We describe the group of braided tensor autoequivalences of the Drinfeld centre of a finite group $G$ isomorphic to the identity functor (just as a functor) as a semi-direct product $Aut^1_{br}(\Z(G))\ \simeq\ Out_{2-cl}(G)\ltimes B(G)\ $ of the group of double class preserving automorphisms and the Bogomolov multiplier of $G$. The Bogomolov multiplier $B(G)$ is the subgroup of its Schur multiplier $H^2(G,k^*)$ of classes vanishing on abelian subgroups of $G$. We show that elements of $Aut^1_{br}(\Z(G))$ give rise to different realisations of the diagonal modular invariant for $G$-orbifolds of holomorphic conformal field theories.
We study the inclusion system of the quantum deformed 2 dimensional Yang-Mills root module to the graded root module of the U-dual modular group. The irreducible representation of the U-dual modular group is the quantum deformed black brane throat. We expose the isomorphism between coherent superposition of the topological amplitude and the space of the automorphic forms of the U-dual modular group.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Automorphic Black Hole Entropy
Over the past few years the understanding of the microscopic theory of black hole entropy has made important conceptual progress by recognizing that the degeneracies are encoded in partition functions which are determined by higher rank automorphic representations, in particular in the context of Siegel modular forms of genus two. In this brief review some of the elements of this framework are highlighted. One of the surprising aspects is that the Siegel forms that have appeared in the entropic framework are geometric in origin, arising from weight two cusp forms, hence from elliptic curves.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Quantum geometry and quiver gauge theories
We study macroscopically two dimensional $\mathcal{N}=(2,2)$ supersymmetric gauge theories constructed by compactifying the quiver gauge theories with eight supercharges on a product $\mathbb{T}^{d} \times \mathbb{R}^{2}_{\epsilon}$ of a $d$-dimensional torus and a two dimensional cigar with $\Omega$-deformation. We compute the universal part of the effective twisted superpotential. In doing so we establish the correspondence between the gauge theories, quantization of the moduli spaces of instantons on $\mathbb{R}^{2-d} \times \mathbb{T}^{2+d}$ and singular monopoles on $\mathbb{R}^{2-d} \times \mathbb{T}^{1+d}$, for $d=0,1,2$, and the Yangian $\mathbf{Y}_{\epsilon}(\mathfrak{g}_{\Gamma})$, quantum affine algebra $\mathbf{U}^{\mathrm{aff}}_q(\mathfrak{g}_{\Gamma})$, or the quantum elliptic algebra $\mathbf{U}^{\mathrm{ell}}_{q,p}(\mathfrak{g}_{\Gamma})$ associated to Kac-Moody algebra $\mathfrak{g}_{\Gamma}$ for quiver $\Gamma$.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
A magic pyramid of supergravities
By formulating N = 1, 2, 4, 8, D = 3, Yang-Mills with a single Lagrangian and single set of transformation rules, but with fields valued respectively in R,C,H,O, it was recently shown that tensoring left and right multiplets yields a Freudenthal-Rosenfeld-Tits magic square of D = 3 supergravities. This was subsequently tied in with the more familiar R,C,H,O description of spacetime to give a unified division-algebraic description of extended super Yang-Mills in D = 3, 4, 6, 10. Here, these constructions are brought together resulting in a magic pyramid of supergravities. The base of the pyramid in D = 3 is the known 4x4 magic square, while the higher levels are comprised of a 3x3 square in D = 4, a 2x2 square in D = 6 and Type II supergravity at the apex in D = 10. The corresponding U-duality groups are given by a new algebraic structure, the magic pyramid formula, which may be regarded as being defined over three division algebras, one for spacetime and each of the left/right Yang-Mills multiplets. We also construct a conformal magic pyramid by tensoring conformal supermultiplets in D = 3, 4, 6. The missing entry in D = 10 is suggestive of an exotic theory with G/H duality structure F4(4)/Sp(3) x Sp(1).
Monday, December 23, 2013
On the Classification of 6D SCFTs and Generalized ADE Orbifolds
We study (1,0) and (2,0) 6D superconformal field theories (SCFTs) that can be constructed in F-theory. Quite surprisingly, all of them involve an orbifold singularity C^2 / G with G a discrete subgroup of U(2). When G is a subgroup of SU(2), all discrete subgroups are allowed, and this leads to the familiar ADE classification of (2,0) SCFTs. For more general U(2) subgroups, the allowed possibilities for G are not arbitrary and are given by certain generalizations of the A- and D-series. These theories should be viewed as the minimal 6D SCFTs. We obtain all other SCFTs by bringing in a number of E-string theories and/or decorating curves in the base by non-minimal gauge algebras. In this way we obtain a vast number of new 6D SCFTs, and we conjecture that our construction provides a full list.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Framed sheaves on root stacks and supersymmetric gauge theories on ALE spaces
We develop a new approach to the study of supersymmetric gauge theories on ALE spaces using the theory of framed sheaves on root toric stacks, which illuminates relations with gauge theories on $\mathbb{R}^4$ and with two-dimensional conformal field theory. We construct a stacky compactification of a minimal resolution $X_k$ of the $A_{k-1}$ toric singularity $\mathbb{C}^2/\mathbb{Z}_k$, which is a projective toric orbifold $\mathscr{X}_k$ such that $\mathscr{X}_k\setminus X_k$ is a $\mathbb{Z}_k$-gerbe. We construct moduli spaces of torsion free sheaves on $\mathscr{X}_k$ which are framed along the compactification gerbe. We prove that this moduli space is a smooth quasi-projective variety, compute its dimension, and classify its fixed points under the natural induced toric action. We use this construction to compute the partition functions and correlators of chiral BPS operators for $\mathcal{N}=2$ quiver gauge theories on $X_k$ with nontrivial holonomies at infinity. The partition functions are computed with and without couplings to bifundamental matter hypermultiplets and expressed in terms of root toric blowup formulas, which relate them to the corresponding Nekrasov partition functions on the affine toric subsets of $X_k$. We compare our new partition functions with previous computations, explore their connections to the representation theory of affine Lie algebras, and find new constraints on fractional instanton charges in the coupling to fundamental matter. We show that the partition functions in the low energy limit are characterised by the Seiberg-Witten curves, and in some cases also by suitable blowup equations involving Riemann theta-functions on the Seiberg-Witten curve with characteristics related to the nontrivial holonomies.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
On the Classification of Elliptic Fibrations modulo Isomorphism on K3 Surfaces with large Picard Number
Motivated by a problem originating in string theory, we study elliptic fibrations on K3 surfaces with large Picard number modulo isomorphism. We give methods to determine upper bounds for the number of inequivalent K3 surfaces sharing the same frame lattice. For any given Neron--Severi lattice $S_X$, such a bound on the `multiplicity' can be derived by investigating the quotient of the isometry group of $S_X$ by the automorphism group. The resulting bounds are strongest for large Picard numbers and multiplicities of unity do indeed occur for a number of K3 surfaces with Picard number 20. Under a few extra conditions, a more refined analysis is also possible by explicitly studying the embedding of $S_X$ into the even unimodular lattice ${\rm II}_{1,25}$ and exploiting the detailed structure of the isometry groups of $S_X$ and ${\rm II}_{1,25}$. We illustrate these methods in examples and derive bounds for the number of elliptic fibrations on Kummer surfaces of Picard numbers 17 and 20. As an intermediate step, we also discuss coarser classification schemes and review known results.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Fourier expansions of Kac-Moody Eisenstein series and degenerate Whittaker vectors
Motivated by string theory scattering amplitudes that are invariant under a discrete U-duality, we study Fourier coefficients of Eisenstein series on Kac-Moody groups. In particular, we analyse the Eisenstein series on E_9(R), E_10(R) and E_11(R) corresponding to certain degenerate principal series at the values s=3/2 and s=5/2 that were studied in 1204.3043. We show that these Eisenstein series have very simple Fourier coefficients as expected for their role as supersymmetric contributions to the higher derivative couplings R^4 and \partial^{4} R^4 coming from 1/2-BPS and 1/4-BPS instantons, respectively. This suggests that there exist minimal and next-to-minimal unipotent automorphic representations of the associated Kac-Moody groups to which these special Eisenstein series are attached. We also provide complete explicit expressions for degenerate Whittaker vectors of minimal Eisenstein series on E_6(R), E_7(R) and E_8(R) that have not appeared in the literature before.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Quantum groups via cyclic quiver varieties
We construct the quantized enveloping algebra of any simple Lie algebra of type ADE as the quotient of a Grothendieck ring arising from certain cyclic quiver varieties. In particular, the dual canonical basis of a one-half quantum group with respect to Lusztig's bilinear form is contained in the natural basis of the Grothendieck ring up to rescaling.
Second Quantized Mathieu Moonshine
We study the second quantized version of the twisted twining genera of generalized Mathieu moonshine, and verify that they give rise to Siegel modular forms with infinite product representations. Most of these forms are expected to have an interpretation as twisted partition functions counting 1/4 BPS dyons in type II superstring theory on K3\times T^2 or in heterotic CHL-models. We show that all these Siegel modular forms, independently of their possible physical interpretation, satisfy an "S-duality" transformation and a "wall-crossing formula". The latter reproduces all the eta-products of an older version of generalized Mathieu moonshine proposed by Mason in the '90s. Surprisingly, some of the Siegel modular forms we find coincide with the multiplicative (Borcherds) lifts of Jacobi forms in umbral moonshine.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
An identification of Lusztig's modified forms of quantum algebras and their analogues
We introduce a multi-parameter twisted Hopf algebra associated with a root datum and show that its modified form is isomorphic to Lusztig's modified quantum algebra under certain restrictions on the parameters. By taking various specializations of the parameters, we obtain similar results for two/multi-parameter quantum algebras and Kang-Kashiwara-Oh's multi-parameter quantum superalgebras. As a consequence, the categories of weight modules of these algebras are identical.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
S-Duality and Modular Transformation as a non-perturbative deformation of the ordinary pq-duality
A recent claim that the S-duality between 4d SUSY gauge theories, which is AGT related to the modular transformations of 2d conformal blocks, is no more than an ordinary Fourier transform at the perturbative level, is further traced down to the commutation relation [P,Q]=-i\hbar between the check-operator monodromies of the exponential resolvent operator in the underlying Dotsenko-Fateev matrix models and beta-ensembles. To this end, we treat the conformal blocks as eigenfunctions of the monodromy check operators, what is especially simple in the case of one-point toric block. The kernel of the modular transformation is then defined as the intertwiner of the two monodromies, and can be obtained straightforwardly, even when the eigenfunction interpretation of the blocks themselves is technically tedious. In this way, we provide an elementary derivation of the old expression for the modular kernel for the one-point toric conformal block.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Parabolic refined invariants and Macdonald polynomials
A string theoretic derivation is given for the conjecture of Hausel, Letellier, and Rodriguez-Villegas on the cohomology of character varieties with marked points. Their formula is identified with a refined BPS expansion in the stable pair theory of a local root stack, generalizing previous work of the first two authors in collaboration with G. Pan. Haiman's geometric construction for Macdonald polynomials is shown to emerge naturally in this context via geometric engineering. In particular this yields a new conjectural relation between Macdonald polynomials and refined local orbifold curve counting invariants. The string theoretic approach also leads to a new spectral cover construction for parabolic Higgs bundles in terms of holomorphic symplectic orbifolds.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Modular interpolating functions for N=4 SYM
We construct interpolating functions fully compatible with S-duality. We then consider the problem of resumming perturbative expansions for anomalous dimensions of low twist non-protected operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. The interpolations suggest that anomalous dimensions of leading twist operators in N=4 SYM take their maximum value at the point $\tau =\exp(i\pi/3)$. As another application, we study the problem of level-crossing, and argue that there is level crossing even for operators of low spin, for sufficiently high rank of the gauge group.
The sine-law gap probability, Painlevé 5, and asymptotic expansion by the topological recursion
The goal of this article is to rederive the connection between the Painlev\'e $5$ integrable system and the universal eigenvalues correlation functions of double-scaled hermitian matrix models, through the topological recursion method. More specifically we prove, \textbf{to all orders}, that the WKB asymptotic expansions of the $\tau$-function as well as of determinantal formulas arising from the Painlev\'e $5$ Lax pair are identical to the large $N$ double scaling asymptotic expansions of the partition function and correlation functions of any hermitian matrix model around a regular point in the bulk. In other words, we rederive the ``sine-law" universal bulk asymptotic of large random matrices and provide an alternative perturbative proof of universality in the bulk with only algebraic methods. Eventually we exhibit the first orders of the series expansion up to $O(N^{-5})$.
New N=1 Dualities from M5-branes and Outer-automorphism Twists
We generalize recent construction of four-dimensional N=1 SCFT from wrapping six-dimensional N=(2,0) theory on a Riemann surface to the case of D-type with outer-automorphism twists. This construction allows us to build various dual theories for a class of N=1 quiver theories of SO-USp type. In particular, we find there are five dual frames to SO(2N)/USp(2N-2)/G2 gauge theories with (4N-4)/4N/8 fundamental flavors, where three of them are non-Lagrangian. We check the dualities by computing the anomaly coefficients and the superconformal indices. In the process we verify that the index of D4 theory on a certain three punctured sphere with Z2 and Z3 twist lines exhibits the expected symmetry enhancement from G2xUSp(6) to E7.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
ABJ Fractional Brane from ABJM Wilson Loop
We present a new Fermi gas formalism for the ABJ matrix model. This formulation takes a form that identifies the effect of the fractional M2-brane in the ABJ matrix model as that of a composite Wilson loop operator in the corresponding ABJM matrix model. Using this formalism, we study the phase dependence of the ABJ partition function numerically and find a simple rule for it. We further compute first few exact values at some coupling constants. Fitting these exact values against the expected form of the grand potential we can write down the grand potential with exact coefficients. The results at various coupling constants enable us to conjecture an explicit form of the grand potential for general coupling constants. This matches with a natural generalization of the perturbative sum, worldsheet instantons and bound states from the ABJM matrix model, but contains a minor difference in the membrane instantons.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
All Genus Open-Closed Mirror Symmetry for Affine Toric Calabi-Yau 3-Orbifolds
We present a proof of the remodeling conjecture for affine toric Calabi-Yau 3-orbifolds.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Non-Lagrangian Theories from Brane Junctions
In this article we use 5-brane junctions to study the 5D T_N SCFTs corresponding to the 5D N=1 uplift of the 4D N=2 strongly coupled gauge theories, which are obtained by compactifying N M5 branes on a sphere with three full punctures. Even though these theories have no Lagrangian description, by using the 5-brane junctions proposed by Benini, Benvenuti and Tachikawa, we are able to derive their Seiberg-Witten curves and Nekrasov partition functions. We cross-check our results with the 5D superconformal index proposed by Kim, Kim and Lee. Through the AGTW correspondence, we discuss the relations between 5D superconformal indices and n-point functions of the q-deformed W_N Toda theories.
Topological strings and 5d T_N partition functions
We evaluate the Nekrasov partition function of 5d gauge theories engineered by webs of 5-branes, using the refined topological vertex on the dual Calabi-Yau threefolds. The theories include certain non-Lagrangian theories such as the T_N theory. The refined topological vertex computation generically contains contributions from decoupled M2-branes which are not charged under the 5d gauge symmetry engineered. We argue that, after eliminating them, the refined topological string partition function agrees with the 5d Nekrasov partition function. We explicitly check this for the T_3 theory as well as Sp(1) gauge theories with N_f = 2, 3, 4 flavors. In particular, our method leads to a new expression of the Sp(1) Nekrasov partition functions without any contour integrals. We also develop prescriptions to calculate the partition functions of theories obtained by Higgsing the T_N theory. We compute the partition function of the E_7 theory via this prescription, and find the E_7 global symmetry enhancement. We finally discuss a potential application of the refined topological vertex to non-toric web diagrams.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Closed Superstring Amplitudes, Single-Valued Multiple Zeta Values and Deligne Associator
We revisit the tree-level closed superstring amplitude and identify its alpha'-expansion as series with single-valued multiple zeta values as coefficients. The latter represent a subclass of multiple zeta values originating from harmonic polylogarithms at unity. Moreover, in terms of a non-commutative Hopf algebra the closed superstring amplitude can be cast into the same algebraic form as the open superstring amplitude: the closed superstring amplitude essentially is the single-valued version of the open superstring amplitude. This fact points into a deeper connection between gauge and gravity amplitudes than what is implied by Kawai-Lewellen-Tye relations. Finally, we give an explicit representation of the Deligne associator in terms of beta functions modulo squares of commutators of the underlying Lie algebra. This form of the associator can be interpreted as the four-point closed superstring amplitude.
Direct derivation of "mirror" ABJ partition function
We study the partition function of the three-dimensional N=6 U(N)_k x U(N+M)_{-k} superconformal Chern-Simons matter theory known as the ABJ theory. We prove that the ABJ partition function on S^3 is exactly the same as a formula recently proposed by Awata, Hirano and Shigemori. While this formula was previously obtained by an analytic continuation from the L(2,1) lens space matrix model, we directly derive this by using a generalization of the Cauchy determinant identity. We also give an interpretation for the formula from brane picture.
Supersymmetric gauge theories, Coulomb gases and Chern-Simons matrix models
We develop Coulomb gas pictures of strong and weak coupling regimes of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in five and four dimensions. By relating them to the matrix models that arise in Chern-Simons theory, we compute their free energies in the large N limit and establish relationships between the respective gauge theories. We use these correspondences to rederive the N^3 behaviour of the perturbative free energy of supersymmetric gauge theory on certain toric Sasaki-Einstein five-manifolds, and the one-loop thermal free energy of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a spatial three-sphere.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Elliptic genera and real Jacobi forms
We construct real Jacobi forms with matrix index using path integrals. The path integral expressions represent elliptic genera of two-dimensional N=(2,2) supersymmetric theories. They arise in a family labeled by two integers N and k which determine the central charge of the infrared fixed point through the formula c=3N(1+ 2N/k). We decompose the real Jacobi form into a mock modular form and a term arising from the continuous spectrum of the conformal field theory. We argue that the Jacobi form represents the elliptic genus of a theory defined on a 2N dimensional background with U(N) isometry, containing a complex projective space section, a circle fiber and a linear dilaton direction. We also present formulas for the elliptic genera of orbifolds of these models.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
On orbifolds of M-Strings
We consider M-theory in the presence of M parallel M5-branes probing a transverse A_{N-1} singularity. This leads to a superconformal theory with (1,0) supersymmetry in six dimensions. We compute the supersymmetric partition function of this theory on a two-torus, with arbitrary supersymmetry preserving twists, using the topological vertex formalism. Alternatively, we show that this can also be obtained by computing the elliptic genus of an orbifold of recently studied M-strings. The resulting 2d theory is a (4,0) supersymmetric quiver gauge theory whose Higgs branch corresponds to strings propagating on the moduli space of SU(N)^{M-1} instantons on R^4 where the right-moving fermions are coupled to a particular bundle.
M-strings, Elliptic Genera and N=4 String Amplitudes
S. Hohenegger, A. Iqbal
We study mass-deformed N=2 gauge theories from various points of view. Their partition functions can be computed via three dual approaches: firstly, (p,q)-brane webs in type II string theory using Nekrasov's instanton calculus, secondly, the (refined) topological string using the topological vertex formalism and thirdly, M theory via the elliptic genus of certain M-strings configurations. We argue for a large class of theories that these approaches yield the same gauge theory partition function which we study in detail. To make their modular properties more tangible, we consider a fourth approach by connecting the partition function to the equivariant elliptic genus of R^4 through a (singular) theta-transform. This form appears naturally as a specific class of one-loop scattering amplitudes in type II string theory on T^2, which we calculate explicitly.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Generalized quiver mutations and single-centered indices
Quiver quantum mechanics is invariant under Seiberg duality. A mathematical consequence is that the cohomology of the Higgs branch moduli space is invariant under mutations of the quiver. The Coulomb branch formula, on the other hand, conjecturally expresses the Poincar\'e / Dolbeault polynomial of the Higgs branch moduli space in terms of certain quantities known as single-centered indices. In this work we determine the transformations of these single-centered indices under mutations. Moreover, we generalize these mutations to quivers whose nodes carry single-centered indices different from unity. Although the Higgs branch description of these generalized quivers is currently unknown, the Coulomb branch formula is conjectured to be invariant under generalized mutations.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Tropical mirror symmetry for elliptic curves
Mirror symmetry relates Gromov-Witten invariants of an elliptic curve with certain integrals over Feynman graphs. We prove a tropical generalization of mirror symmetry for elliptic curves, i.e., a statement relating certain labeled Gromov-Witten invariants of a tropical elliptic curve to more refined Feynman integrals. This result easily implies the tropical analogue of the mirror symmetry statement mentioned above and, using the necessary Correspondence Theorem, also the mirror symmetry statement itself. In this way, our tropical generalization leads to an alternative proof of mirror symmetry for elliptic curves. We believe that our approach via tropical mirror symmetry naturally carries the potential of being generalized to more adventurous situations of mirror symmetry. Moreover, our tropical approach has the advantage that all involved invariants are easy to compute. Furthermore, we can use the techniques for computing Feynman integrals to prove that they are quasimodular forms. Also, as a side product, we can give a combinatorial characterization of Feynman graphs for which the corresponding integrals are zero. More generally, the tropical mirror symmetry theorem gives a natural interpretation of the A-model side (i.e., the generating function of Gromov-Witten invariants) in terms of a sum over Feynman graphs. Hence our quasimodularity result becomes meaningful on the A-model side as well. Our theoretical results are complemented by a Singular package including several procedures that can be used to compute Hurwitz numbers of the elliptic curve as integrals over Feynman graphs.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Jacobi Forms of Higher Index and Paramodular Groups in N=2, D=4 Compactifications of String Theory
We associate a Jacobi form over a rank s lattice to N=2, D=4 heterotic string compactifications which have s Wilson lines at a generic point in the vector multiplet moduli space. Jacobi forms of index m=1 and m=2 have appeared earlier in the context of threshold corrections to heterotic string couplings. We emphasize that higher index Jacobi forms as well as Jacobi forms of several variables over more generic even lattices also appear and construct models in which they arise. In particular, we construct an orbifold model which can be connected to models that give index m=3, 4 or 5 Jacobi forms through the Higgsing process. Constraints from being a Jacobi form are then employed to get threshold corrections using only partial information on the spectrum. We apply this procedure for index m=3, 4 or 5 Jacobi form examples and also for Jacobi forms over A_2 and A_3 root lattices. Examples with a single Wilson line are examined in detail and we display the relation of Siegel forms over a paramodular group \Gamma_m to these models, where \Gamma_m is associated with the T-duality group of the models we study. Finally, results on the heterotic string side are used to clarify the linear mapping of vector multiplet moduli to Type IIA duals without using the one-loop cubic part of the prepotential on the Type II side, and also to give predictions for the geometry of the dual Calabi-Yau manifolds.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Unified $(p,q; α,γ, l)$-deformation of oscillator algebra and two-dimensional conformal field theory
The unified $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-deformation of a number of well-known deformed oscillator algebras is introduced.The deformation is constructed by imputing new free parameters into the structure functions and by generalizing the defining relations of these algebras. The generalized Jordan-Schwinger and Holstein-Primakoff realizations of the $U_{pq}^{\alpha \gamma l}(su(2))$ algebra by the generalized $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-deformed operators are found. The generalized $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-deformation of the two-dimensional conformal field theory is established. By introducing the $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-operator product expansion (OPE) between the energy momentum tensor and primary fields, we obtain the $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-deformed centerless Virasoro algebra. The two-point correlation function of the primary generalized $ (p,q; \alpha,\gamma, l)$-deformed fields is calculated.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Universal Chern-Simons partition functions as quadruple Barnes' gamma-functions
We show that both perturbative and non-perturbative parts of universal partition functions of Chern-Simons theory on 3d sphere are ratios of four over four Barnes' quadruple gamma functions with arguments given by linear combinations of universal parameters. Since nonperturbative part of partition function is essentially a universal compact simple Lie group's volume, latter appears to be expressed through quadruple Barnes' functions, also. For SU(N) values of parameters recurrent relations on Barnes' functions give the proof of level-rank duality of complete partition function, thus extending that duality on non-integer level and rank. We note that integral representation of universal partition function is defined on few disjoint regions in parameters' space, corresponding to different signs of real parts of parameters, and introduce a framework for discussion of analytic continuation of partition functions(s) from these regions. Although initial integral representation is symmetric under all permutations of parameters (which corresponds particularly to $N \rightarrow -N$ duality of gauge theories with classical groups), analytic continuations are not symmetric under transposition of parameters with different signs of their real parts. For the particular case of SU(N) Chern-Simons this asymmetry appears to be the Kinkelin's functional equation (reflection relation) for Barnes' G-function.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Gauge/Liouville Triality
Conformal blocks of Liouville theory have a Coulomb-gas representation as Dotsenko-Fateev (DF) integrals over the positions of screening charges. For q-deformed Liouville, the conformal blocks on a sphere with an arbitrary number of punctures are manifestly the same, when written in DF representation, as the partition functions of a class of 3d U(N) gauge theories with N=4 supersymmetry, mass deformed to N=2, in the Omega-background. Coupling the 3d gauge theory to a hypermultiplet in fundamental representation corresponds to inserting a Liouville vertex operator; the two real mass parameters determine the momentum and position of the puncture. The DF integrals can be computed by residues. The result is the instanton sum of a five dimensional N=1 gauge theory. The positions of the poles are labeled by tuples of partitions, the residues of the integrand are the Nekrasov summands.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Hilbert Series for Moduli Spaces of Instantons on C^2/Z_n
We study chiral gauge-invariant operators on moduli spaces of G instantons for any classical group G on A-type ALE spaces using Hilbert Series (HS). Moduli spaces of instantons on an ALE space can be realized as Higgs branches of certain quiver gauge theories which appear as world-volume theories on Dp branes in a Dp-D(p+4) system with the D(p+4) branes (with or without O(p+4) planes) wrapping the ALE space. We study in detail a list of quiver gauge theories which are related to G-instantons of arbitrary ranks and instanton numbers on a generic A_{n-1} ALE space and discuss the corresponding brane configurations. For a large class of theories, we explicitly compute the Higgs branch HS which reveals various algebraic/geometric aspects of the moduli space such as the dimension of the space, generators of the moduli space and relations connecting them. In a large number of examples involving lower rank instantons, we demonstrate that HS for equivalent instantons of isomorphic gauge groups but very different quiver descriptions do indeed agree, as expected.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Instanton effects and quantum spectral curves
We study a spectral problem associated to the quantization of a spectral curve arising in local mirror symmetry. The perturbative WKB quantization condition is determined by the quantum periods, or equivalently by the refined topological string in the Nekrasov-Shatashvili (NS) limit. We show that the information encoded in the quantum periods is radically insufficient to determine the spectrum: there is an infinite series of instanton corrections, which are non-perturbative in \hbar, and lead to an exact WKB quantization condition. Moreover, we conjecture the precise form of the instanton corrections: they are determined by the standard or un-refined topological string free energy, and we test our conjecture successfully against numerical calculations of the spectrum. This suggests that the non-perturbative sector of the NS refined topological string contains information about the standard topological string. As an application of the WKB quantization condition, we explain some recent observations relating membrane instanton corrections in ABJM theory to the refined topological string.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Integral forms of Kac-Moody groups and Eisenstein series in low dimensional supergravity theories
Kac-Moody groups $G$ over $\mathbb{R}$ have been conjectured to occur as symmetry groups of supergravities in dimensions less than 3, and their integer forms $G(\mathbb{Z})$ are conjecturally U-duality groups. Mathematical descriptions of $G(\mathbb{Z})$, due to Tits, are functorial and not amenable to computation or applications. We construct Kac-Moody groups over $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{Z}$ using an analog of Chevalley's constructions in finite dimensions and Garland's constructions in the affine case. We extend a construction of Eisenstein series on finite dimensional semisimple algebraic groups using representation theory, which appeared in the context of superstring theory, to general Kac-Moody groups. This coincides with a generalization of Garland's Eisenstein series on affine Kac-Moody groups to general Kac-Moody groups and includes Eisenstein series on $E_{10}$ and $E_{11}$. For finite dimensional groups, Eisenstein series encode the quantum corrections in string theory and supergravity theories. Their Kac-Moody analogs will likely also play an important part in string theory, though their roles are not yet understood.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Eta Products, BPS States and K3 Surfaces
Inspired by the multiplicative nature of the Ramanujan modular discriminant, Delta, we consider physical realizations of certain multiplicative products over the Dedekind eta-function in two parallel directions: the generating function of BPS states in certain heterotic orbifolds and elliptic K3 surfaces associated to congruence subgroups of the modular group. We show that they are, after string duality to type II, the same K3 surfaces admitting Nikulin automorphisms. In due course, we will present some identities arising from q-expansions as well as relations to the sporadic Mathieu group M24.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Quantum Black Holes, Elliptic Genera and Spectral Partition Functions
We study M-theory and D-brane quantum partition functions for microscopic black hole ensembles within the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence in terms of highest weight representations of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, elliptic genera, and Hilbert schemes, and describe their relations to elliptic modular forms. The common feature in our examples lie in the modular properties of the characters of certain representations of the pertinent affine Lie algebras, and in the role of spectral functions of hyperbolic three-geometry associated with q-series in the calculation of elliptic genera. We present new calculations of supergravity elliptic genera on local Calabi-Yau threefolds in terms of BPS invariants and spectral functions, and also of equivariant D-brane elliptic genera on generic toric singularities. We use these examples to conjecture a link between the black hole partition functions and elliptic cohomology.
2d-4d Connection between q-Virasoro/W Block at Root of Unity Limit and Instanton Partition Function on ALE Space
We propose and demonstrate a limiting procedure in which, starting from the q-lifted version (or K-theoretic five dimensional version) of the (W)AGT conjecture to be assumed in this paper, the Virasoro/W block is generated in the r-th root of unity limit in q in the 2d side, while the same limit automatically generates the projection of the five dimensional instanton partition function onto that on the ALE space R^4/Z_r. This circumvents case-by-case conjectures to be made in a wealth of examples found so far. In the 2d side, we successfully generate the super-Virasoro algebra and the proper screening charge in the q -> -1, t -> -1 limit, from the defining relation of the q-Virasoro algebra and the q-deformed Heisenberg algebra. The central charge obtained coincides with that of the minimal series carrying odd integers of the N=1 superconformal algebra. In the r-th root of unity limit in q in the 2d side, we give some evidence of the appearance of the parafermion-like currents. Exploiting the q-analysis literatures, q-deformed su(n) block is readily generated both at generic q, t and the r-th root of unity limit. In the 4d side, we derive the proper normalization function for general (n, r) that accomplishes the automatic projection through the limit.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
A Twisted Quantum Toroidal Algebra
As an analog of the quantum TKK algebra, a twisted quantum toroidal algebra of type A_1 is introduced. Explicit realization of the new quantum TKK algebra is constructed with the help of twisted quantum vertex operators over a Fock space.
Symmetric quiver Hecke algebras and R-matrices of quantum affine algebras II
Let $\g$ be an untwisted affine Kac-Moody algebra of type $A^{(1)}_n$ $(n \ge 1)$ or $D^{(1)}_n$ $(n \ge 4)$ and let $\g_0$ be the underlying finite-dimensional simple Lie subalgebra of $\g$. For each Dynkin quiver $Q$ of type $\g_0$, Hernandez and Leclerc (\cite{HL11}) introduced a tensor subcategory $\CC_Q$ of the category of finite-dimensional integrable $\uqpg$-modules and proved that the Grothendieck ring of $\CC_Q$ is isomorphic to $\C [N]$, the coordinate ring of the unipotent group $N$ associated with $\g_0$. We apply the generalized quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality introduced in \cite{KKK13} to construct an exact functor $\F$ from the category of finite-dimensional graded $R$-modules to the category $\CC_Q$, where $R$ denotes the symmetric quiver Hecke algebra associated to $\g_0$. We prove that the homomorphism induced by the functor $\F$ coincides with the homomorphism of Hernandez and Leclerc and show that the functor $\F$ sends the simple modules to the simple modules.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Refined stable pair invariants for E-, M- and [p,q]-strings
We use mirror symmetry, the refined holomorphic anomaly equation and modularity properties of elliptic singularities to calculate the refined BPS invariants of stable pairs on non-compact Calabi-Yau manifolds, based on del Pezzo surfaces and elliptic surfaces, in particular the half K3. The BPS numbers contribute naturally to the five-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric index of M-theory, but they can be also interpreted in terms of the superconformal index in six dimensions and upon dimensional reduction the generating functions count N=2 Seiberg-Witten gauge theory instantons in four dimensions. Using the M/F-theory uplift the additional information encoded in the spin content can be used in an essential way to obtain information about BPS states in physical systems associated to small instantons, tensionless strings, gauge symmetry enhancement in F-theory by [p,q]-strings as well as M-strings.
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