Sunday, March 29, 2015

Exceptional Algebra and Sporadic Groups at c=12


M.C.N. ChengS.M. HarrisonS. KachruD. Whalen

In earlier works, it was seen that a Z/2 orbifold of the theory of 24 free two-dimensional chiral fermions admits various sporadic finite simple groups as global symmetry groups when viewed as an N=1N=2, or N=4 superconformal field theory. In this note, we show that viewing the same theory as an SCFT with extended N=1 symmetry -- where the extension is the same one which arises in string compactification on manifolds of exceptional Spin(7) holonomy -- yields theories which have global symmetry given by the sporadic groups M24,Co2 or Co3. The partition functions twined by these symmetries, when decomposed into characters of the Spin(7) algebra, give rise to two-component vector-valued mock modular forms encoding an infinite-dimensional module for the corresponding sporadic groups.

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