Saturday, April 26, 2014

Symmetric Tamm-Dancoff q-oscillator: representation, quasi-Fibonacci nature, accidental degeneracy and coherent states

In this paper we propose a symmetric q-deformed Tamm-Dancoff (S-TD) oscillator algebra and study its representation, coordinate realization, and main properties. In particular, the non-Fibonacci (more exactly, quasi-Fibonacci) nature of S-TD oscillator is established, the possibility of relating it to certain p,q-deformed oscillator family shown, the occurrence of the pairwise accidental degeneracy proven. We also find the coherent state for the S-TD oscillator and show that it satisfies completeness relation. Main advantage of the S-TD model over usual Tamm-Dancoff oscillator is that due to (q<-->q^{-1})-symmetry it admits not only real, but also complex (phase-like) values of the deformation parameter q.

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