Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Symplectic-Orthogonal Penner Models

M. Dalabeeh, N. Chair

The generating function for the orbifold Euler characteristic of the moduli space of real algebraic curves of genus $2g$ (locally orientable surfaces) with $n$ marked points $\chi^r(\mathfrak{M}_{2g,n})$, is identified with a simple formula. It is shown that the free energy in the continuum limit of both the symplectic and the orthogonal Penner models are almost identical, with the structure $F^{SP/SO}(\mu)=1/2F(\mu)\mp F^{NO}(\mu)$, where $F(\mu)$ is the Penner free energy and $F^{NO}(\mu)$ is the free energy contributions from the non-orientable surfaces. Both of these models have the same critical point as the Penner model.

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