Thursday, November 14, 2013

The sine-law gap probability, Painlevé 5, and asymptotic expansion by the topological recursion

The goal of this article is to rederive the connection between the Painlev\'e $5$ integrable system and the universal eigenvalues correlation functions of double-scaled hermitian matrix models, through the topological recursion method. More specifically we prove, \textbf{to all orders}, that the WKB asymptotic expansions of the $\tau$-function as well as of determinantal formulas arising from the Painlev\'e $5$ Lax pair are identical to the large $N$ double scaling asymptotic expansions of the partition function and correlation functions of any hermitian matrix model around a regular point in the bulk. In other words, we rederive the ``sine-law" universal bulk asymptotic of large random matrices and provide an alternative perturbative proof of universality in the bulk with only algebraic methods. Eventually we exhibit the first orders of the series expansion up to $O(N^{-5})$.

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