arXiv:0810.4944A. Klemm, P. Sułkowski.We derive a family of matrix models which encode solutions to the Seiberg-Witten theory in 4 and 5 dimensions. Partition functions of these matrix models are equal to the corresponding Nekrasov partition functions, and their spectral curves are the Seiberg-Witten curves of the corresponding theories. In consequence of the geometric engineering, the 5-dimensional case provides a novel matrix model formulation of the topological string theory on a wide class of non-compact toric Calabi-Yau manifolds. This approach also unifies and generalizes other matrix models, such as the Eguchi-Yang matrix model, matrix models for bundles over $P^1$, and Chern-Simons matrix models for lens spaces, which arise as various limits of our general result.
arXiv:0810.5072W. Chuang, D.L. Jafferis.In this paper we study the relation between pyramid partitions with a general empty room configuration (ERC) and the BPS states of D-branes on the resolved conifold. We find that the generating function for pyramid partitions with a length n ERC is exactly the same as the D6/D2/D0 BPS partition function on the resolved conifold in particular Kaehler chambers. We define a new type of pyramid partition with a finite ERC that counts the BPS degeneracies in certain other chambers. The D6/D2/D0 partition functions in different chambers were obtained by applying the wall crossing formula. On the other hand, the pyramid partitions describe $T^3$ fixed points of the moduli space of a quiver quantum mechanics. This quiver arises after we apply Seiberg dualities to the D6/D2/D0 system on the conifold and choose a particular set of FI parameters. The arrow structure of the dual quiver is confirmed by computation of the Ext group between the sheaves. We show that the superpotential and the stability condition of the dual quiver with this choice of the FI parameters give rise to the rules specifying pyramid partitions with length n ERC.
arXiv:0810.4369T. Jelinski, J. Pawelczyk. We consider two simple examples of multi-instanton configurations in type II 4d N=1 superstring compactifications. The first one involves O(1) and U(1) D2-instantons embedded in T^6/(Z_2 x Z_2') geometry with SU(4) gauge symmetry coming from D6-branes and the second is related to quiver gauge theory of orientifolded orbifold of conifold containing fractional D(-1)-instantons and D3-branes. The additional zero modes of instantons which appear at the intersection points are lifted through interactions stemming from dimensionally reduced F- and D-terms. It is shown that multi-instanton configurations effectively generate corrections to the usual non-perturbative superpotential for chiral matter.
arXiv:0810.4374P. Bouwknegt, A.S. Pande. We explicitly construct the $C^{\ast}-$algebras arising in the formalism of Topological T-duality due to Mathai and Rosenberg from string-theoretic data in several key examples. We construct a continuous-trace algebra with an action of ${\mathbb R}^d$ unique up to exterior equivalence from the data of a smooth ${\mathbb T}^d$-equivariant gerbe on a trivial bundle $X = W \times {\mathbb T}^d$. We argue that the `noncommutative T-duals' of Mathai and Rosenberg \cite{MR2}, should be identified with the nongeometric backgrounds well-known in string theory. We also argue that the $C^{\ast}$-algebra ${\mathcal A} \rtimes_{\alpha|_{\KZ^d}} {\mathbb Z}^d$ should be identified with the T-folds of Hull \cite{Hull, HullTf} which geometrize these backgrounds. We identify the charge group of D-branes on T-fold backgrounds in the $C^{\ast}$-algebraic formalism of Topological T-duality. We also study D-branes on T-fold backgrounds. We show that the $K$-theory bundles of Ref. \cite{herve} give a natural description of these objects.
arXiv:0810.4519D. Forcella, A. Hanany, A. Zaffaroni. We analyze the action of Toric (Seiberg) duality on the combined mesonic and baryonic moduli space of quiver gauge theories obtained from D3 branes at Calabi-Yau singularities. We analyze in particular the structure of the master space, the complete moduli space for one brane, for different toric phases of a given singularity. We show that the Hilbert Series for the largest component of the master space of different phases is the same, when refined with all the non anomalous charges. This reflects the fact that the quiver gauge theories associated with different phases are related by Seiberg duality when the number of branes is greater than one.
arXiv:0810.4204V. Mathai, S. Wu.We define analytic torsion $\tau(X,\E,H)\in\det H^\bullet(X,\E,H)$ for the twisted de Rham complex, consisting of differential forms on a compact Riemannian manifold $X$ valued in a flat vector bundle $\E$, with a differential given by $\nabla^\E+H\wedge\cdot $, where $\nabla^\E$ is a flat connection on $\E$, $H$ is an odd-degree closed differential form on $X$, and $H^\bullet(X,\E,H)$ denotes the cohomology of this $\ZA_2$-graded complex. We show that when $\dim X$ is odd, $\tau(X,\E,H)$ is independent of the choice of metrics on $X$ and $\E$ and of the representative $H$ in the cohomology class $[H]$. We also explain the relation to generalized geometry. We establish some basic functorial properties and, when $H$ is a top-degree form, compute the torsion and relate it to a simplicial analogue. We also establish the relationship of an invariant form of the analytic torsion for $T$-dual circle bundles with 3-form fluxes.
arXiv:0810.4909 D.L. Jafferis, G.W. Moore.We study the BPS states of a D6-brane wrapping the conifold and bound to collections of D2 and D0 branes. We find that in addition to the complexified Kahler parameter of the rigid sphere it is necessary to introduce an extra real parameter to describe BPS partition functions and marginal stability walls. The supergravity approach to BPS state-counting gives a simple derivation of results of Szendroi concerning Donaldson-Thomas theory on the noncommutative conifold. This example also illustrates some interesting limitations on the supergravity approach to BPS state-counting and wall-crossing.
arXiv:0810.4900S. B. Gudnason.The properties of supersymmetric gauge theories in the Higgs phase at low energies can appropriately be studied by means of a non-linear sigma model, which has the target space being Kahler for N=1 supersymmetric models and hyperKahler for N=2 models. By construction of the Kahler and hyperKahler quotients for the gauge theories with SO and USp gauge symmetries, we obtain the explicit metrics on their respective manifolds. Furthermore, we study the lumps in the non-linear sigma models and their effective description, using the Kahler quotients.
arXiv:0810.4699R.A. Reid-Edwards, B. Spanjaard.We investigate the lifting of half-maximal four-dimensional gauged supergravities to compactifications of string theory. It is shown that a class of such supergravities can arise from compactifications of IIA string theory on manifolds of SU(2)-structure which may be thought of as K3 fibrations over T^2. Examples of these SU(2)-structure backgrounds, as smooth K3 bundles and as compactifications with H-flux, are given and we also find evidence for a class of non-geometric, Mirror-fold backgrounds. By applying the duality between IIA string theory on K3 and Heterotic string theory on T^4 fibrewise, we argue that these SU(2)-structure backgrounds are dual to Heterotic compactifications on a class T^4 fibrations over T^2. Examples of these fibrations as twisted tori, H-flux and T-fold compactifications are given. We also construct a new set of backgrounds, particular to Heterotic string theory, which includes a previously unknown class of Heterotic T-folds. A sigma model description of these backgrounds, from the Heterotic perspective, is presented in which we generalize the Bosonic doubled formalism to Heterotic string theory.
arXiv:0810.4648P.J. Silva.In the framework of the AdS/CFT duality, we calculate the supersymmetric partition function of the superconformal field theories living in the world volume of either $N$ $M2$-branes or $N$ $M5$-branes. We used the dual supergravity partition function in a saddle point approximation over supersymmetric Black Holes. Since our BHs are written in asymptotically global $AdS_{d+1}$ co-ordinates, the dual SCFTs are in $R x S^{d}$ for $d=2,5$. The resulting partition function shows phase transitions, constraints on the phase space and allowed us to identify unstable BPS Black hole in the $AdS$ phase. This configurations should corresponds to unstable configurations in the dual theory. We also report an intriguing relation between the most general Witten Index, computed in the above theories, and our BPS partition functions.
arXiv:0810.4543M.K. Ahsan, T. Hubsch.Among $T^7/\Gamma$ orbifold compactifications of $M$-theory, we examine models containing the particle physics Standard Model in four-dimensional spacetimes, which appear as fixed subspaces of the ten-dimensional spacetimes at each end of the interval, $I^1\simeq S^1/Z_2$, spanning the $11^\text{th}$ dimension. Using the $Z_7$ projection to break the $E_8$ gauge symmetry in each of the four-planes and a limiting relation to corresponding heterotic string compactifications, we discuss the restrictions on the possible resulting gauge field and matter spectra. In particular, some of the states are non-local: they connect two four-dimensional Worlds across the $11^\text{th}$ dimension. We illustrate our programmable calculations of the matter field spectrum, including the anomalous U(1) factor which satisfies a universal Green-Schwarz relation, discuss a Dynkin diagram technique to showcase a model with $SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)^5$ gauge symmetry, and discuss generalizations to higher order orbifolds.
arXiv:0810.4541D. Gaiotto, A. Neitzke, Y. Tachikawa.We demonstrate the agreement between the Higgs branches of two N=2 theories proposed by Argyres and Seiberg to be S-dual, namely the SU(3) gauge theory with six quarks, and the SU(2) gauge theory with one pair of quarks coupled to the superconformal theory with E_6 flavor symmetry. In mathematical terms, we demonstrate the equivalence between a hyperkaehler quotient of a linear space and another hyperkaehler quotient involving the minimal nilpotent orbit of E_6.
arXiv:0810.4273B. Eynard, M. Marino.We study various properties of a nonperturbative partition function which can be associated to any spectral curve. When the spectral curve arises from a matrix model, this nonperturbative partition function is given by a sum of matrix integrals over all possible filling fractions, and includes all the multi-instanton corrections to the perturbative 1/N expansion. We show that the nonperturbative partition function, which is manifestly holomorphic, is also modular and background independent: it transforms as the partition function of a twisted fermion on the spectral curve. Therefore, modularity is restored by nonperturbative corrections. We also show that this nonperturbative partition function obeys the Hirota equation and provides a natural nonperturbative completion for topological string theory on local Calabi-Yau threefolds.
arXiv:0810.4157R. Dijkgraaf, L. Hollands, P. Sułkowski.In this article we continue our study of chiral fermions on a quantum curve. This system is embedded in string theory as an I-brane configuration, which consists of D4 and D6-branes intersecting along a holomorphic curve in a complex surface, together with a B-field. Mathematically, it is described by a holonomic D-module. Here we focus on spectral curves, which play a prominant role in the theory of (quantum) integrable hierarchies. We show how to associate a quantum state to the I-brane system, and subsequently how to compute quantum invariants. As a first example, this yields an insightful formulation of (double scaled as well as general Hermitian) matrix models. Secondly, our formalism elegantly reconstructs the complete dual Nekrasov-Okounkov partition function from a quantum Seiberg-Witten curve.
arXiv:0810.1487E. Frenkel, X. Zhu.A crucial role in representation theory of loop groups of reductive Lie groups and their Lie algebras is played by their non-trivial second cohomology classes which give rise to their central extensions (the affine Kac-Moody groups and Lie algebras). Loop groups embed into the group GL_\infty of continuous automorphisms of C((t)), and these classes come from a second cohomology class of GL_\infty. In a similar way, double loop groups embed into a group of automorphisms of C((t))((s)), denoted by GL_{\infty,\infty}, which has a non-trivial third cohomology. In this paper we explain how to realize a third cohomology class in representation theory of a group: it naturally arises when we consider representations on categories rather than vector spaces. We call them "gerbal representations." We then construct a gerbal representation of GL_{\infty,\infty} (and hence of double loop groups), realizing its non-trivial third cohomology class, on a category of modules over an infinite-dimensional Clifford algebra. This is a two-dimensional analogue of the fermionic Fock representations of the ordinary loop groups.
arXiv:0810.1482I. García-Etxebarria.We point out that in some situations it is possible to use matrix model techniques a la Dijkgraaf-Vafa to perturbatively compute D-brane instanton effects. This provides an explanation in terms of stringy instantons of the results in hep-th/0311181. We check this proposal in some simple scenarios. We point out some interesting consequences of this observation, such as the fact that it gives a perturbative way of computing stringy multi-instanton effects. It also provides a further interpretation of D-brane instantons as residual instantons of higgsed supergroups.
arXiv:0810.1233G.L. Cardoso, J.R. David, B. de Wit, S. Mahapatra.We evaluate the mixed partition function for dyonic BPS black holes using the recently proposed degeneracy formula for the STU model. The result factorizes into the OSV mixed partition function times a proportionality factor. The latter is in agreement with the measure factor that was recently conjectured for a class of N=2 black holes that contains the STU model.