Sunday, February 8, 2015

Center symmetry and Hagedorn spectrum


T.D. CohenS. Sen

This paper explores the conjecture that large Nc gauge theories have a Hagedorn spectrum, if, and only if, they are confining and posses an explicit or emergent center symmetry. Evidence in support of this conjecture is presented. Many classes of large Ncgauge theories are considered. In all cases, we find that theories for which there exists a strong plausibility argument for a Hagedorn spectrum at large Nc are also believed to be confining and possess either an explicit center symmetric or have a strong plausibility argument for the existence of an emergent center symmetry at large Nc. Conversely, all theories we considered which are believed not to have a Hagedorn spectrum at large Nc, either were known not to be confining or else were believed to lack an emergent center symmetry. This is consistent with expectations based on the conjecture.

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