Thursday, July 19, 2012

Quantum extremal loop weight modules and monomial crystals

M. Mathieu

In this paper we construct a new family of representations for the quantum toroidal algebras of type $A_n$. The definition of extremal loop weight modules of quantum toroidal algebras was proposed by Hernandez in [23]. We construct extremal loop weight modules associated to analogues of level 0 fundamental weights $\varpi_\ell$ for $\mathcal{U}_q(sl_{n+1}^{tor})$ when $n= 2r+1$ is odd and $\ell = 1$ or $\ell = r+1$, called level 0 extremal fundamental loop weight modules. To do it, we relate monomial realizations of level 0 extremal fundamental weight crystals with integrable representations of $\mathcal{U}_q(sl_{n+1}^{tor})$. The construction is based on the combinatorial study of these crystals: we introduce promotion operators for the level 0 extremal fundamental weight crystals, corresponding to the cyclic symmetry of the Dynkin diagram of type $A_n^{(1)}$. They are used to define an action of the quantum toroidal algebras at the level of representations. By specializing $q$ at roots of unity $\epsilon$, we get finite-dimensional modules of $\mathcal{U}_\epsilon(sl_{n+1}^{tor})$. In general, we give a conjectural process to construct extremal loop weight modules from monomial realizations of crystals.

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