B. Haghighat, S. Murthy, C. Vafa, S. Vandoren
We study 5d supersymmetric black holes which descend from strings of genericN=(1,0) supergravity in 6d. These strings have an F-theory realization in 6d as D3 branes wrapping smooth genus g curves in the base of elliptic 3-folds. They enjoy (0,4) worldsheet supersymmetry with an extra SU(2)L current algebra at level g realized on the left-movers. When the smooth curves degenerate they lead to multi-string branches and we find that the microscopic worldsheet theory flows in the IR to disconnected 2d CFTs having different central charges. The single string sector is the one with maximal central charge, which when wrapped on a circle, leads to a 5d spinning BPS black hole whose horizon volume agrees with the leading entropy prediction from the Cardy formula. However, we find new phenomena where this branch meets other branches of the CFT. These include multi-string configurations which have no bound states in 6 dimensions but are bound through KK momenta when wrapping a circle, as well as loci where the curves degenerate to spheres where they lead to arbitrarily large violation of the cosmic censorship bound M3>J2 by an exponentially large number of states.
B. Haghighat, S. Murthy, C. Vafa, S. Vandoren
We study 5d supersymmetric black holes which descend from strings of generic
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