Monday, April 8, 2013

On $q$-analogues of two-one formulas for multiple harmonic sums and multiple zeta star values

Recently, the present authors jointly with Tauraso found a family of binomial identities for multiple harmonic sums (MHS) on strings $(\{2\}^a,c,\{2\}^b)$ that appeared to be useful for proving new congruences for MHS as well as new relations for multiple zeta values. Very recently, Zhao generalized this set of MHS identities to strings with repetitions of the above patterns and, as an application, proved the two-one formula for multiple zeta star values conjectured by Ohno and Zudilin. In this paper, we extend our approach to $q$-binomial identities and prove $q$-analogues of two-one formulas for multiple zeta star values.

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