Saturday, February 28, 2015

Generic singularities of nilpotent orbit closures


B. FuD. JuteauP. LevyE. Sommers

According to a well-known theorem of Brieskorn and Slodowy, the intersection of the nilpotent cone of a simple Lie algebra with a transverse slice to the subregular nilpotent orbit is a simple surface singularity. At the opposite extremity of the nilpotent cone, the closure of the minimal nilpotent orbit is also an isolated symplectic singularity, called a minimal singularity. For classical Lie algebras, Kraft and Procesi showed that these two types of singularities suffice to describe all generic singularities of nilpotent orbit closures: specifically, any such singularity is either a simple surface singularity, a minimal singularity, or a union of two simple surface singularities of type A2k1. In the present paper, we complete the picture by determining the generic singularities of all nilpotent orbit closures in exceptional Lie algebras (up to normalization in a few cases). We summarize the results in some graphs at the end of the paper. 
In most cases, we also obtain simple surface singularities or minimal singularities, though often with more complicated branching than occurs in the classical types. There are, however, six singularities which do not occur in the classical types. Three of these are unibranch non-normal singularities: an SL2(C)-variety whose normalization is A2, an Sp4(C)-variety whose normalization is A4, and a two-dimensional variety whose normalization is the simple surface singularity A3. In addition, there are three 4-dimensional isolated singularities each appearing once. We also study an intrinsic symmetry action on the singularities, in analogy with Slodowy's work for the regular nilpotent orbit.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Transcendental equations satisfied by the individual zeros of Riemann $ζ$, Dirichlet and modular $L$-functions


G. FrançaA. LeClair

We consider the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann ζ-function and two classes of L-functions; Dirichlet L-functions and those based on level one modular forms. We show that there are an infinite number of zeros on the critical line in one-to-one correspondence with the zeros of the cosine function, and thus enumerated by an integer n. From this it follows that the ordinate of the n-th zero satisfies a transcendental equation that depends only on n. Under weak assumptions, we show that the number of solutions of this equation already saturates the counting formula on the entire critical strip. We compute numerical solutions of these transcendental equations and also its asymptotic limit of large ordinate. The starting point is an explicit formula, yielding an approximate solution for the ordinates of the zeros in terms of the Lambert W-function. Our approach is a novel and simple method, that takes into account argL, to numerically compute non-trivial zeros of L-functions. The method is surprisingly accurate, fast and easy to implement. Employing these numerical solutions, in particular for the ζ-function, we verify that the leading order asymptotic expansion is accurate enough to numerically support Montgomery's and Odlyzko's pair correlation conjectures, and also to reconstruct the prime number counting function. Furthermore, the numerical solutions of the exact transcendental equation can determine the ordinates of the zeros to any desired accuracy. We also study in detail Dirichlet L-functions and the L-function for the modular form based on the Ramanujan τ-function, which is closely related to the bosonic string partition function.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Non-geometric Backgrounds Based on Topological Interfaces

We study simple models of the world-sheet CFTs describing non-geometric backgrounds based on the topological interfaces, the `gluing condition' of which imposes T-duality- or analogous twists. To be more specific, we start with the torus partition function on a target space S^1 [base] x (S^1 x S^1) [fiber] with rather general values of radii. The fiber CFT is defined by inserting the twist operators consisting of the topological interfaces which lie along the cycles of the world-sheet torus according to the winding numbers of the base circle. We construct the partition functions involving such duality twists. The modular invariance is achieved straightforwardly, whereas `unitarization' is generically necessary to maintain the unitarity. We demonstrate it in the case of the equal fiber radii. The resultant models are closely related to the CFTs with the discrete torsion. The unitarization is also physically interpreted as multiple insertions of the twist/interface operators along various directions.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Seiberg Duality, Quiver Gauge Theories, and Ihara Zeta Function

We study Ihara zeta function for graphs in the context of quivers arising from gauge theories, especially under Seiberg duality transformations. The distribution of poles is studied as we proceed along the duality tree, in light of the weak and strong graph versions of the Riemann Hypothesis. As a by-product, we find a refined version of Ihara zeta function to be the generating function for the generic superpotential of the gauge theory.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Atomic Classification of 6D SCFTs

We use F-theory to classify possibly all six-dimensional superconformal field theories (SCFTs). This involves a two step process: We first classify all possible tensor branches allowed in F-theory (which correspond to allowed collections of contractible spheres) and then classify all possible configurations of seven-branes wrapped over them. We describe the first step in terms of "atoms" joined into "radicals" and "molecules," using an analogy from chemistry. The second step has an interpretation via quiver-type gauge theories constrained by anomaly cancellation. A very surprising outcome of our analysis is that all of these tensor branches have the structure of a linear chain of intersecting spheres with a small amount of possible decoration at the two ends. The resulting structure of these SCFTs takes the form of a generalized quiver consisting of ADE-type nodes joined by conformal matter. A collection of highly non-trivial examples involving E8 small instantons probing an ADE singularity is shown to have an F-theory realization. This yields a classification of homomorphisms from ADE subgroups of SU(2) into E8 in purely geometric terms, largely matching results obtained in the mathematics literature from an intricate group theory analysis and suggesting a few corrections to those results.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Matrix models from operators and topological strings


M. MarinoS. Zakany

We propose a new family of matrix models whose 1/N expansion captures the all-genus topological string on toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. These matrix models are constructed from the trace class operators appearing in the quantization of the corresponding mirror curves. The fact that they provide a non-perturbative realization of the (standard) topological string follows from a recent conjecture connecting the spectral properties of these operators, to the enumerative invariants of the underlying Calabi-Yau threefolds. We study in detail the resulting matrix models for some simple geometries, like local P2 and local F2, and we verify that their weak 't Hooft coupling expansion reproduces the topological string free energies near the conifold singularity. These matrix models are formally similar to those appearing in the Fermi-gas formulation of Chern-Simons-matter theories, and their 1/Nexpansion receives non-perturbative corrections determined by the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit of the refined topological string.

Octonionic D=11 Supegravity and 'Octavian Integers' as Dilaton Vectors

We formulate D=11 supergravity over the octonions by rewriting 32-component Majorana spinors as 4-component octonionic spinors. Dimensional reduction to D=4 and D=3 suggests an interpretation of the so-called 'dilaton vectors', which parameterise the couplings of the dilatons to other fields in the theory, as unit 'octavian integers' - the octonionic analogues of integers. The parameterisation involves a novel use of the duality between points and lines on the Fano plane, and suggests a series of consistent truncations with N=8,4,2,1, giving the 'four curious supergravities' studied by Duff and Ferrara.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Center symmetry and Hagedorn spectrum


T.D. CohenS. Sen

This paper explores the conjecture that large Nc gauge theories have a Hagedorn spectrum, if, and only if, they are confining and posses an explicit or emergent center symmetry. Evidence in support of this conjecture is presented. Many classes of large Ncgauge theories are considered. In all cases, we find that theories for which there exists a strong plausibility argument for a Hagedorn spectrum at large Nc are also believed to be confining and possess either an explicit center symmetric or have a strong plausibility argument for the existence of an emergent center symmetry at large Nc. Conversely, all theories we considered which are believed not to have a Hagedorn spectrum at large Nc, either were known not to be confining or else were believed to lack an emergent center symmetry. This is consistent with expectations based on the conjecture.