Monday, April 23, 2012

Large N Duality, Mirror Symmetry, and a Q-deformed A-polynomial for Knots

Mina Aganagic, Cumrun Vafa

We reconsider topological string realization of SU(N) Chern-Simons theory on S^3. At large N, for every knot K in S^3, we obtain a polynomial A_K(x,p;Q) in two variables x,p depending on the t'Hooft coupling parameter Q=e^{Ng_s}. Its vanishing locus is the quantum corrected moduli space of a special Lagrangian brane L_K, associated to K, probing the large N dual geometry, the resolved conifold. Using a generalized SYZ conjecture this leads to the statement that for every such Lagrangian brane L_K we get a distinct mirror of the resolved conifold given by uv=A_K(x,p;Q). Perturbative corrections of the refined B-model for the open string sector on the mirror geometry capture BPS degeneracies and thus the knot homology invariants. Thus, in terms of its ability to distinguish knots, the classical function A_K(x,p;Q) contains at least as much information as knot homologies. In the special case when N=2, our observations lead to a physical explanation of the generalized (quantum) volume conjecture. Moreover, the specialization to Q=1 of A_K contains the classical A-polynomial of the knot as a factor.

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