Friday, August 31, 2007

On the quiver of the descent algebra

F.V. Saliola
Using a result of T. P. Bidigare \cite{Bidigare1997}, we identity the descent algebra (over a field k) of a finite Coxeter group W with a subalgebra of kF, an algebra built from the hyperplane arrangement associated to W. Specifically, the descent algebra is anti-isomorphic to the W-invariant subalgebra of kF. We use this identification and results about kF to study the descent algebra. We construct a complete system of primitive orthogonal idempotents and describe the simple and projective indecomposable modules. The main result is an explicit construction of a W-equivariant surjection kQ --> kF, where Q is the quiver of kF. Consequently, we obtain a surjection from the W-invariant subalgebra of kQ onto the descent algebra that can be used to gain information about the quiver of the descent algebra; as an application we derive the quiver of the descent algebra of the symmetric group.

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