounds. We show that the $K$-theory bundles of Ref. \cite{herve} give a natural description of these objects.

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