Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Analytic torsion for twisted de Rham complexes

V. Mathai, S. Wu
We define analytic torsion $\tau(X,\E,H)\in\det H^\bullet(X,\E,H)$ for the twisted de Rham complex, consisting of differential forms on a compact Riemannian manifold $X$ valued in a flat vector bundle $\E$, with a differential given by $\nabla^\E+H\wedge\cdot $, where $\nabla^\E$ is a flat connection on $\E$, $H$ is an odd-degree closed differential form on $X$, and $H^\bullet(X,\E,H)$ denotes the cohomology of this $\ZA_2$-graded complex. We show that when $\dim X$ is odd, $\tau(X,\E,H)$ is independent of the choice of metrics on $X$ and $\E$ and of the representative $H$ in the cohomology class $[H]$. We also explain the relation to generalized geometry. We establish some basic functorial properties and, when $H$ is a top-degree form, compute the torsion and relate it to a simplicial analogue. We also establish the relationship of an invariant form of the analytic torsion for $T$-dual circle bundles with 3-form fluxes.

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