Sunday, March 29, 2015

Little strings and T-duality

We study the 2d N = 4 gauge theory descriptions of little strings on type II NS5- branes. The IIB strings on N NS5-branes are described by the N = (4,4) gauge theories, whose Higgs branch CFTs on U(N) instanton moduli spaces are relevant. The IIA strings are described by N = (4,4) circular A_{N-1} quiver theories, whose Coulomb branch CFTs are relevant. We study new N = (0,4) quiver gauge theories for the IIA strings, which make it easier to study some infrared observables. In particular, we show that the elliptic genera of the IIA / IIB strings precisely map to each other by T-duality.

Exceptional Algebra and Sporadic Groups at c=12


M.C.N. ChengS.M. HarrisonS. KachruD. Whalen

In earlier works, it was seen that a Z/2 orbifold of the theory of 24 free two-dimensional chiral fermions admits various sporadic finite simple groups as global symmetry groups when viewed as an N=1N=2, or N=4 superconformal field theory. In this note, we show that viewing the same theory as an SCFT with extended N=1 symmetry -- where the extension is the same one which arises in string compactification on manifolds of exceptional Spin(7) holonomy -- yields theories which have global symmetry given by the sporadic groups M24,Co2 or Co3. The partition functions twined by these symmetries, when decomposed into characters of the Spin(7) algebra, give rise to two-component vector-valued mock modular forms encoding an infinite-dimensional module for the corresponding sporadic groups.

Monday, March 23, 2015

On the Defect Group of a 6D SCFT

We use the F-theory realization of 6D superconformal field theories (SCFTs) to study the corresponding spectrum of stringlike, i.e. surface defects. On the tensor branch, all of the stringlike excitations pick up a finite tension, and there is a corresponding lattice of string charges, as well as a dual lattice of charges for the surface defects. The defect group is data intrinsic to the SCFT and measures the surface defect charges which are not screened by dynamical strings. When non-trivial, it indicates that the associated theory has a partition vector rather than a partition function. We compute the defect group for all known 6D SCFTs, and find that it is just the abelianization of the discrete subgroup of U(2) which appears in the classification of 6D SCFTs realized in F-theory. We also explain how the defect group specifies defining data in the compactification of a (1,0) SCFT.

Elliptic Genera and 3d Gravity


N. BenjaminM.C.N. ChengS. KachruG.W. MooreN.M. Paquette

We describe general constraints on the elliptic genus of a 2d supersymmetric conformal field theory which has a gravity dual with large radius in Planck units. We give examples of theories which do and do not satisfy the bounds we derive, by describing the elliptic genera of symmetric product orbifolds of K3, product manifolds, certain simple families of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces, and symmetric products of the "Monster CFT." We discuss the distinction between theories with supergravity duals and those whose duals have strings at the scale set by the AdS curvature. Under natural assumptions we attempt to quantify the fraction of (2,2) supersymmetric conformal theories which admit a weakly curved gravity description, at large central charge.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Proof of the Umbral Moonshine Conjecture

The Umbral Moonshine Conjectures assert that there are infinite-dimensional graded modules, for prescribed finite groups, whose McKay-Thompson series are certain distinguished mock modular forms. Gannon has proved this for the special case involving the largest sporadic simple Mathieu group. Here we establish the existence of the umbral moonshine modules in the remaining 22 cases.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Gauge fields and infinite chains of dualities


N. BoulangerP. SundellP. West

We show that the particle states of Maxwell's theory, in D dimensions, can be represented in an infinite number of ways by using different gauge fields. Using this result we formulate the dynamics in terms of an infinite set of duality relations which are first order in space-time derivatives. We derive a similar result for the three form in eleven dimensions where such a possibility was first observed in the context of E11. We also give an action formulation for some of the gauge fields. In this paper we give a pedagogical account of the Lorentz and gauge covariant formulation of the irreducible representations of the Poincar\'e group, used previously in higher spin theories, as this plays a key role in our constructions. It is clear that our results can be generalised to any particle.