Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Douglas-Kazakov on the road to superfluidity: from random walks to black holes


Alexander GorskyAlexey MilekhinSergei Nechaev

Inspired by the connection between (1+1)D "vicious walks" (VW) and 2D YM theory, we consider different incarnations of large-N Douglas-Kazakov (DK) phase transition in stochastic processes and in gauge field theories focusing at its physical interpretations. We generalize the connection between VW and YM, and study the influence of initial and final out-of-equilibrium distributions of walkers on the DK phase transition, as well as describe the effect of θ-term in related stochastic processes. We consider the Jack stochastic process involving Calogero-type interaction between walkers and find the dependence of the transition point on the coupling constant. Using the relation between large-N 2D q-YM and extremal black hole (BH) with large-N magnetic charge, we conjecture the physical interpretation of the DK phase transitions in the 4D extremal charged black holes and its relation to Brownian branes. Utilizing the interpretation of superfluidity as the specific response on the external graviphoton field, we suggest that a kind of superfluid component is formed during the evolution of out-of-equilibrium initial state above DK transition in the instanton-driven strong coupling phase.

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