Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Twelve bridges from a reductive group to its Langlands dual

G. Lusztig
(I) A bridge from irreducible admissible representations of Chevalley group G_K (where K is a finite extension of Q_p) to certain conjugacy classes of homomorphisms of the Weil group W_K to G_∗C. This bridge contains almost as a special case a bridge from irreducible representations of the affine Hecke algebra H specialized at a non-root of 1 and conjugacy classes of certain pairs of elements in G_∗C.
(II) A bridge from irreducible admissible representations of G_R to certain conjugacy classes of homomorphisms of the Weil group W_R to G_∗C.
(III) A bridge connecting certain automorphic representations attached to G_k (k a function field over F_p) and certain homomorphisms of Gal(¯k/k) into G_∗C.
(IV) A bridge from unipotent classes in G_∗C to cells in the affine Weyl group constructed from H.
(V) A bridge from ”special unipotent pieces” in G_Fp to ”special unipotent pieces” in G_∗Fp.
(VI) A bridge from irreducible representations of G_Fq to certain ”special” conjugacy classes in G_∗C.
(VII) A bridge from character sheaves on G_C to ”special” conjugacy classes in G_∗C.
(VIII) A bridge connecting certain intersection cohomology spaces associated to symmetric spaces of G_C and similar objects for G_∗C.
(IX) A bridge connecting multiplicities in standard modules of G_K (as in (II)) or G_R with intersection cohomology spaces arising from the geometry of G_∗C.
(X) A bridge connecting the tensor product of two irreducible finite dimensional representations of G_C with the convolution of certain perverse sheaves on the affine Grassmannian attached to G_∗C((ǫ)).
(XI) A bridge connecting the canonical basis of the plus part of the enveloping algebra attached to G_Q with certain subsets of the totally positive part of the upper triangular subgroup of G_∗A where A = R[[ǫ]].
(XII) A bridge connecting the characters of irreducible modular representations of G_Fp with certain intersection cohomology spaces associated with the geometry of G_∗C((ǫ)).

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