Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Extremal loop weight modules and tensor products for quantum toroidal algebras

We construct new families of extremal loop weight modules for the quantum toroidal algebras of type A as tensor products of simple $\ell$-highest weight modules and simple $\ell$-lowest weight modules. This construction involves the Drinfeld "coproduct" and related techniques [10, 15]. In general, we conjecture that extremal loop weight modules can be obtained by this process. We prove this conjecture in the following case: we get extremal fundamental loop weight modules, also called specialized vector representations, recently constructed by Feigin-Jimbo-Miwa-Mukhin [10] and the author [25]. Eventually we define new extremal loop weight modules by tensor products of extremal fundamental loop weight modules. By specializing the quantum parameter, we obtain finite-dimensional modules at roots of unity for quantum toroidal algebras.

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